import React from 'react'; import translate from 'translations'; import { WalletType } from '../GenerateWallet'; import { NewTabLink, HelpLink } from 'components/ui'; import { HELP_ARTICLE, trezorReferralURL, ledgerReferralURL } from 'config'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import './WalletTypes.scss'; const WalletTypes: React.SFC<{}> = () => { const typeInfo = { [WalletType.Keystore]: { name: 'x_Keystore2', bullets: [ 'An encrypted JSON file, protected by a password', 'Back it up on a USB drive', 'Cannot be written, printed, or easily transferred to mobile', 'Compatible with Mist, Parity, Geth', 'Provides a single address for sending and receiving' ] }, [WalletType.Mnemonic]: { name: 'x_Mnemonic', bullets: [ 'A 12-word private seed phrase', 'Back it up on paper or USB drive', 'Can be written, printed, and easily typed on mobile, too', 'Compatible with MetaMask, Jaxx, imToken, and more', 'Provides unlimited addresses for sending and receiving' ] } }; return (


Warning: Managing your own keys can be risky and a single mistake can lead to irrecoverable loss. If you are new to cryptocurrencies, we strongly recommend using{' '} MetaMask, or purchasing a{' '} Ledger or{' '} TREZOR hardware wallet.{' '} Learn more about different wallet types & staying secure.

{Object.keys(typeInfo).map((type: keyof typeof typeInfo) => (


    {typeInfo[type] => (
  • {translate(bullet)}
  • ))}
Generate a {translate(typeInfo[type].name)}
); }; export default WalletTypes;