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/** @file
Injector and Ignition (on/off) scheduling (structs).
This scheduler is designed to maintain 2 schedules for use by the fuel and ignition systems.
It functions by waiting for the overflow vectors from each of the timers in use to overflow, which triggers an interrupt.
## Technical
Currently I am prescaling the 16-bit timers to 256 for injection and 64 for ignition.
This means that the counter increments every 16us (injection) / 4uS (ignition) and will overflow every 1048576uS.
Max Period = (Prescale)*(1/Frequency)*(2^17)
For more details see https://playground.arduino.cc/Code/Timer1/ (OLD: http://playground.arduino.cc/code/timer1 ).
This means that the precision of the scheduler is:
- 16uS (+/- 8uS of target) for fuel
- 4uS (+/- 2uS) for ignition
## Features
This differs from most other schedulers in that its calls are non-recurring (ie when you schedule an event at a certain time and once it has occurred,
it will not reoccur unless you explicitly ask/re-register for it).
Each timer can have only 1 callback associated with it at any given time. If you call the setCallback function a 2nd time,
the original schedule will be overwritten and not occur.
## Timer identification
Arduino timers usage for injection and ignition schedules:
- timer3 is used for schedule 1(?) (fuel 1,2,3,4 ign 7,8)
- timer4 is used for schedule 2(?) (fuel 5,6 ign 4,5,6)
- timer5 is used ... (fuel 7,8, ign 1,2,3)
Timers 3,4 and 5 are 16-bit timers (ie count to 65536).
See page 136 of the processors datasheet: http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc2549.pdf .
256 prescale gives tick every 16uS.
256 prescale gives overflow every 1048576uS (This means maximum wait time is 1.0485 seconds).
#include "globals.h"
#define IGNITION_REFRESH_THRESHOLD 30 //Time in uS that the refresh functions will check to ensure there is enough time before changing the end compare
#define DWELL_AVERAGE(input) (((long)input * (256 - DWELL_AVERAGE_ALPHA) + ((long)currentStatus.actualDwell * DWELL_AVERAGE_ALPHA))) >> 8
//#define DWELL_AVERAGE(input) (currentStatus.dwell) //Can be use to disable the above for testing
void initialiseSchedulers(void);
void beginInjectorPriming(void);
void disablePendingFuelSchedule(byte channel);
void disablePendingIgnSchedule(byte channel);
void refreshIgnitionSchedule1(unsigned long timeToEnd);
//The ARM cores use separate functions for their ISRs
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) || defined(CORE_TEENSY)
void fuelSchedule1Interrupt(void);
void fuelSchedule2Interrupt(void);
void fuelSchedule3Interrupt(void);
void fuelSchedule4Interrupt(void);
#if (INJ_CHANNELS >= 5)
void fuelSchedule5Interrupt(void);
#if (INJ_CHANNELS >= 6)
void fuelSchedule6Interrupt(void);
#if (INJ_CHANNELS >= 7)
void fuelSchedule7Interrupt(void);
#if (INJ_CHANNELS >= 8)
void fuelSchedule8Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 1)
void ignitionSchedule1Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 2)
void ignitionSchedule2Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 3)
void ignitionSchedule3Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 4)
void ignitionSchedule4Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 5)
void ignitionSchedule5Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 6)
void ignitionSchedule6Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 7)
void ignitionSchedule7Interrupt(void);
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 8)
void ignitionSchedule8Interrupt(void);
/** Schedule statuses.
* - OFF - Schedule turned off and there is no scheduled plan
* - PENDING - There's a scheduled plan, but is has not started to run yet
* - STAGED - (???, Not used)
* - RUNNING - Schedule is currently running
enum ScheduleStatus {OFF, PENDING, STAGED, RUNNING}; //The statuses that a schedule can have
/** Ignition schedule.
struct IgnitionSchedule {
// Deduce the real types of the counter and compare registers.
