import { configuredStore } from 'store'; import RpcNode from 'libs/nodes/rpc'; import { setBalanceFullfilled, setBalancePending, unlockPrivateKey as unlockPrivateKeyActionGen, unlockKeystore as unlockKeystoreActionGen, unlockMnemonic as unlockMnemonicActionGen, setTokenBalancesFulfilled, setTokenBalancesPending, setTokenBalancesRejected } from 'actions/wallet'; import { Wei } from 'libs/units'; import { changeNodeIntent, web3UnsetNode } from 'actions/config'; import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode'; import { initWeb3Node, Token, N_FACTOR } from 'config/data'; import { apply, call, fork, put, select, take } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { getNodeLib } from 'selectors/config'; import { getWalletInst, getWalletConfigTokens } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { updateAccountBalance, updateTokenBalances, updateBalances, unlockPrivateKey, unlockKeystore, unlockMnemonic, unlockWeb3, getTokenBalances, startLoadingSpinner, stopLoadingSpinner } from 'sagas/wallet'; import { getUtcWallet, PrivKeyWallet } from 'libs/wallet'; import { TypeKeys as ConfigTypeKeys } from 'actions/config/constants'; import Web3Node from 'libs/nodes/web3'; import { cloneableGenerator, createMockTask } from 'redux-saga/utils'; import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import translate from 'translations'; import { IFullWallet, fromV3 } from 'ethereumjs-wallet'; // init module configuredStore.getState(); const pkey = '31e97f395cabc6faa37d8a9d6bb185187c35704e7b976c7a110e2f0eab37c344'; const wallet = PrivKeyWallet(Buffer.from(pkey, 'hex')); const address = '0xe2EdC95134bbD88443bc6D55b809F7d0C2f0C854'; const balance = Wei('100'); const node: INode = new RpcNode(''); const token1: Token = { address: '0x2', symbol: 'OMG', decimal: 16 }; const token2: Token = { address: '0x3', symbol: 'BAT', decimal: 16 }; const tokens = [token1, token2]; const utcKeystore = { version: 3, id: 'cb788af4-993d-43ad-851b-0d2031e52c61', address: '25a24679f35e447f778cf54a3823facf39904a63', Crypto: { ciphertext: '4193915c560835d00b2b9ff5dd20f3e13793b2a3ca8a97df649286063f27f707', cipherparams: { iv: 'dccb8c009b11d1c6226ba19b557dce4c' }, cipher: 'aes-128-ctr', kdf: 'scrypt', kdfparams: { dklen: 32, salt: '037a53e520f2d00fb70f02f39b31b77374de9e0e1d35fd7cbe9c8a8b21d6b0ab', n: N_FACTOR, r: 8, p: 1 }, mac: '774fbe4bf35e7e28df15cd6c3546e74ce6608e9ab68a88d50227858a3b05769a' } }; // necessary so we can later inject a mocked web3 to the window describe('updateAccountBalance*', () => { const gen1 = updateAccountBalance(); const gen2 = updateAccountBalance(); it('should put setBalancePending', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getWalletInst', () => { expect(; }); it('should return if wallet is falsey', () => {;;; expect(; }); it('should select getNodeLib', () => { expect(; }); it('should apply wallet.getAddressString', () => { expect(, wallet.getAddressString)); }); it('should apply node.getBalance', () => { expect(, node.getBalance, [address])); }); it('should put setBalanceFulfilled', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('updateTokenBalances*', () => { const gen1 = cloneableGenerator(updateTokenBalances)(); const gen2 = updateTokenBalances(); const gen3 = updateTokenBalances(); it('should select getWalletInst', () => { expect(; }); it('should select getWalletConfigTokens', () => { expect(; }); it('should return if wallet is falsey', () => {;; expect(; }); it('should return if tokens are falsey', () => {;; expect({}).done).toEqual(true); }); it('should put setTokenBalancesPending', () => { expect(; }); it('should throw and put setTokenBalancesRejected', () => { const gen4 = gen1.clone(); if (gen4.throw) { expect(gen4.throw().value).toEqual(put(setTokenBalancesRejected())); } }); it('should call getTokenBalances', () => { expect(, wallet, tokens)); }); it('should put setTokenBalancesFufilled', () => { expect({}).value).toEqual(put(setTokenBalancesFulfilled({}))); }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('updateBalances*', () => { const gen = updateBalances(); it('should fork updateAccountBalance', () => { expect(; }); it('should fork updateTokenBalances', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('unlockPrivateKey', () => { const value = { key: pkey, password: '' }; const action = unlockPrivateKeyActionGen(value); const gen = unlockPrivateKey(action); it('should match put setWallet snapshot', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('unlockKeystore*', () => { const action = unlockKeystoreActionGen({ file: JSON.stringify(utcKeystore), password: 'testtesttest' }); const gen = unlockKeystore(action); const mockTask = createMockTask(); const spinnerFork = fork(startLoadingSpinner); it('should fork startLoadingSpinner', () => { expect(; }); it('should call getUtcWallet', () => { expect( call(getUtcWallet, action.payload.file, action.payload.password) ); }); //keystore in this case decrypts quickly, so use fromV3 in ethjs-wallet to avoid testing with promises it('should call stopLoadingSpinner', () => { const mockWallet: IFullWallet = fromV3(action.payload.file, action.payload.password, true); expect(, mockTask)); }); it('should match put setWallet snapshot', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('unlockMnemonic*', () => { const action = unlockMnemonicActionGen({ phrase: 'first catalog away faculty jelly now life kingdom pigeon raise gain accident', pass: '', path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/8", address: '0xe2EdC95134bbD88443bc6D55b809F7d0C2f0C854' }); const gen = unlockMnemonic(action); it('should match put setWallet snapshot', () => { expect(; }); it('should be done', () => { expect(; }); }); describe('unlockWeb3*', () => { const G = global as any; const data = {} as any; data.gen = cloneableGenerator(unlockWeb3)(); const accounts = [address]; const { random } = Math; let nodeLib; function sendAsync(options, cb) { const resp = { id: 'id' }; switch (options.method) { case 'net_version': return cb(null, { ...resp, result: '1' }); case 'eth_accounts': return cb(null, { ...resp, result: JSON.stringify(accounts) }); } } beforeAll(async done => { G.web3 = { currentProvider: { sendAsync } }; nodeLib = new Web3Node(); Math.random = () => 0.001; await initWeb3Node(); done(); }); afterAll(() => { Math.random = random; delete G.web3; }); it('should call initWeb3Node', () => { expect(; }); it('should put changeNodeIntent', () => { expect('web3'))); }); it('should yield take on node change', () => { const expected = take( action => action.type === ConfigTypeKeys.CONFIG_NODE_CHANGE && action.payload.nodeSelection === 'web3' ); const result =; expect(JSON.stringify(expected)).toEqual(JSON.stringify(result)); }); it('should select getNodeLib', () => { expect(; }); it('should throw & catch if node is not web3 node', () => { data.clone = data.gen.clone(); expect(; expect( put(showNotification('danger', translate('Cannot use Web3 wallet without a Web3 node.'))) ); expect(; }); it('should apply nodeLib.getAccounts', () => { expect(, nodeLib.getAccounts)); }); it('should throw & catch if no accounts found', () => { data.clone1 = data.gen.clone(); expect([]).value).toEqual(put(web3UnsetNode())); expect( put(showNotification('danger', translate('No accounts found in MetaMask / Mist.'))) ); expect(; }); it('should match setWallet snapshot', () => { expect(; }); });