import { Wei } from 'libs/units'; export function toFixedIfLarger(num: number, fixedSize: number = 6): string { return parseFloat(num.toFixed(fixedSize)).toString(); } export function combineAndUpper(...args: string[]) { return args.reduce((acc, item) => acc.concat(item.toUpperCase()), ''); } const toFixed = (num: string, digits: number = 3) => { const [integerPart, fractionPart = ''] = num.split('.'); if (fractionPart.length === digits) { return num; } if (fractionPart.length < digits) { return `${integerPart}.${fractionPart.padEnd(digits, '0')}`; } let decimalPoint = integerPart.length; const formattedFraction = fractionPart.slice(0, digits); const integerArr = `${integerPart}${formattedFraction}`.split('').map(str => +str); let carryOver = Math.floor((+fractionPart[digits] + 5) / 10); // grade school addition / rounding for (let i = integerArr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const currVal = integerArr[i] + carryOver; const newVal = currVal % 10; carryOver = Math.floor(currVal / 10); integerArr[i] = newVal; if (i === 0 && carryOver > 0) { integerArr.unshift(0); decimalPoint++; i++; } } const strArr = => n.toString()); strArr.splice(decimalPoint, 0, '.'); if (strArr[strArr.length - 1] === '.') { strArr.pop(); } return strArr.join(''); }; // Use in place of angular number filter export function formatNumber(num: string, digits?: number): string { const parts = toFixed(num, digits).split('.'); // Remove trailing zeroes on decimal (If there is a decimal) if (parts[1]) { parts[1] = parts[1].replace(/0+$/, ''); // If there's nothing left, remove decimal altogether if (!parts[1]) { parts.pop(); } } // Commafy the whole numbers parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); return parts.join('.'); } // TODO: Comment up this function to make it clear what's happening here. export function formatGasLimit(limit: Wei, transactionUnit: string = 'ether') { let limitStr = limit.toString(); // I'm guessing this is some known off-by-one-error from the node? // 21k is only the limit for ethereum though, so make sure they're // sending ether if we're going to fix it for them. if (limitStr === '21001' && transactionUnit === 'ether') { limitStr = '21000'; } // If they've exceeded the gas limit per block, make it -1 // TODO: Explain why not cap at limit? // TODO: Make this dynamic, potentially. Would require promisifying this fn. // TODO: Figure out if this is only true for ether. Do other currencies have // this limit? if (limit.gten(4000000)) { limitStr = '-1'; } return limitStr; } // Regex modified from this stackoverflow answer //, with the comma character added as a // delimiter (in the case of csv style mnemonic phrases) as well as any stray // space characters. it should be fairly easy to add new delimiters as required export function formatMnemonic(phrase: string) { return phrase.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\s+|,)/gm, ' ').trim(); }