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Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform
Copyright (C) Josh Stewart
A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
#include "globals.h"
#include "auxiliaries.h"
#include "maths.h"
#include "src/PID_v1/PID_v1.h"
#include "decoders.h"
#include "timers.h"
//Old PID method. Retained incase the new one has issues
//integerPID boostPID(&MAPx100, &boost_pwm_target_value, &boostTargetx100, configPage6.boostKP, configPage6.boostKI, configPage6.boostKD, DIRECT);
integerPID_ideal boostPID(&currentStatus.MAP, &currentStatus.boostDuty , &currentStatus.boostTarget, &configPage10.boostSens, &configPage10.boostIntv, configPage6.boostKP, configPage6.boostKI, configPage6.boostKD, DIRECT); //This is the PID object if that algorithm is used. Needs to be global as it maintains state outside of each function call
integerPID vvtPID(&vvt_pid_current_angle, &currentStatus.vvt1Duty, &vvt_pid_target_angle, configPage10.vvtCLKP, configPage10.vvtCLKI, configPage10.vvtCLKD, configPage6.vvtPWMdir); //This is the PID object if that algorithm is used. Needs to be global as it maintains state outside of each function call
integerPID vvt2PID(&vvt2_pid_current_angle, &currentStatus.vvt2Duty, &vvt2_pid_target_angle, configPage10.vvtCLKP, configPage10.vvtCLKI, configPage10.vvtCLKD, configPage4.vvt2PWMdir); //This is the PID object if that algorithm is used. Needs to be global as it maintains state outside of each function call
Fan control
void initialiseFan()
fan_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinFan));
fan_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinFan);
FAN_OFF(); //Initialise program with the fan in the off state
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
currentStatus.fanDuty = 0;
#if defined(PWM_FAN_AVAILABLE)
DISABLE_FAN_TIMER(); //disable FAN timer if available
if ( configPage2.fanEnable == 2 ) // PWM Fan control
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
fan_pwm_max_count = 1000000L / (32 * configPage6.fanFreq * 2); //Converts the frequency in Hz to the number of ticks (at 16uS) it takes to complete 1 cycle. Note that the frequency is divided by 2 coming from TS to allow for up to 512hz
fan_pwm_value = 0;
void fanControl()
if( configPage2.fanEnable == 1 ) // regular on/off fan control
int onTemp = (int)configPage6.fanSP - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET;
int offTemp = onTemp - configPage6.fanHyster;
bool fanPermit = false;
if ( configPage2.fanWhenOff == true) { fanPermit = true; }
else { fanPermit = BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_RUN); }
if ( (currentStatus.coolant >= onTemp) && (fanPermit == true) )
//Fan needs to be turned on.
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_CRANK) && (configPage2.fanWhenCranking == 0))
//If the user has elected to disable the fan during cranking, make sure it's off
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
else if ( (currentStatus.coolant <= offTemp) || (!fanPermit) )
//Fan needs to be turned off.
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
else if( configPage2.fanEnable == 2 )// PWM Fan control
bool fanPermit = false;
if ( configPage2.fanWhenOff == true) { fanPermit = true; }
else { fanPermit = BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_RUN); }
if (fanPermit == true)
if(BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_CRANK) && (configPage2.fanWhenCranking == 0))
currentStatus.fanDuty = 0; //If the user has elected to disable the fan during cranking, make sure it's off
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
#if defined(PWM_FAN_AVAILABLE)//PWM fan not available on Arduino MEGA
currentStatus.fanDuty = table2D_getValue(&fanPWMTable, currentStatus.coolant + CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET); //In normal situation read PWM duty from the table
#if defined(PWM_FAN_AVAILABLE)
fan_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.fanDuty, fan_pwm_max_count); //update FAN PWM value last
if (currentStatus.fanDuty > 0)
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
else if (!fanPermit)
currentStatus.fanDuty = 0; ////If the user has elected to disable the fan when engine is not running, make sure it's off
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
#if defined(PWM_FAN_AVAILABLE)
if(currentStatus.fanDuty == 0)
//Make sure fan has 0% duty)
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
else if (currentStatus.fanDuty == 200)
//Make sure fan has 100% duty
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
#else //Just in case if user still has selected PWM fan in TS, even though it warns that it doesn't work on mega.