// COMPARE_TYPE is NOT the same - it's just an integer type wide enough to
// store 16-bit counter/compare calculation results.
using counter_t = decltype(IGN1_COUNTER);
using compare_t = decltype(IGN1_COMPARE);
IgnitionSchedule( counter_t &counter, compare_t &compare,
void (&_pTimerDisable)(), void (&_pTimerEnable)())
: counter(counter)
, compare(compare)
, pTimerDisable(_pTimerDisable)
, pTimerEnable(_pTimerEnable)
volatile unsigned long duration;///< Scheduled duration (uS ?)
volatile ScheduleStatus Status; ///< Schedule status: OFF, PENDING, STAGED, RUNNING
void (*pStartCallback)(void); ///< Start Callback function for schedule
void (*pEndCallback)(void); ///< End Callback function for schedule
volatile unsigned long startTime; /**< The system time (in uS) that the schedule started, used by the overdwell protection in timers.ino */
volatile COMPARE_TYPE startCompare; ///< The counter value of the timer when this will start
volatile COMPARE_TYPE endCompare; ///< The counter value of the timer when this will end
COMPARE_TYPE nextStartCompare; ///< Planned start of next schedule (when current schedule is RUNNING)
COMPARE_TYPE nextEndCompare; ///< Planned end of next schedule (when current schedule is RUNNING)
volatile bool hasNextSchedule = false; ///< Enable flag for planned next schedule (when current schedule is RUNNING)
volatile bool endScheduleSetByDecoder = false;
counter_t &counter; // Reference to the counter register. E.g. TCNT3
compare_t &compare; // Reference to the compare register. E.g. OCR3A
void (&pTimerDisable)(); // Reference to the timer disable function
void (&pTimerEnable)(); // Reference to the timer enable function
void _setIgnitionScheduleRunning(IgnitionSchedule &schedule, unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration);
void _setIgnitionScheduleNext(IgnitionSchedule &schedule, unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration);
inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void setIgnitionSchedule(IgnitionSchedule &schedule, unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration) {
if(schedule.Status != RUNNING) { //Check that we're not already part way through a schedule
_setIgnitionScheduleRunning(schedule, timeout, duration);
// Check whether timeout exceeds the maximum future time. This can potentially occur on sequential setups when below ~115rpm
else if(timeout < MAX_TIMER_PERIOD){
_setIgnitionScheduleNext(schedule, timeout, duration);
/** Fuel injection schedule.
* Fuel schedules don't use the callback pointers, or the startTime/endScheduleSetByDecoder variables.
* They are removed in this struct to save RAM.
struct FuelSchedule {
// Deduce the real types of the counter and compare registers.
// COMPARE_TYPE is NOT the same - it's just an integer type wide enough to
// store 16-bit counter/compare calculation results.
using counter_t = decltype(FUEL1_COUNTER);
using compare_t = decltype(FUEL1_COMPARE);
FuelSchedule( counter_t &counter, compare_t &compare,
void (&_pTimerDisable)(), void (&_pTimerEnable)())
: counter(counter)
, compare(compare)
, pTimerDisable(_pTimerDisable)
, pTimerEnable(_pTimerEnable)
volatile unsigned long duration;///< Scheduled duration (uS ?)
volatile ScheduleStatus Status; ///< Schedule status: OFF, PENDING, STAGED, RUNNING
volatile COMPARE_TYPE startCompare; ///< The counter value of the timer when this will start
volatile COMPARE_TYPE endCompare; ///< The counter value of the timer when this will end
void (*pStartFunction)(void);
void (*pEndFunction)(void);
COMPARE_TYPE nextStartCompare;
COMPARE_TYPE nextEndCompare;
volatile bool hasNextSchedule = false;
counter_t &counter; // Reference to the counter register. E.g. TCNT3
compare_t &compare; // Reference to the compare register. E.g. OCR3A
void (&pTimerDisable)(); // Reference to the timer disable function
void (&pTimerEnable)(); // Reference to the timer enable function
void _setFuelScheduleRunning(FuelSchedule &schedule, unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration);
void _setFuelScheduleNext(FuelSchedule &schedule, unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration);
inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void setFuelSchedule(FuelSchedule &schedule, unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration) {
//Check whether timeout exceeds the maximum future time. This can potentially occur on sequential setups when below ~115rpm
if(timeout < MAX_TIMER_PERIOD) {
if(schedule.Status != RUNNING) { //Check that we're not already part way through a schedule
_setFuelScheduleRunning(schedule, timeout, duration);
else {
_setFuelScheduleNext(schedule, timeout, duration);
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule1;
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule2;
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule3;
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule4;
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule5;
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule6;
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule7;
extern FuelSchedule fuelSchedule8;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule1;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule2;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule3;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule4;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule5;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule6;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule7;
extern IgnitionSchedule ignitionSchedule8;
#endif // SCHEDULER_H