import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty'; import { TransitionGroup, CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group'; import { setWallet, TSetWallet, unlockKeystore, TUnlockKeystore, unlockMnemonic, TUnlockMnemonic, unlockPrivateKey, TUnlockPrivateKey, unlockWeb3, TUnlockWeb3, resetWallet, TResetWallet } from 'actions/wallet'; import { reset, TReset } from 'actions/transaction'; import translate from 'translations'; import { KeystoreDecrypt, LedgerNanoSDecrypt, MnemonicDecrypt, PrivateKeyDecrypt, PrivateKeyValue, TrezorDecrypt, ViewOnlyDecrypt, Web3Decrypt, WalletButton, InsecureWalletWarning } from './components'; import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import { showNotification, TShowNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import { getDisabledWallets } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { DisabledWallets } from './disables'; import { SecureWalletName, InsecureWalletName, MiscWalletName, WalletName, knowledgeBaseURL, donationAddressMap } from 'config'; import { isWeb3NodeAvailable } from 'libs/nodes/web3'; import LedgerIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/ledger.svg'; import MetamaskIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/metamask.svg'; import MistIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/mist.svg'; import TrezorIcon from 'assets/images/wallets/trezor.svg'; import './WalletDecrypt.scss'; interface OwnProps { hidden?: boolean; disabledWallets?: DisabledWallets; showGenerateLink?: boolean; } interface DispatchProps { unlockKeystore: TUnlockKeystore; unlockMnemonic: TUnlockMnemonic; unlockPrivateKey: TUnlockPrivateKey; unlockWeb3: TUnlockWeb3; setWallet: TSetWallet; resetWallet: TResetWallet; resetTransactionState: TReset; showNotification: TShowNotification; } interface StateProps { computedDisabledWallets: DisabledWallets; isWalletPending: AppState['wallet']['isWalletPending']; isPasswordPending: AppState['wallet']['isPasswordPending']; } type Props = OwnProps & StateProps & DispatchProps; type UnlockParams = {} | PrivateKeyValue; interface State { selectedWalletKey: WalletName | null; value: UnlockParams | null; hasAcknowledgedInsecure: boolean; } interface BaseWalletInfo { lid: string; component: any; initialParams: object; unlock: any; helpLink: string; isReadOnly?: boolean; attemptUnlock?: boolean; } export interface SecureWalletInfo extends BaseWalletInfo { icon?: string; description: string; } export interface InsecureWalletInfo extends BaseWalletInfo { example: string; } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface interface MiscWalletInfo extends InsecureWalletInfo {} const WEB3_TYPES = { MetamaskInpageProvider: { lid: 'x_MetaMask', icon: MetamaskIcon }, EthereumProvider: { lid: 'x_Mist', icon: MistIcon } }; type SecureWallets = { [key in SecureWalletName]: SecureWalletInfo }; type InsecureWallets = { [key in InsecureWalletName]: InsecureWalletInfo }; type MiscWallet = { [key in MiscWalletName]: MiscWalletInfo }; type Wallets = SecureWallets & InsecureWallets & MiscWallet; const WEB3_TYPE: string | false = (window as any).web3 && (window as any); const SECURE_WALLETS = Object.values(SecureWalletName); const INSECURE_WALLETS = Object.values(InsecureWalletName); const MISC_WALLETS = Object.values(MiscWalletName); export class WalletDecrypt extends Component { // // index signature should become [key: Wallets] (from config) once typescript bug is fixed public WALLETS: Wallets = { [SecureWalletName.WEB3]: { lid: WEB3_TYPE ? WEB3_TYPES[WEB3_TYPE].lid : 'x_Web3', icon: WEB3_TYPE && WEB3_TYPES[WEB3_TYPE].icon, description: 'ADD_Web3Desc', component: Web3Decrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: this.props.unlockWeb3, attemptUnlock: true, helpLink: `${knowledgeBaseURL}/migration/moving-from-private-key-to-metamask` }, [SecureWalletName.LEDGER_NANO_S]: { lid: 'x_Ledger', icon: LedgerIcon, description: 'ADD_HardwareDesc', component: LedgerNanoSDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: this.props.setWallet, helpLink: '' }, [SecureWalletName.TREZOR]: { lid: 'x_Trezor', icon: TrezorIcon, description: 'ADD_HardwareDesc', component: TrezorDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: this.props.setWallet, helpLink: '' }, [InsecureWalletName.KEYSTORE_FILE]: { lid: 'x_Keystore2', example: 'UTC--2017-12-15T17-35-22.547Z--6be6e49e82425a5aa56396db03512f2cc10e95e8', component: KeystoreDecrypt, initialParams: { file: '', password: '' }, unlock: this.props.unlockKeystore, helpLink: `${knowledgeBaseURL}/private-keys-passwords/difference-beween-private-key-and-keystore-file.html` }, [InsecureWalletName.MNEMONIC_PHRASE]: { lid: 'x_Mnemonic', example: 'brain surround have swap horror cheese file distinct', component: MnemonicDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: this.props.unlockMnemonic, helpLink: `${knowledgeBaseURL}/private-keys-passwords/difference-beween-private-key-and-keystore-file.html` }, [InsecureWalletName.PRIVATE_KEY]: { lid: 'x_PrivKey2', example: 'f1d0e0789c6d40f399ca90cc674b7858de4c719e0d5752a60d5d2f6baa45d4c9', component: PrivateKeyDecrypt, initialParams: { key: '', password: '' }, unlock: this.props.unlockPrivateKey, helpLink: `${knowledgeBaseURL}/private-keys-passwords/difference-beween-private-key-and-keystore-file.html` }, [MiscWalletName.VIEW_ONLY]: { lid: 'View Address', example: donationAddressMap.ETH, component: ViewOnlyDecrypt, initialParams: {}, unlock: this.props.setWallet, helpLink: '', isReadOnly: true } }; public state: State = { selectedWalletKey: null, value: null, hasAcknowledgedInsecure: false }; public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) { // Reset state when unlock is hidden / revealed if (nextProps.hidden !== this.props.hidden) { this.setState({ value: null, selectedWalletKey: null }); } } public getSelectedWallet() { const { selectedWalletKey } = this.state; if (!selectedWalletKey) { return null; } return this.WALLETS[selectedWalletKey]; } public getDecryptionComponent() { const { selectedWalletKey, hasAcknowledgedInsecure } = this.state; const selectedWallet = this.getSelectedWallet(); if (!selectedWalletKey || !selectedWallet) { return null; } if (INSECURE_WALLETS.includes(selectedWalletKey) && !hasAcknowledgedInsecure) { return (
); } return (