if(currentStatus.fanDuty == 0)
//Make sure fan has 0% duty)
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
else if (currentStatus.fanDuty > 0)
//Make sure fan has 100% duty
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_FAN);
void initialiseAuxPWM()
boost_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinBoost));
boost_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinBoost);
vvt1_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinVVT_1));
vvt1_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinVVT_1);
vvt2_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinVVT_2));
vvt2_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinVVT_2);
n2o_stage1_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(configPage10.n2o_stage1_pin));
n2o_stage1_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(configPage10.n2o_stage1_pin);
n2o_stage2_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(configPage10.n2o_stage2_pin));
n2o_stage2_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(configPage10.n2o_stage2_pin);
n2o_arming_pin_port = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(configPage10.n2o_arming_pin));
n2o_arming_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(configPage10.n2o_arming_pin);
//This is a safety check that will be true if the board is uninitialised. This prevents hangs on a new board that could otherwise try to write to an invalid pin port/mask (Without this a new Teensy 4.x hangs on startup)
//The n2o_minTPS variable is capped at 100 by TS, so 255 indicates a new board.
if(configPage10.n2o_minTPS == 255) { configPage10.n2o_enable = 0; }
if(configPage10.n2o_enable > 0)
//The pin modes are only set if the if n2o is enabled to prevent them conflicting with other outputs.
if(configPage10.n2o_pin_polarity == 1) { pinMode(configPage10.n2o_arming_pin, INPUT_PULLUP); }
else { pinMode(configPage10.n2o_arming_pin, INPUT); }
boostPID.SetOutputLimits(configPage2.boostMinDuty, configPage2.boostMaxDuty);
if(configPage6.boostMode == BOOST_MODE_SIMPLE) { boostPID.SetTunings(SIMPLE_BOOST_P, SIMPLE_BOOST_I, SIMPLE_BOOST_D); }
else { boostPID.SetTunings(configPage6.boostKP, configPage6.boostKI, configPage6.boostKD); }
if( configPage6.vvtEnabled > 0)
currentStatus.vvt1Angle = 0;
currentStatus.vvt2Angle = 0;
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
vvt_pwm_max_count = 1000000L / (16 * configPage6.vvtFreq * 2); //Converts the frequency in Hz to the number of ticks (at 16uS) it takes to complete 1 cycle. Note that the frequency is divided by 2 coming from TS to allow for up to 512hz
#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY)
vvt_pwm_max_count = 1000000L / (32 * configPage6.vvtFreq * 2); //Converts the frequency in Hz to the number of ticks (at 16uS) it takes to complete 1 cycle. Note that the frequency is divided by 2 coming from TS to allow for up to 512hz
if(configPage6.vvtMode == VVT_MODE_CLOSED_LOOP)
vvtPID.SetOutputLimits(configPage10.vvtCLminDuty, configPage10.vvtCLmaxDuty);
vvtPID.SetTunings(configPage10.vvtCLKP, configPage10.vvtCLKI, configPage10.vvtCLKD);
vvtPID.SetSampleTime(33); //30Hz is 33,33ms
vvtPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); //Turn PID on
if (configPage10.vvt2Enabled == 1) // same for VVT2 if it's enabled
vvt2PID.SetOutputLimits(configPage10.vvtCLminDuty, configPage10.vvtCLmaxDuty);
vvt2PID.SetTunings(configPage10.vvtCLKP, configPage10.vvtCLKI, configPage10.vvtCLKD);
vvt2PID.SetSampleTime(33); //30Hz is 33,33ms
vvt2PID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); //Turn PID on
vvt1_pwm_value = 0;
vvt2_pwm_value = 0;
ENABLE_VVT_TIMER(); //Turn on the B compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt)
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT1_ERROR);
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT2_ERROR);
vvtTimeHold = false;
if (currentStatus.coolant >= (int)(configPage4.vvtMinClt - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)) { vvtIsHot = true; } //Checks to see if coolant's already at operating temperature
if( (configPage6.vvtEnabled == 0) && (configPage10.wmiEnabled >= 1) )
// config wmi pwm output to use vvt output
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
vvt_pwm_max_count = 1000000L / (16 * configPage6.vvtFreq * 2); //Converts the frequency in Hz to the number of ticks (at 16uS) it takes to complete 1 cycle. Note that the frequency is divided by 2 coming from TS to allow for up to 512hz
