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Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform
Copyright (C) Josh Stewart
A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
can_comms was originally contributed by Darren Siepka
secondserial_command is called when a command is received from the secondary serial port
It parses the command and calls the relevant function.
can_command is called when a command is received by the onboard/attached canbus module
It parses the command and calls the relevant function.
sendcancommand is called when a command is to be sent either to serial3
,to the external Can interface, or to the onboard/attached can interface
#include "globals.h"
#include "comms_secondary.h"
#include "maths.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "comms_legacy.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "page_crc.h"
uint8_t currentSecondaryCommand;
#if ( defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) )
HardwareSerial &secondarySerial = Serial3;
#elif defined(CORE_STM32)
#ifndef HAVE_HWSERIAL2 //Hack to get the code to compile on BlackPills
#define Serial2 Serial1
#if defined(STM32GENERIC) // STM32GENERIC core
SerialUART &secondarySerial = Serial2;
#else //libmaple core aka STM32DUINO
HardwareSerial &secondarySerial = Serial2;
#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY)
HardwareSerial &secondarySerial = Serial2;
void secondserial_Command(void)
#if defined(secondarySerial_AVAILABLE)
if ( serialSecondaryStatusFlag == SERIAL_INACTIVE ) { currentSecondaryCommand = secondarySerial.read(); }
switch (currentSecondaryCommand)
case 'A':
// sends a fixed 75 bytes of data. Used by Real Dash (Among others)
//sendcanValues(0, CAN_PACKET_SIZE, 0x31, 1); //send values to serial3
sendValues(0, CAN_PACKET_SIZE, 0x31, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag); //send values to serial3
case 'b': // New EEPROM burn command to only burn a single page at a time
legacySerialHandler(currentSecondaryCommand, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag);
case 'B': // AS above but for the serial compatibility mode.
BIT_SET(currentStatus.status4, BIT_STATUS4_COMMS_COMPAT); //Force the compat mode
legacySerialHandler(currentSecondaryCommand, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag);
case 'd': // Send a CRC32 hash of a given page
legacySerialHandler(currentSecondaryCommand, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag);
case 'G': // this is the reply command sent by the Can interface
byte destcaninchannel;
if (secondarySerial.available() >= 9)
serialSecondaryStatusFlag = SERIAL_INACTIVE;
uint8_t cmdSuccessful = secondarySerial.read(); //0 == fail, 1 == good.
destcaninchannel = secondarySerial.read(); // the input channel that requested the data value
if (cmdSuccessful != 0)
{ // read all 8 bytes of data.
uint8_t Gdata[9];
uint8_t Glow, Ghigh;
for (byte Gx = 0; Gx < 8; Gx++) // first two are the can address the data is from. next two are the can address the data is for.then next 1 or two bytes of data
Gdata[Gx] = secondarySerial.read();
Glow = Gdata[(configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[destcaninchannel]&7)];
if ((BIT_CHECK(configPage9.caninput_source_num_bytes,destcaninchannel) > 0)) //if true then num bytes is 2
if ((configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[destcaninchannel]&7) < 8) //you can't have a 2 byte value starting at byte 7(8 on the list)
