import { SagaIterator, buffers, delay } from 'redux-saga'; import { apply, put, select, take, actionChannel, call, fork, race, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode'; import { getNodeLib, getOffline, getAutoGasLimitEnabled } from 'selectors/config'; import { getWalletInst } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { getTransaction, IGetTransaction, getCurrentToAddressMessage } from 'selectors/transaction'; import { EstimateGasRequestedAction, setGasLimitField, estimateGasFailed, estimateGasTimedout, estimateGasSucceeded, TypeKeys, estimateGasRequested, SetToFieldAction, SetDataFieldAction, SwapEtherToTokenAction, SwapTokenToTokenAction, SwapTokenToEtherAction } from 'actions/transaction'; import { TypeKeys as ConfigTypeKeys, ToggleAutoGasLimitAction } from 'actions/config'; import { IWallet } from 'libs/wallet'; import { makeTransaction, getTransactionFields, IHexStrTransaction } from 'libs/transaction'; import { AddressMessage } from 'config'; export function* shouldEstimateGas(): SagaIterator { while (true) { const action: | SetToFieldAction | SetDataFieldAction | SwapEtherToTokenAction | SwapTokenToTokenAction | SwapTokenToEtherAction | ToggleAutoGasLimitAction = yield take([ TypeKeys.TO_FIELD_SET, TypeKeys.DATA_FIELD_SET, TypeKeys.ETHER_TO_TOKEN_SWAP, TypeKeys.TOKEN_TO_TOKEN_SWAP, TypeKeys.TOKEN_TO_ETHER_SWAP, ConfigTypeKeys.CONFIG_TOGGLE_AUTO_GAS_LIMIT ]); const isOffline: boolean = yield select(getOffline); const autoGasLimitEnabled: boolean = yield select(getAutoGasLimitEnabled); const message: AddressMessage | undefined = yield select(getCurrentToAddressMessage); if (isOffline || !autoGasLimitEnabled || (message && message.gasLimit)) { continue; } // invalid field is a field that the value is null and the input box isnt empty // reason being is an empty field is valid because it'll be null const invalidField = (action.type === TypeKeys.TO_FIELD_SET || action.type === TypeKeys.DATA_FIELD_SET) && !action.payload.value && action.payload.raw !== ''; if (invalidField) { continue; } const { transaction }: IGetTransaction = yield select(getTransaction); const { gasLimit, gasPrice, nonce, chainId, }: IHexStrTransaction = yield call( getTransactionFields, transaction ); yield put(estimateGasRequested(rest)); } } export function* estimateGas(): SagaIterator { const requestChan = yield actionChannel(TypeKeys.ESTIMATE_GAS_REQUESTED, buffers.sliding(1)); while (true) { const autoGasLimitEnabled: boolean = yield select(getAutoGasLimitEnabled); const isOffline = yield select(getOffline); if (isOffline || !autoGasLimitEnabled) { continue; } const { payload }: EstimateGasRequestedAction = yield take(requestChan); // debounce 250 ms yield call(delay, 250); const node: INode = yield select(getNodeLib); const walletInst: IWallet = yield select(getWalletInst); try { const from: string = yield apply(walletInst, walletInst.getAddressString); const txObj = { ...payload, from }; const { gasLimit } = yield race({ gasLimit: apply(node, node.estimateGas, [txObj]), timeout: call(delay, 10000) }); if (gasLimit) { yield put(setGasLimitField({ raw: gasLimit.toString(), value: gasLimit })); yield put(estimateGasSucceeded()); } else { yield put(estimateGasTimedout()); yield call(localGasEstimation, payload); } } catch (e) { yield put(estimateGasFailed()); yield call(localGasEstimation, payload); } } } export function* localGasEstimation(payload: EstimateGasRequestedAction['payload']) { const tx = yield call(makeTransaction, payload); const gasLimit = yield apply(tx, tx.getBaseFee); yield put(setGasLimitField({ raw: gasLimit.toString(), value: gasLimit })); } export function* setAddressMessageGasLimit() { const autoGasLimitEnabled: boolean = yield select(getAutoGasLimitEnabled); const message: AddressMessage | undefined = yield select(getCurrentToAddressMessage); if (autoGasLimitEnabled && message && message.gasLimit) { yield put( setGasLimitField({ raw: message.gasLimit.toString(), value: new BN(message.gasLimit) }) ); } } export const gas = [ fork(shouldEstimateGas), fork(estimateGas), takeEvery(TypeKeys.TO_FIELD_SET, setAddressMessageGasLimit) ];