import { fetchRatesSaga } from 'sagas/rates'; import { call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { fetchCCRatesSucceeded, fetchCCRatesFailed, fetchCCRatesRequested } from 'actions/rates'; import { fetchRates } from 'api/rates'; describe('fetch rates saga success', () => { const saga = fetchRatesSaga(fetchCCRatesRequested()); it('should fetch the rates', () => { expect(, [])); }); it('should dispatch a success action', () => { expect({}).value).toEqual(put(fetchCCRatesSucceeded({}))); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('fetch rates saga failure', () => { const saga = fetchRatesSaga(fetchCCRatesRequested()); it('it should throw and dispatch a failure action', () => {; expect(saga.throw!().value).toEqual(put(fetchCCRatesFailed())); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); });