Ghigh = Gdata[((configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[destcaninchannel]&7)+1)];
else { Ghigh = 0; }
Ghigh = 0;
currentStatus.canin[destcaninchannel] = (Ghigh<<8) | Glow;
else{} //continue as command request failed and/or data/device was not available
case 'k': //placeholder for new can interface (toucan etc) commands
case 'L':
//uint8_t Llength;
while (secondarySerial.available() == 0) { }
uint8_t canListen = secondarySerial.read();
if (canListen == 0)
//command request failed and/or data/device was not available
while (secondarySerial.available() == 0) { }
Unclear what the below is trying to achieve. Commenting out for now to avoid compiler warnings for unused variables
Llength = secondarySerial.read(); // next the number of bytes expected value
uint8_t Lbuffer[8]; //8 byte buffer to store incoming can data
for (uint8_t Lcount = 0; Lcount <Llength ;Lcount++)
while (secondarySerial.available() == 0){}
// receive all x bytes into "Lbuffer"
Lbuffer[Lcount] = secondarySerial.read();
case 'n': // sends the bytes of realtime values from the NEW CAN list
sendValues(0, NEW_CAN_PACKET_SIZE, 0x32, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag); //send values to serial3
case 'p':
legacySerialHandler(currentSecondaryCommand, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag);
case 'Q': // send code version
legacySerialHandler(currentSecondaryCommand, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag);
case 'r': //New format for the optimised OutputChannels over CAN
legacySerialHandler(currentSecondaryCommand, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag);
case 's': // send the "a" stream code version
secondarySerial.print(F("Speeduino csx02019.8"));
case 'S': // send code version
if(configPage9.secondarySerialProtocol == SECONDARY_SERIAL_PROTO_MSDROID) { legacySerialHandler('Q', secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag); } //Note 'Q', this is a workaround for msDroid
else { legacySerialHandler(currentSecondaryCommand, secondarySerial, serialSecondaryStatusFlag); }
case 'Z': //dev use
void can_Command(void)
//int currentcanCommand = inMsg.id;
// currentStatus.canin[12] = (inMsg.id);
if ( (inMsg.id == uint16_t(configPage9.obd_address + 0x100)) || (inMsg.id == 0x7DF))
// The address is the speeduino specific ecu canbus address
// or the 0x7df(2015 dec) broadcast address
if (inMsg.buf[1] == 0x01)
// PID mode 0 , realtime data stream
obd_response(inMsg.buf[1], inMsg.buf[2], 0); // get the obd response based on the data in byte2
outMsg.id = (0x7E8); //((configPage9.obd_address + 0x100)+ 8);
Can0.write(outMsg); // send the 8 bytes of obd data
if (inMsg.buf[1] == 0x22)
// PID mode 22h , custom mode , non standard data
obd_response(inMsg.buf[1], inMsg.buf[2], inMsg.buf[3]); // get the obd response based on the data in byte2
outMsg.id = (0x7E8); //configPage9.obd_address+8);
Can0.write(outMsg); // send the 8 bytes of obd data
if (inMsg.id == uint16_t(configPage9.obd_address + 0x100))
// The address is only the speeduino specific ecu canbus address
if (inMsg.buf[1] == 0x09)
// PID mode 9 , vehicle information request
if (inMsg.buf[2] == 02)
//send the VIN number , 17 char long VIN sent in 5 messages.
else if (inMsg.buf[2] == 0x0A)
//code 20: send 20 ascii characters with ECU name , "ECU -SpeeduinoXXXXXX" , change the XXXXXX ONLY as required.
