[installer] fix destroy_bucket bugs

This commit is contained in:
Paul Schoenfelder 2018-04-27 15:22:40 -04:00
parent 7c4c0d550a
commit 56fef2c984
1 changed files with 13 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -161,19 +161,20 @@ function destroy_bucket() {
exit 2
# Delete all versions and delete markers first
log "Disabling bucket versioning for S3 bucket '$bucket'.."
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket="$bucket" --versioning-configuration="Status=Disabled"
log "Deleting old versions of S3 bucket '$bucket'.."
info "Disabling bucket versioning for S3 bucket '$bucket'.."
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket="$bucket" --versioning-configuration="Status=Suspended"
info "Deleting old versions of S3 bucket '$bucket'.."
# shellcheck disable=SC1004
aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket="$bucket" |\
jq '.Versions[], .DeleteMarkers[] | "\"\(.Key)\" \"\(.VersionId)\""' --raw-output |\
awk -v bucket="$bucket" '{'\
' print "aws s3api delete-object", '\
' "--bucket=\"" bucket "\"", '\
' "--key=\"" $1 "\"", '\
' "--version-id=\"" $2 "\"" '\
' | "/bin/sh >/dev/null"; '\
' print "Deleted version " $2 "of " $1 " successfully"; '\
awk -v bucket="$bucket" '{ \
print "aws s3api delete-object", \
"--bucket=\"" bucket "\"", \
"--key=\"" $1 "\"", \
"--version-id=\"" $2 "\"" \
| "/bin/sh >/dev/null"; \
print "Deleted version " $2 "of " $1 " successfully"; \
# Finally, delete the bucket and all its contents
aws s3 rb --force "s3://$bucket"
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ function destroy_generated_files() {
# Tear down all provisioned infra
function destroy() {
#shellcheck disable=SC2086
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
terraform destroy $EXTRA_VARS -var-file=backend.tfvars -var-file=main.tfvars main