import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import { loadBityRatesSucceededSwap, loadShapeshiftRatesSucceededSwap, loadShapeshiftRatesFailedSwap, loadBityRatesFailedSwap } from 'actions/swap'; import { getAllRates } from 'api/bity'; import { delay } from 'redux-saga'; import { call, cancel, fork, put, race, take, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { createMockTask } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { loadBityRates, loadShapeshiftRates, handleBityRates, handleShapeshiftRates, SHAPESHIFT_TIMEOUT, POLLING_CYCLE } from 'sagas/swap/rates'; import shapeshift from 'api/shapeshift'; import { TypeKeys } from 'actions/swap/constants'; import { getHasNotifiedRatesFailure } from 'selectors/swap'; describe('loadBityRates*', () => { const gen1 = loadBityRates(); const apiResponse = { BTCETH: { id: 'BTCETH', options: [{ id: 'BTC' }, { id: 'ETH' }], rate: 23.27855114 }, ETHBTC: { id: 'ETHBTC', options: [{ id: 'ETH' }, { id: 'BTC' }], rate: 0.042958 } }; const err = { message: 'error' }; let random; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should call getAllRates', () => { expect(; }); it('should put loadBityRatesSucceededSwap', () => { expect(; }); it(`should delay for ${POLLING_CYCLE}ms`, () => { expect(, POLLING_CYCLE)); }); it('should handle an exception', () => { const errGen = loadBityRates();; expect((errGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual(select(getHasNotifiedRatesFailure)); expect('danger', err.message))); expect(; expect(, POLLING_CYCLE)); }); it('should not notify on subsequent exceptions', () => { const noNotifyErrGen = loadBityRates();; expect((noNotifyErrGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual(select(getHasNotifiedRatesFailure)); expect(; expect(, POLLING_CYCLE)); }); }); describe('loadShapeshiftRates*', () => { const gen1 = loadShapeshiftRates(); const apiResponse = { ['1SSTANT']: { id: '1STANT', options: [ { id: '1ST', status: 'available', image: '', name: 'FirstBlood' }, { id: 'ANT', status: 'available', image: '', name: 'Aragon' } ], rate: '0.24707537', limit: 5908.29166225, min: 7.86382979 } }; const err = 'error'; let random; beforeAll(() => { random = Math.random; Math.random = () => 0.001; }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; }); it('should race shapeshift.getAllRates', () => { expect( race({ tokens: call(shapeshift.getAllRates), timeout: call(delay, SHAPESHIFT_TIMEOUT) }) ); }); it('should put loadShapeshiftRatesSucceededSwap', () => { expect({ tokens: apiResponse }).value).toEqual( put(loadShapeshiftRatesSucceededSwap(apiResponse)) ); }); it(`should delay for ${POLLING_CYCLE}ms`, () => { expect(, POLLING_CYCLE)); }); it('should handle an exception', () => { const errGen = loadShapeshiftRates();; expect((errGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual(select(getHasNotifiedRatesFailure)); expect( put( showNotification( 'danger', 'Failed to load swap rates from ShapeShift, please try again later' ) ) ); expect(; }); it('should not notify on subsequent exceptions', () => { const noNotifyErrGen = loadShapeshiftRates();; expect((noNotifyErrGen as any).throw(err).value).toEqual(select(getHasNotifiedRatesFailure)); expect(; }); }); describe('handleBityRates*', () => { const gen = handleBityRates(); const mockTask = createMockTask(); it('should fork loadBityRates', () => { expect(; }); it('should take SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES', () => { expect(; }); it('should cancel loadBityRatesTask', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('handleShapeshiftRates*', () => { const gen = handleShapeshiftRates(); const mockTask = createMockTask(); it('should fork loadShapeshiftRates', () => { expect(; }); it('should take SWAP_STOP_LOAD_BITY_RATES', () => { expect(; }); it('should cancel loadShapeShiftRatesTask', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); });