#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY)
vvt_pwm_max_count = 1000000L / (32 * configPage6.vvtFreq * 2); //Converts the frequency in Hz to the number of ticks (at 16uS) it takes to complete 1 cycle. Note that the frequency is divided by 2 coming from TS to allow for up to 512hz
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_WMI_EMPTY);
currentStatus.wmiPW = 0;
vvt1_pwm_value = 0;
vvt2_pwm_value = 0;
ENABLE_VVT_TIMER(); //Turn on the B compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt)
currentStatus.boostDuty = 0;
boostCounter = 0;
currentStatus.vvt1Duty = 0;
currentStatus.vvt2Duty = 0;
vvtCounter = 0;
currentStatus.nitrous_status = NITROUS_OFF;
void boostByGear()
if(configPage4.boostType == OPEN_LOOP_BOOST)
if( configPage9.boostByGearEnabled == 1 )
uint16_t combinedBoost = 0;
switch (currentStatus.gear)
case 1:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear1 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 10000 ){ currentStatus.boostDuty = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostDuty = 10000; }
case 2:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear2 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 10000 ){ currentStatus.boostDuty = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostDuty = 10000; }
case 3:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear3 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 10000 ){ currentStatus.boostDuty = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostDuty = 10000; }
case 4:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear4 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 10000 ){ currentStatus.boostDuty = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostDuty = 10000; }
case 5:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear5 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 10000 ){ currentStatus.boostDuty = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostDuty = 10000; }
case 6:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear6 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 10000 ){ currentStatus.boostDuty = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostDuty = 10000; }
else if( configPage9.boostByGearEnabled == 2 )
switch (currentStatus.gear)
case 1:
currentStatus.boostDuty = configPage9.boostByGear1 * 2 * 100;
case 2:
currentStatus.boostDuty = configPage9.boostByGear2 * 2 * 100;
case 3:
currentStatus.boostDuty = configPage9.boostByGear3 * 2 * 100;
case 4:
currentStatus.boostDuty = configPage9.boostByGear4 * 2 * 100;
case 5:
currentStatus.boostDuty = configPage9.boostByGear5 * 2 * 100;
case 6:
currentStatus.boostDuty = configPage9.boostByGear6 * 2 * 100;
else if (configPage4.boostType == CLOSED_LOOP_BOOST)
if( configPage9.boostByGearEnabled == 1 )
uint16_t combinedBoost = 0;
switch (currentStatus.gear)
case 1:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear1 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) / 100 ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 511 ){ currentStatus.boostTarget = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostTarget = 511; }
case 2:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear2 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) / 100 ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 511 ){ currentStatus.boostTarget = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostTarget = 511; }
case 3:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear3 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) / 100 ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 511 ){ currentStatus.boostTarget = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostTarget = 511; }
case 4:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear4 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) / 100 ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 511 ){ currentStatus.boostTarget = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostTarget = 511; }
case 5:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear5 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) / 100 ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 511 ){ currentStatus.boostTarget = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostTarget = 511; }
case 6:
combinedBoost = ( ((uint16_t)configPage9.boostByGear6 * (uint16_t)get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM)) / 100 ) << 2;
