import { SagaIterator } from 'redux-saga'; import { apply, put, select, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { sendEverythingFailed, TypeKeys as TK, setValueField, setTokenValue, sendEverythingSucceeded } from 'actions/transaction'; import { showNotification } from 'actions/notifications'; import { isEtherTransaction, getTransaction, IGetTransaction, getDecimal } from 'selectors/transaction'; import { getEtherBalance, getCurrentBalance } from 'selectors/wallet'; import { AppState } from 'reducers'; import { fromTokenBase, fromWei, Wei, TokenValue } from 'libs/units'; export function* handleSendEverything(): SagaIterator { const { transaction }: IGetTransaction = yield select(getTransaction); const currentBalance: Wei | TokenValue | null = yield select(getCurrentBalance); const etherBalance: AppState['wallet']['balance']['wei'] = yield select(getEtherBalance); if (!etherBalance || !currentBalance) { return yield put(sendEverythingFailed()); } transaction.value = Buffer.from([]); const etherTransaction: boolean = yield select(isEtherTransaction); const setter = etherTransaction ? setValueField : setTokenValue; // set transaction value to 0 so it's not calculated in the upfrontcost const totalCost: Wei = yield apply(transaction, transaction.getUpfrontCost); if ( { // Dust amount is too small yield put( showNotification( 'warning', `The cost of gas is higher than your balance: Total cost: ${totalCost} > Your Ether balance: ${etherBalance}` ) ); yield put(sendEverythingFailed()); return yield put(setter({ raw: '0', value: null })); } if (etherTransaction) { const remainder = currentBalance.sub(totalCost); const rawVersion = fromWei(remainder, 'ether'); yield put(setter({ raw: rawVersion, value: remainder })); yield put(sendEverythingSucceeded()); } else { // else we just max out the token value const decimal: number = yield select(getDecimal); const rawVersion = fromTokenBase(currentBalance, decimal); yield put(setter({ raw: rawVersion, value: currentBalance })); yield put(sendEverythingSucceeded()); } } export const sendEverything = [takeEvery(TK.SEND_EVERYTHING_REQUESTED, handleSendEverything)];