import { TypeKeys as WalletTypeKeys } from 'actions/wallet/constants'; import { Web3Wallet } from 'libs/wallet'; import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { select, put, takeEvery, call } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { changeNodeForce, TypeKeys, web3SetNode } from 'actions/config'; import { getNodeId, getStaticAltNodeIdToWeb3, getNetworkNameByChainId } from 'selectors/config'; import { setupWeb3Node, Web3Service } from 'libs/nodes/web3'; import { Web3NodeConfig } from 'types/node'; import { SetWalletAction } from 'actions/wallet'; export function* initWeb3Node(): SagaIterator { const { networkId, lib } = yield call(setupWeb3Node); const network = yield select(getNetworkNameByChainId, networkId); const config: Web3NodeConfig = { isCustom: false, network, service: Web3Service, lib, estimateGas: false, hidden: true }; yield put(web3SetNode({ id: 'web3', config })); } // unset web3 as the selected node if a non-web3 wallet has been selected export function* unsetWeb3NodeOnWalletEvent(action: SetWalletAction): SagaIterator { const node = yield select(getNodeId); const newWallet = action.payload; const isWeb3Wallet = newWallet instanceof Web3Wallet; if (node !== 'web3' || isWeb3Wallet) { return; } const altNode = yield select(getStaticAltNodeIdToWeb3); // forcefully switch back to a node with the same network as MetaMask/Mist yield put(changeNodeForce(altNode)); } export function* unsetWeb3Node(): SagaIterator { const node = yield select(getNodeId); if (node !== 'web3') { return; } const altNode = yield select(getStaticAltNodeIdToWeb3); // forcefully switch back to a node with the same network as MetaMask/Mist yield put(changeNodeForce(altNode)); } export const web3 = [ takeEvery(TypeKeys.CONFIG_NODE_WEB3_UNSET, unsetWeb3Node), takeEvery(WalletTypeKeys.WALLET_SET, unsetWeb3NodeOnWalletEvent) ];