if( combinedBoost <= 511 ){ currentStatus.boostTarget = combinedBoost; }
else{ currentStatus.boostTarget = 511; }
else if( configPage9.boostByGearEnabled == 2 )
switch (currentStatus.gear)
case 1:
currentStatus.boostTarget = (configPage9.boostByGear1 << 1);
case 2:
currentStatus.boostTarget = (configPage9.boostByGear2 << 1);
case 3:
currentStatus.boostTarget = (configPage9.boostByGear3 << 1);
case 4:
currentStatus.boostTarget = (configPage9.boostByGear4 << 1);
case 5:
currentStatus.boostTarget = (configPage9.boostByGear5 << 1);
case 6:
currentStatus.boostTarget = (configPage9.boostByGear6 << 1);
#define BOOST_HYSTER 40
void boostControl()
if( configPage6.boostEnabled==1 )
if(configPage4.boostType == OPEN_LOOP_BOOST)
//Open loop
if ( (configPage9.boostByGearEnabled > 0) && (configPage2.vssMode > 1) ){ boostByGear(); }
else{ currentStatus.boostDuty = get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM) * 2 * 100; }
if(currentStatus.boostDuty > 10000) { currentStatus.boostDuty = 10000; } //Safety check
if(currentStatus.boostDuty == 0) { DISABLE_BOOST_TIMER(); BOOST_PIN_LOW(); } //If boost duty is 0, shut everything down
boost_pwm_target_value = ((unsigned long)(currentStatus.boostDuty) * boost_pwm_max_count) / 10000; //Convert boost duty (Which is a % multipled by 100) to a pwm count
else if (configPage4.boostType == CLOSED_LOOP_BOOST)
if( (boostCounter & 7) == 1)
if ( (configPage9.boostByGearEnabled > 0) && (configPage2.vssMode > 1) ){ boostByGear(); }
else{ currentStatus.boostTarget = get3DTableValue(&boostTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM) << 1; } //Boost target table is in kpa and divided by 2
if(currentStatus.MAP >= currentStatus.baro ) //Only engage boost control above baro pressure
//If flex fuel is enabled, there can be an adder to the boost target based on ethanol content
if( configPage2.flexEnabled == 1 )
currentStatus.boostTarget += table2D_getValue(&flexBoostTable, currentStatus.ethanolPct);;
currentStatus.flexBoostCorrection = 0;
if(currentStatus.boostTarget > 0)
//This only needs to be run very infrequently, once every 16 calls to boostControl(). This is approx. once per second
if( (boostCounter & 15) == 1)
boostPID.SetOutputLimits(configPage2.boostMinDuty, configPage2.boostMaxDuty);
if(configPage6.boostMode == BOOST_MODE_SIMPLE) { boostPID.SetTunings(SIMPLE_BOOST_P, SIMPLE_BOOST_I, SIMPLE_BOOST_D); }
else { boostPID.SetTunings(configPage6.boostKP, configPage6.boostKI, configPage6.boostKD); }
bool PIDcomputed = boostPID.Compute(); //Compute() returns false if the required interval has not yet passed.
if(currentStatus.boostDuty == 0) { DISABLE_BOOST_TIMER(); BOOST_PIN_LOW(); } //If boost duty is 0, shut everything down
if(PIDcomputed == true)
boost_pwm_target_value = ((unsigned long)(currentStatus.boostDuty) * boost_pwm_max_count) / 10000; //Convert boost duty (Which is a % multipled by 100) to a pwm count
//If boost target is 0, turn everything off
//Boost control does nothing if kPa below the hyster point
} //MAP above boost + hyster
} //Open / Cloosed loop
//Check for 100% duty cycle
if(currentStatus.boostDuty >= 10000)
DISABLE_BOOST_TIMER(); //Turn off the compare unit (ie turn off the interrupt) if boost duty is 100%
BOOST_PIN_HIGH(); //Turn on boost pin if duty is 100%
else if(currentStatus.boostDuty > 0)
ENABLE_BOOST_TIMER(); //Turn on the compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt) if boost duty is > 0
else { // Disable timer channel and zero the flex boost correction status
currentStatus.flexBoostCorrection = 0;
void vvtControl()
if( (configPage6.vvtEnabled == 1) && (currentStatus.coolant >= (int)(configPage4.vvtMinClt - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)) && (BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_RUN)))
if(vvtTimeHold == false)
vvtWarmTime = runSecsX10;
vvtTimeHold = true;
//Calculate the current cam angle for miata trigger
if( configPage4.TrigPattern == 9 ) { currentStatus.vvt1Angle = getCamAngle_Miata9905(); }
if( (vvtIsHot == true) || ((runSecsX10 - vvtWarmTime) >= (configPage4.vvtDelay * VVT_TIME_DELAY_MULTIPLIER)) )
vvtIsHot = true;
if( (configPage6.vvtMode == VVT_MODE_OPEN_LOOP) || (configPage6.vvtMode == VVT_MODE_ONOFF) )
//Lookup VVT duty based on either MAP or TPS
if(configPage6.vvtLoadSource == VVT_LOAD_TPS) { currentStatus.vvt1Duty = get3DTableValue(&vvtTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM); }
