# MyEtherWallet MyEtherWallet (v4+) #### Run: ```bash npm run dev # run app in dev mode ``` #### Build: ```bash npm run build # build app ``` It generates app in `dist` folder. #### Test: ```bash npm run test # run tests with Jest ``` ## Folder structure: ``` │ ├── common - Your App │ ├── actions - application actions │ ├── api - Services and XHR utils(also custom form validation, see InputComponent from components/common) │ ├── components - components according to "Redux philosophy" │ ├── config - frontend config depending on REACT_WEBPACK_ENV │ ├── containers - containers according to "Redux philosophy" │ ├── reducers - application reducers │ ├── routing - application routing │ ├── index.jsx - entry │ ├── index.html ├── static ├── webpack_config - Webpack configuration ├── jest_config - Jest configuration ``` ## Docker setup You should already have docker and docker-compose setup for your platform as a pre-req. ```bash docker-compose up ```