// this routine sends a request(either "0" for a "G" , "1" for a "L" , "2" for a "R" to the Can interface or "3" sends the request via the actual local canbus
void sendCancommand(uint8_t cmdtype, uint16_t canaddress, uint8_t candata1, uint8_t candata2, uint16_t sourcecanAddress)
#if defined(secondarySerial_AVAILABLE)
switch (cmdtype)
case 0:
secondarySerial.write(canaddress); //tscanid of speeduino device
secondarySerial.write(candata1); // table id
secondarySerial.write(candata2); //table memory offset
case 1: //send request to listen for a can message
secondarySerial.write(canaddress); //11 bit canaddress of device to listen for
case 2: // requests via serial3
secondarySerial.print("R"); //send "R" to request data from the sourcecanAddress whose value is sent next
secondarySerial.write(candata1); //the currentStatus.current_caninchannel
secondarySerial.write(lowByte(sourcecanAddress) ); //send lsb first
secondarySerial.write(highByte(sourcecanAddress) );
case 3:
//send to truecan send routine
//canaddress == speeduino canid, candata1 == canin channel dest, paramgroup == can address to request from
//This section is to be moved to the correct can output routine later
outMsg.id = (canaddress);
outMsg.len = 8;
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x0B ; //11;
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x15;
outMsg.buf[2] = candata1;
outMsg.buf[3] = 0x24;
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x7F;
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x70;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x9E;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x4D;
// This routine builds the realtime data into packets that the obd requesting device can understand. This is only used by teensy and stm32 with onboard canbus
void obd_response(uint8_t PIDmode, uint8_t requestedPIDlow, uint8_t requestedPIDhigh)
//only build the PID if the mcu has onboard/attached can
uint16_t obdcalcA; //used in obd calcs
uint16_t obdcalcB; //used in obd calcs
uint16_t obdcalcC; //used in obd calcs
uint16_t obdcalcD; //used in obd calcs
uint32_t obdcalcE32; //used in calcs
uint32_t obdcalcF32; //used in calcs
uint16_t obdcalcG16; //used in calcs
uint16_t obdcalcH16; //used in calcs
outMsg.len = 8;
if (PIDmode == 0x01)
//currentStatus.canin[13] = therequestedPIDlow;
switch (requestedPIDlow)
case 0: //PID-0x00 PIDs supported 01-20
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 6 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x00; // PID code
outMsg.buf[3] = 0x08; //B0000 1000 1-8
outMsg.buf[4] = B01111110; //9-16
outMsg.buf[5] = B10100000; //17-24
outMsg.buf[6] = B00010001; //17-32
outMsg.buf[7] = B00000000;
case 5: //PID-0x05 Engine coolant temperature , range is -40 to 215 deg C , formula == A-40
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x05; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = (byte)(currentStatus.coolant + CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET); //the data value A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; //the data value B which is 0 as unused
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 10: // PID-0x0A , Fuel Pressure (Gauge) , range is 0 to 765 kPa , formula == A / 3)
uint16_t temp_fuelpressure;
// Fuel pressure is in PSI. PSI to kPa is 6.89475729, but that needs to be divided by 3 for OBD2 formula. So 2.298.... 2.3 is close enough, so that in fraction.
temp_fuelpressure = (currentStatus.fuelPressure * 23) / 10;
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 byte
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; //
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x0A; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = lowByte(temp_fuelpressure);
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 11: // PID-0x0B , MAP , range is 0 to 255 kPa , Formula == A
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 byte
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; //
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x0B; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = lowByte(currentStatus.MAP); // absolute map
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 12: // PID-0x0C , RPM , range is 0 to 16383.75 rpm , Formula == 256A+B / 4
uint16_t temp_revs;
temp_revs = currentStatus.RPM << 2 ; //
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x04; // sending 4 byte
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; //
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x0C; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = highByte(temp_revs); //obdcalcB; A
outMsg.buf[4] = lowByte(temp_revs); //obdcalcD; B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 13: //PID-0x0D , Vehicle speed , range is 0 to 255 km/h , formula == A
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x0D; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = lowByte(currentStatus.vss); // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 14: //PID-0x0E , Ignition Timing advance, range is -64 to 63.5 BTDC , formula == A/2 - 64
int8_t temp_timingadvance;
temp_timingadvance = ((currentStatus.advance + 64) << 1);
//obdcalcA = ((timingadvance + 64) <<1) ; //((timingadvance + 64) *2)
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x0E; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = temp_timingadvance; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 15: //PID-0x0F , Inlet air temperature , range is -40 to 215 deg C, formula == A-40
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x0F; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = (byte)(currentStatus.IAT + CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET); // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 17: // PID-0x11 ,
// TPS percentage, range is 0 to 100 percent, formula == 100/256 A
uint16_t temp_tpsPC;
temp_tpsPC = currentStatus.TPS;
obdcalcA = (temp_tpsPC <<8) / 100; // (tpsPC *256) /100;
if (obdcalcA > 255){ obdcalcA = 255;}
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x11; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = obdcalcA; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 19: //PID-0x13 , oxygen sensors present, A0-A3 == bank1 , A4-A7 == bank2 ,
uint16_t O2present;
O2present = B00000011 ; //realtimebufferA[24]; TEST VALUE !!!!!