else { currentStatus.vvt1Duty = get3DTableValue(&vvtTable, (currentStatus.MAP), currentStatus.RPM); }
//VVT table can be used for controlling on/off switching. If this is turned on, then disregard any interpolation or non-binary values
if( (configPage6.vvtMode == VVT_MODE_ONOFF) && (currentStatus.vvt1Duty < 200) ) { currentStatus.vvt1Duty = 0; }
vvt1_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt1Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count);
if (configPage10.vvt2Enabled == 1) // same for VVT2 if it's enabled
//Lookup VVT duty based on either MAP or TPS
if(configPage6.vvtLoadSource == VVT_LOAD_TPS) { currentStatus.vvt2Duty = get3DTableValue(&vvt2Table, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM); }
else { currentStatus.vvt2Duty = get3DTableValue(&vvt2Table, (currentStatus.MAP), currentStatus.RPM); }
//VVT table can be used for controlling on/off switching. If this is turned on, then disregard any interpolation or non-binary values
if( (configPage6.vvtMode == VVT_MODE_ONOFF) && (currentStatus.vvt2Duty < 200) ) { currentStatus.vvt2Duty = 0; }
vvt2_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt2Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count);
} //Open loop
else if( (configPage6.vvtMode == VVT_MODE_CLOSED_LOOP) )
//Lookup VVT duty based on either MAP or TPS
if(configPage6.vvtLoadSource == VVT_LOAD_TPS) { currentStatus.vvt1TargetAngle = get3DTableValue(&vvtTable, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM); }
else { currentStatus.vvt1TargetAngle = get3DTableValue(&vvtTable, currentStatus.MAP, currentStatus.RPM); }
if( (vvtCounter & 31) == 1) { vvtPID.SetTunings(configPage10.vvtCLKP, configPage10.vvtCLKI, configPage10.vvtCLKD); //This only needs to be run very infrequently, once every 32 calls to vvtControl(). This is approx. once per second
vvtPID.SetControllerDirection(configPage6.vvtPWMdir); }
// safety check that the cam angles are ok. The engine will be totally undriveable if the cam sensor is faulty and giving wrong cam angles, so if that happens, default to 0 duty.
// This also prevents using zero or negative current angle values for PID adjustment, because those don't work in integer PID.
if ( currentStatus.vvt1Angle <= configPage10.vvtCLMinAng || currentStatus.vvt1Angle > configPage10.vvtCLMaxAng )
currentStatus.vvt1Duty = 0;
vvt1_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt1Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count);
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT1_ERROR);
//Check that we're not already at the angle we want to be
else if((configPage6.vvtCLUseHold > 0) && (currentStatus.vvt1TargetAngle == currentStatus.vvt1Angle) )
currentStatus.vvt1Duty = configPage10.vvtCLholdDuty;
vvt1_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt1Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count);
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT1_ERROR);
//This is dumb, but need to convert the current angle into a long pointer.
vvt_pid_target_angle = (unsigned long)currentStatus.vvt1TargetAngle;
vvt_pid_current_angle = (long)currentStatus.vvt1Angle;
//If not already at target angle, calculate new value from PID
bool PID_compute = vvtPID.Compute(true);
//vvtPID.Compute2(currentStatus.vvt1TargetAngle, currentStatus.vvt1Angle, false);
//vvt_pwm_target_value = percentage(40, vvt_pwm_max_count);
//if (currentStatus.vvt1Angle > currentStatus.vvt1TargetAngle) { vvt_pwm_target_value = 0; }
if(PID_compute == true) { vvt1_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt1Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count); }
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT1_ERROR);
if (configPage10.vvt2Enabled == 1) // same for VVT2 if it's enabled
if(configPage6.vvtLoadSource == VVT_LOAD_TPS) { currentStatus.vvt2TargetAngle = get3DTableValue(&vvt2Table, (currentStatus.TPS * 2), currentStatus.RPM); }
else { currentStatus.vvt2TargetAngle = get3DTableValue(&vvt2Table, currentStatus.MAP, currentStatus.RPM); }
if( vvtCounter == 30) { vvt2PID.SetTunings(configPage10.vvtCLKP, configPage10.vvtCLKI, configPage10.vvtCLKD); //This only needs to be run very infrequently, once every 32 calls to vvtControl(). This is approx. once per second
vvt2PID.SetControllerDirection(configPage4.vvt2PWMdir); }
// safety check that the cam angles are ok. The engine will be totally undriveable if the cam sensor is faulty and giving wrong cam angles, so if that happens, default to 0 duty.
