// @flow import Big from 'bignumber.js'; import translate from 'translations'; import { padToEven, addHexPrefix, toChecksumAddress } from 'ethereumjs-util'; import { isValidETHAddress } from 'libs/validators'; import ERC20 from 'libs/erc20'; import { stripHex, valueToHex } from 'libs/values'; import { Wei, Ether, toTokenUnit } from 'libs/units'; import { RPCNode } from 'libs/nodes'; import { TransactionWithoutGas } from 'libs/messages'; import type { INode } from 'libs/nodes/INode'; import type { BaseWallet } from 'libs/wallet'; import type { Token } from 'config/data'; import type EthTx from 'ethereumjs-tx'; import type { UNIT } from 'libs/units'; export type TransactionInput = { token: ?Token, unit: UNIT, value: string, to: string, data: string }; export type BroadcastTransactionStatus = { isBroadcasting: boolean, signedTx: string, successfullyBroadcast: boolean }; export type BaseTransaction = {| to: string, value: string, data: string, gasLimit: Big, gasPrice: Wei, chainId: number |}; export type RawTransaction = {| ...BaseTransaction, nonce: string |}; export type ExtendedRawTransaction = {| ...RawTransaction, // non-standard, legacy from: string |}; export type CompleteTransaction = {| ...RawTransaction, rawTx: string, signedTx: string |}; // Get useable fields from an EthTx object. export function getTransactionFields(tx: EthTx) { // For some crazy reason, toJSON spits out an array, not keyed values. const [nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data, v, r, s] = tx.toJSON(); return { // No value comes back as '0x', but most things expect '0x00' value: value === '0x' ? '0x00' : value, // If data is 0x, it might as well not be there data: data === '0x' ? null : data, // To address is unchecksummed, which could cause mismatches in comparisons to: toChecksumAddress(to), // Everything else is as-is nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, v, r, s }; } export async function generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction( node: INode, tx: ExtendedRawTransaction, wallet: BaseWallet, token: ?Token ): Promise { const { to, data, gasLimit, gasPrice, from, chainId, nonce } = tx; // Reject bad addresses if (!isValidETHAddress(to)) { throw new Error(translate('ERROR_5', true)); } // Reject token transactions without data if (token && !data) { throw new Error('Tokens must be sent with data'); } // Reject gas limit under 21000 (Minimum for transaction) // Reject if limit over 5000000 // TODO: Make this dynamic, the limit shifts if (gasLimit.lessThan(21000)) { throw new Error('Gas limit must be at least 21000 for transactions'); } // Reject gasLimit over 5000000gwei if (gasLimit.greaterThan(5000000)) { throw new Error(translate('GETH_GasLimit', true)); } // Reject gasPrice over 1000gwei (1000000000000) if (gasPrice.amount.greaterThan(new Big('1000000000000'))) { throw new Error( 'Gas price too high. Please contact support if this was not a mistake.' ); } // build gasCost by multiplying gasPrice * gasLimit const gasCost: Wei = new Wei(gasPrice.amount.times(gasLimit)); // Ensure their balance exceeds the amount they're sending let value; let balance; const ETHBalance: Wei = await node.getBalance(from); if (token) { value = new Big(ERC20.$transfer(tx.data).value); balance = toTokenUnit(await node.getTokenBalance(tx.from, token), token); } else { value = new Big(tx.value); balance = ETHBalance.amount; } if (value.gt(balance)) { throw new Error(translate('GETH_Balance', true)); } // ensure gas cost is not greaterThan current eth balance // TODO check that eth balance is not lesser than txAmount + gasCost if (gasCost.amount.gt(ETHBalance.amount)) { throw new Error( `gasCost: ${gasCost.amount} greaterThan ETHBalance: ${ETHBalance.amount}` ); } // Taken from v3's `sanitizeHex`, ensures that the value is a %2 === 0 // prefix'd hex value. const cleanHex = hex => addHexPrefix(padToEven(stripHex(hex))); const cleanedRawTx = { nonce: cleanHex(nonce), gasPrice: cleanHex(gasPrice.toString(16)), gasLimit: cleanHex(gasLimit.toString(16)), to: cleanHex(to), value: token ? '0x00' : cleanHex(value.toString(16)), data: data ? cleanHex(data) : '', chainId: chainId || 1 }; // Sign the transaction const rawTxJson = JSON.stringify(cleanedRawTx); const signedTx = await wallet.signRawTransaction(cleanedRawTx); // Repeat all of this shit for Flow typechecking. Sealed objects don't // like spreads, so we have to be explicit. return { nonce: cleanedRawTx.nonce, gasPrice: cleanedRawTx.gasPrice, gasLimit: cleanedRawTx.gasLimit, to: cleanedRawTx.to, value: cleanedRawTx.value, data: cleanedRawTx.data, chainId: cleanedRawTx.chainId, rawTx: rawTxJson, signedTx: signedTx }; } export async function formatTxInput( wallet: BaseWallet, { token, unit, value, to, data }: TransactionInput ): Promise { if (unit === 'ether') { return { to, from: await wallet.getAddress(), value: valueToHex(new Ether(value)), data }; } else { if (!token) { throw new Error('No matching token'); } const bigAmount = new Big(value); const ERC20Data = ERC20.transfer(to, bigAmount); return { to: token.address, from: await wallet.getAddress(), value: '0x0', data: ERC20Data }; } } export async function generateCompleteTransaction( wallet: BaseWallet, nodeLib: RPCNode, gasPrice: Wei, gasLimit: Big, chainId: number, transactionInput: TransactionInput ): Promise { const { token } = transactionInput; const { from, to, value, data } = await formatTxInput( wallet, transactionInput ); const transaction: ExtendedRawTransaction = { nonce: await nodeLib.getTransactionCount(from), from, to, gasLimit, value, data, chainId, gasPrice }; return await generateCompleteTransactionFromRawTransaction( nodeLib, transaction, wallet, token ); } // TODO determine best place for helper function export function getBalanceMinusGasCosts( gasLimit: Big, gasPrice: Wei, balance: Wei ): Ether { const weiGasCosts = gasPrice.amount.times(gasLimit); const weiBalanceMinusGasCosts = balance.amount.minus(weiGasCosts); return new Ether(weiBalanceMinusGasCosts); }