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x13; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = O2present ; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 28: // PID-0x1C obd standard
uint16_t obdstandard;
obdstandard = 7; // This is OBD2 / EOBD
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x1C; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = obdstandard; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 32: // PID-0x20 PIDs supported [21-40]
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 4 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x20; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = B00011000; // 33-40
outMsg.buf[4] = B00000000; //41 - 48
outMsg.buf[5] = B00100000; //49-56
outMsg.buf[6] = B00000001; //57-64
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 36: // PID-0x24 O2 sensor2, AB: fuel/air equivalence ratio, CD: voltage , Formula == (2/65536)(256A +B) , 8/65536(256C+D) , Range is 0 to <2 and 0 to >8V
//uint16_t O2_1e ;
//int16_t O2_1v ;
obdcalcH16 = configPage2.stoich/10 ; // configPage2.stoich(is *10 so 14.7 is 147)
obdcalcE32 = currentStatus.O2/10; // afr(is *10 so 25.5 is 255) , needs a 32bit else will overflow
obdcalcF32 = (obdcalcE32<<8) / obdcalcH16; //this is same as (obdcalcE32/256) / obdcalcH16 . this calculates the ratio
obdcalcG16 = (obdcalcF32 *32768)>>8;
obdcalcA = highByte(obdcalcG16);
obdcalcB = lowByte(obdcalcG16);
obdcalcF32 = currentStatus.O2ADC ; //o2ADC is wideband volts to send *100
obdcalcG16 = (obdcalcF32 *20971)>>8;
obdcalcC = highByte(obdcalcG16);
obdcalcD = lowByte(obdcalcG16);
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 4 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x24; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = obdcalcA; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = obdcalcB; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = obdcalcC; // C
outMsg.buf[6] = obdcalcD; // D
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 37: //O2 sensor2, AB fuel/air equivalence ratio, CD voltage , 2/65536(256A +B) ,8/65536(256C+D) , range is 0 to <2 and 0 to >8V
//uint16_t O2_2e ;
//int16_t O2_2V ;
obdcalcH16 = configPage2.stoich/10 ; // configPage2.stoich(is *10 so 14.7 is 147)
obdcalcE32 = currentStatus.O2_2/10; // afr(is *10 so 25.5 is 255) , needs a 32bit else will overflow
obdcalcF32 = (obdcalcE32<<8) / obdcalcH16; //this is same as (obdcalcE32/256) / obdcalcH16 . this calculates the ratio
obdcalcG16 = (obdcalcF32 *32768)>>8;
obdcalcA = highByte(obdcalcG16);
obdcalcB = lowByte(obdcalcG16);
obdcalcF32 = currentStatus.O2_2ADC ; //o2_2ADC is wideband volts to send *100
obdcalcG16 = (obdcalcF32 *20971)>>8;
obdcalcC = highByte(obdcalcG16);
obdcalcD = lowByte(obdcalcG16);
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 4 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x25; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = obdcalcA; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = obdcalcB; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = obdcalcC; // C
outMsg.buf[6] = obdcalcD; // D
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 51: //PID-0x33 Absolute Barometric pressure , range is 0 to 255 kPa , formula == A
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x33; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = currentStatus.baro ; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B which is 0 as unused
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 64: // PIDs supported [41-60]
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 4 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x40; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = B01000100; // 65-72dec
outMsg.buf[4] = B00000000; // 73-80
outMsg.buf[5] = B01000000; // 81-88
outMsg.buf[6] = B00010000; // 89-96
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 66: //control module voltage, 256A+B / 1000 , range is 0 to 65.535v
uint16_t temp_ecuBatt;
temp_ecuBatt = currentStatus.battery10; // create a 16bit temp variable to do the math
obdcalcA = temp_ecuBatt*100; // should be *1000 but ecuBatt is already *10
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x04; // sending 4 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x42; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = highByte(obdcalcA) ; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = lowByte(obdcalcA) ; // B
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 70: //PID-0x46 Ambient Air Temperature , range is -40 to 215 deg C , formula == A-40
uint16_t temp_ambientair;
temp_ambientair = 11; // TEST VALUE !!!!!!!!!!