// This also prevents using zero or negative current angle values for PID adjustment, because those don't work in integer PID.
if ( currentStatus.vvt2Angle <= configPage10.vvtCLMinAng || currentStatus.vvt2Angle > configPage10.vvtCLMaxAng )
currentStatus.vvt2Duty = 0;
vvt2_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt2Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count);
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT2_ERROR);
//Check that we're not already at the angle we want to be
else if((configPage6.vvtCLUseHold > 0) && (currentStatus.vvt2TargetAngle == currentStatus.vvt2Angle) )
currentStatus.vvt2Duty = configPage10.vvtCLholdDuty;
vvt2_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt2Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count);
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT2_ERROR);
//This is dumb, but need to convert the current angle into a long pointer.
vvt2_pid_target_angle = (unsigned long)currentStatus.vvt2TargetAngle;
vvt2_pid_current_angle = (long)currentStatus.vvt2Angle;
//If not already at target angle, calculate new value from PID
bool PID_compute = vvt2PID.Compute(true);
if(PID_compute == true) { vvt2_pwm_value = halfPercentage(currentStatus.vvt2Duty, vvt_pwm_max_count); }
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_VVT2_ERROR);
//Set the PWM state based on the above lookups
if( (currentStatus.vvt1Duty == 0) && (currentStatus.vvt2Duty == 0) )
//Make sure solenoid is off (0% duty)
vvt1_pwm_state = false;
vvt1_max_pwm = false;
vvt2_pwm_state = false;
vvt2_max_pwm = false;
else if( (currentStatus.vvt1Duty >= 200) && (currentStatus.vvt2Duty >= 200) )
//Make sure solenoid is on (100% duty)
vvt1_pwm_state = true;
vvt1_max_pwm = true;
vvt2_pwm_state = true;
vvt2_max_pwm = true;
//Duty cycle is between 0 and 100. Make sure the timer is enabled
if(currentStatus.vvt1Duty < 200) { vvt1_max_pwm = false; }
if(currentStatus.vvt2Duty < 200) { vvt2_max_pwm = false; }
// Disable timer channel
currentStatus.vvt1Duty = 0;
vvt1_pwm_value = 0;
currentStatus.vvt2Duty = 0;
vvt2_pwm_value = 0;
vvt1_pwm_state = false;
vvt1_max_pwm = false;
vvt2_pwm_state = false;
vvt2_max_pwm = false;
void nitrousControl()
bool nitrousOn = false; //This tracks whether the control gets turned on at any point.
if(configPage10.n2o_enable > 0)
bool isArmed = READ_N2O_ARM_PIN();
if (configPage10.n2o_pin_polarity == 1) { isArmed = !isArmed; } //If nitrous is active when pin is low, flip the reading (n2o_pin_polarity = 0 = active when High)
//Perform the main checks to see if nitrous is ready
if( (isArmed == true) && (currentStatus.coolant > (configPage10.n2o_minCLT - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)) && (currentStatus.TPS > configPage10.n2o_minTPS) && (currentStatus.O2 < configPage10.n2o_maxAFR) && (currentStatus.MAP < (uint16_t)(configPage10.n2o_maxMAP * 2)) )
//Config page values are divided by 100 to fit within a byte. Multiply them back out to real values.