{!selectedWallet.isReadOnly && 'Unlock your'} {translate(selectedWallet.lid)}

); } public handleAcknowledgeInsecure = () => { this.setState({ hasAcknowledgedInsecure: true }); }; public buildWalletOptions() { const { computedDisabledWallets } = this.props; const { reasons } = computedDisabledWallets; return (


{ SecureWalletName) => { const wallet = this.WALLETS[walletType]; return ( ); })}
{ InsecureWalletName) => { const wallet = this.WALLETS[walletType]; return ( ); })} { MiscWalletName) => { const wallet = this.WALLETS[walletType]; return ( ); })}
{this.props.showGenerateLink && (
Don’t have a wallet? Click here to get one.
); } public handleWalletChoice = async (walletType: WalletName) => { const wallet = this.WALLETS[walletType]; if (!wallet) { return; } let timeout = 0; const web3Available = await isWeb3NodeAvailable(); if (wallet.attemptUnlock && web3Available) { // timeout is only the maximum wait time before secondary view is shown // send view will be shown immediately on web3 resolve timeout = 1000; wallet.unlock(); } window.setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ selectedWalletKey: walletType, value: wallet.initialParams, hasAcknowledgedInsecure: false }); }, timeout); }; public clearWalletChoice = () => { this.setState({ selectedWalletKey: null, value: null, hasAcknowledgedInsecure: false }); }; public render() { const { hidden } = this.props; const selectedWallet = this.getSelectedWallet(); const decryptionComponent = this.getDecryptionComponent(); return (
{!hidden && (
{decryptionComponent && selectedWallet ? ( {decryptionComponent} ) : ( {this.buildWalletOptions()} )}
); } public onChange = (value: UnlockParams) => { this.setState({ value }); }; public onUnlock = (payload: any) => { const { value, selectedWalletKey } = this.state; if (!selectedWalletKey) { return; } // some components (TrezorDecrypt) don't take an onChange prop, and thus // this.state.value will remain unpopulated. in this case, we can expect // the payload to contain the unlocked wallet info. const unlockValue = value && !isEmpty(value) ? value : payload; this.WALLETS[selectedWalletKey].unlock(unlockValue); this.props.resetTransactionState(); }; private isWalletDisabled = (walletKey: WalletName) => { return this.props.computedDisabledWallets.wallets.indexOf(walletKey) !== -1; }; } function mapStateToProps(state: AppState, ownProps: Props) { const { disabledWallets } = ownProps; let computedDisabledWallets = getDisabledWallets(state); if (disabledWallets) { computedDisabledWallets = { wallets: [...computedDisabledWallets.wallets, ...disabledWallets.wallets], reasons: { ...computedDisabledWallets.reasons, ...disabledWallets.reasons } }; } return { computedDisabledWallets, isWalletPending: state.wallet.isWalletPending, isPasswordPending: state.wallet.isPasswordPending }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps, { unlockKeystore, unlockMnemonic, unlockPrivateKey, unlockWeb3, setWallet, resetWallet, resetTransactionState: reset, showNotification })(WalletDecrypt);