obdcalcA = temp_ambientair + 40 ; // maybe later will be (byte)(currentStatus.AAT + CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 byte
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x46; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = obdcalcA; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 82: //PID-0x52 Ethanol fuel % , range is 0 to 100% , formula == (100/255)A
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 byte
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x52; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = currentStatus.ethanolPct; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 92: //PID-0x5C Engine oil temperature , range is -40 to 210 deg C , formula == A-40
uint16_t temp_engineoiltemp;
temp_engineoiltemp = 40; // TEST VALUE !!!!!!!!!!
obdcalcA = temp_engineoiltemp+40 ; // maybe later will be (byte)(currentStatus.EOT + CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x03; // sending 3 byte
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x5C; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = obdcalcA ; // A
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
case 96: //PIDs supported [61-80]
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 4 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x41; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:41h = show current data ,42h = freeze frame ,etc.
outMsg.buf[2] = 0x60; // pid code
outMsg.buf[3] = 0x00; // B0000 0000
outMsg.buf[4] = 0x00; // B0000 0000
outMsg.buf[5] = 0x00; // B0000 0000
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00; // B0000 0000
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
else if (PIDmode == 0x22)
// these are custom PID not listed in the SAE std .
if (requestedPIDhigh == 0x77)
if ((requestedPIDlow >= 0x01) && (requestedPIDlow <= 0x10))
// PID 0x01 (1 dec) to 0x10 (16 dec)
// Aux data / can data IN Channel 1 - 16
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 8 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x62; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:62h = custom mode
outMsg.buf[2] = requestedPIDlow; // PID code
outMsg.buf[3] = 0x77; // PID code
outMsg.buf[4] = lowByte(currentStatus.canin[requestedPIDlow]); // A
outMsg.buf[5] = highByte(currentStatus.canin[requestedPIDlow]); // B
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00; // C
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00; // D
// this allows to get any value out of current status array.
else if (requestedPIDhigh == 0x78)
int16_t tempValue;
tempValue = ProgrammableIOGetData(requestedPIDlow);
outMsg.buf[0] = 0x06; // sending 6 bytes
outMsg.buf[1] = 0x62; // Same as query, except that 40h is added to the mode value. So:62h = custom mode
outMsg.buf[2] = requestedPIDlow; // PID code
outMsg.buf[3] = 0x78; // PID code
outMsg.buf[4] = lowByte(tempValue); // A
outMsg.buf[5] = highByte(tempValue); // B
outMsg.buf[6] = 0x00;
outMsg.buf[7] = 0x00;
void readAuxCanBus()
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (inMsg.id == (configPage9.caninput_source_can_address[i] + 0x100)) //Filters frame ID
if (!BIT_CHECK(configPage9.caninput_source_num_bytes, i))
// Gets the one-byte value from the Data Field.
currentStatus.canin[i] = inMsg.buf[configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[i]];
if (configPage9.caninputEndianess == 1)
//Gets the two-byte value from the Data Field in Litlle Endian.
currentStatus.canin[i] = ((inMsg.buf[configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[i]]) | (inMsg.buf[configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[i] + 1] << 8));
//Gets the two-byte value from the Data Field in Big Endian.
currentStatus.canin[i] = ((inMsg.buf[configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[i]] << 8) | (inMsg.buf[configPage9.caninput_source_start_byte[i] + 1]));