uint16_t realStage1MinRPM = (uint16_t)configPage10.n2o_stage1_minRPM * 100;
uint16_t realStage1MaxRPM = (uint16_t)configPage10.n2o_stage1_maxRPM * 100;
uint16_t realStage2MinRPM = (uint16_t)configPage10.n2o_stage2_minRPM * 100;
uint16_t realStage2MaxRPM = (uint16_t)configPage10.n2o_stage2_maxRPM * 100;
//The nitrous state is set to 0 and then the subsequent stages are added
// OFF = 0
// STAGE1 = 1
// STAGE2 = 2
// BOTH = 3 (ie STAGE1 + STAGE2 = BOTH)
currentStatus.nitrous_status = NITROUS_OFF; //Reset the current state
if( (currentStatus.RPM > realStage1MinRPM) && (currentStatus.RPM < realStage1MaxRPM) )
currentStatus.nitrous_status += NITROUS_STAGE1;
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_NITROUS);
nitrousOn = true;
if(configPage10.n2o_enable == NITROUS_STAGE2) //This is really just a sanity check
if( (currentStatus.RPM > realStage2MinRPM) && (currentStatus.RPM < realStage2MaxRPM) )
currentStatus.nitrous_status += NITROUS_STAGE2;
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_NITROUS);
nitrousOn = true;
if (nitrousOn == false)
currentStatus.nitrous_status = NITROUS_OFF;
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_NITROUS);
if(configPage10.n2o_enable > 0)
// Water methanol injection control
void wmiControl()
int wmiPW = 0;
// wmi can only work when vvt is disabled
if( (configPage6.vvtEnabled == 0) && (configPage10.wmiEnabled >= 1) )
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_WMI_EMPTY);
if( (currentStatus.TPS >= configPage10.wmiTPS) && (currentStatus.RPMdiv100 >= configPage10.wmiRPM) && ( (currentStatus.MAP / 2) >= configPage10.wmiMAP) && ( (currentStatus.IAT + CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET) >= configPage10.wmiIAT) )
// Simple mode - Output is turned on when preset boost level is reached
wmiPW = 100;
// Proportional Mode - Output PWM is proportionally controlled between two MAP values - MAP Value 1 = PWM:0% / MAP Value 2 = PWM:100%
wmiPW = map(currentStatus.MAP/2, configPage10.wmiMAP, configPage10.wmiMAP2, 0, 100);
// Mapped open loop - Output PWM follows 2D map value (RPM vs MAP) Cell value contains desired PWM% [range 0-100%]
wmiPW = get3DTableValue(&wmiTable, currentStatus.MAP, currentStatus.RPM);
// Mapped closed loop - Output PWM follows injector duty cycle with 2D correction map applied (RPM vs MAP). Cell value contains correction value% [nom 100%]
wmiPW = max(0, ((int)currentStatus.PW1 + configPage10.wmiOffset)) * get3DTableValue(&wmiTable, currentStatus.MAP, currentStatus.RPM) / 100;
// Wrong mode
wmiPW = 0;
if (wmiPW > 100) { wmiPW = 100; } //without this the duty can get beyond 100%
else { BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_WMI_EMPTY); }
currentStatus.wmiPW = wmiPW;
vvt1_pwm_value = percentage(currentStatus.wmiPW, vvt_pwm_max_count);
if(wmiPW == 0)
// Make sure water pump is off
digitalWrite(pinWMIEnabled, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinWMIEnabled, HIGH);
if (wmiPW >= 100)
// Make sure water pump is on (100% duty)
void boostDisable()
boostPID.Initialize(); //This resets the ITerm value to prevent rubber banding
currentStatus.boostDuty = 0;
DISABLE_BOOST_TIMER(); //Turn off timer
BOOST_PIN_LOW(); //Make sure solenoid is off (0% duty)
//The interrupt to control the Boost PWM
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
void boostInterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (boost_pwm_state == true)
BOOST_PIN_LOW(); // Switch pin to low
SET_COMPARE(BOOST_TIMER_COMPARE, BOOST_TIMER_COUNTER + (boost_pwm_max_count - boost_pwm_cur_value) );
boost_pwm_state = false;
BOOST_PIN_HIGH(); // Switch pin high
boost_pwm_cur_value = boost_pwm_target_value;
boost_pwm_state = true;
//The interrupt to control the VVT PWM
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
void vvtInterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if ( ((vvt1_pwm_state == false) || (vvt1_max_pwm == true)) && ((vvt2_pwm_state == false) || (vvt2_max_pwm == true)) )
if( (vvt1_pwm_value > 0) && (vvt1_max_pwm == false) ) //Don't toggle if at 0%
vvt1_pwm_state = true;
if( (vvt2_pwm_value > 0) && (vvt2_max_pwm == false) ) //Don't toggle if at 0%
vvt2_pwm_state = true;
if( (vvt1_pwm_state == true) && ((vvt1_pwm_value <= vvt2_pwm_value) || (vvt2_pwm_state == false)) )
vvt1_pwm_cur_value = vvt1_pwm_value;
vvt2_pwm_cur_value = vvt2_pwm_value;
if (vvt1_pwm_value == vvt2_pwm_value) { nextVVT = 2; } //Next event is for both PWM
else { nextVVT = 0; } //Next event is for PWM0
else if( vvt2_pwm_state == true )
vvt1_pwm_cur_value = vvt1_pwm_value;
vvt2_pwm_cur_value = vvt2_pwm_value;
nextVVT = 1; //Next event is for PWM1
else { SET_COMPARE(VVT_TIMER_COMPARE, VVT_TIMER_COUNTER + vvt_pwm_max_count); } //Shouldn't ever get here
if(nextVVT == 0)
if(vvt1_pwm_value < (long)vvt_pwm_max_count) //Don't toggle if at 100%
vvt1_pwm_state = false;
vvt1_max_pwm = false;
else { vvt1_max_pwm = true; }
nextVVT = 1; //Next event is for PWM1
if(vvt2_pwm_state == true){ SET_COMPARE(VVT_TIMER_COMPARE, VVT_TIMER_COUNTER + (vvt2_pwm_cur_value - vvt1_pwm_cur_value) ); }
SET_COMPARE(VVT_TIMER_COMPARE, VVT_TIMER_COUNTER + (vvt_pwm_max_count - vvt1_pwm_cur_value) );
nextVVT = 2; //Next event is for both PWM
else if (nextVVT == 1)
if(vvt2_pwm_value < (long)vvt_pwm_max_count) //Don't toggle if at 100%
vvt2_pwm_state = false;
vvt2_max_pwm = false;
else { vvt2_max_pwm = true; }
nextVVT = 0; //Next event is for PWM0
if(vvt1_pwm_state == true) { SET_COMPARE(VVT_TIMER_COMPARE, VVT_TIMER_COUNTER + (vvt1_pwm_cur_value - vvt2_pwm_cur_value) ); }
SET_COMPARE(VVT_TIMER_COMPARE, VVT_TIMER_COUNTER + (vvt_pwm_max_count - vvt2_pwm_cur_value) );
nextVVT = 2; //Next event is for both PWM
if(vvt1_pwm_value < (long)vvt_pwm_max_count) //Don't toggle if at 100%
vvt1_pwm_state = false;
vvt1_max_pwm = false;
SET_COMPARE(VVT_TIMER_COMPARE, VVT_TIMER_COUNTER + (vvt_pwm_max_count - vvt1_pwm_cur_value) );
else { vvt1_max_pwm = true; }
if(vvt2_pwm_value < (long)vvt_pwm_max_count) //Don't toggle if at 100%
vvt2_pwm_state = false;
vvt2_max_pwm = false;
SET_COMPARE(VVT_TIMER_COMPARE, VVT_TIMER_COUNTER + (vvt_pwm_max_count - vvt2_pwm_cur_value) );
else { vvt2_max_pwm = true; }
#if defined(PWM_FAN_AVAILABLE)
//The interrupt to control the FAN PWM. Mega2560 doesn't have enough timers, so this is only for the ARM chip ones
void fanInterrupt()
if (fan_pwm_state == true)
FAN_TIMER_COMPARE = FAN_TIMER_COUNTER + (fan_pwm_max_count - fan_pwm_cur_value);
fan_pwm_state = false;
fan_pwm_cur_value = fan_pwm_value;
fan_pwm_state = true;