Updated variables distribution

This commit is contained in:
ArseniiPetrovich 2019-03-28 12:32:15 +03:00
parent 57b0459396
commit ae8d45d4bb
3 changed files with 13 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ The single point of configuration in this script is a `group_vars/all.yml` file.
- `backend` variable defines whether deployer should keep state files remote or locally. Set `backend` variable to `true` if you want to save state file to the remote S3 bucket;
- `upload_config_to_s3` - set to `true` if you want to upload config`all.yml` file to the S3 bucket automatically during deployment. Will not work if `backend` is set to false;
- `bucket` represents a globally unique name of the bucket where your configs and state will be stored. It will be created automatically during the deployment;
- `prefix` - is a unique tag to use for provisioned resources (5 alphanumeric chars or less);
- `chains` - maps chains to the URLs of HTTP RPC endpoints, an ordinary blockchain node can be used;
*Note*: a chain name shouldn't be more than 5 characters. Otherwise, it causing the error, because the aws load balancer name should not be greater than 32 characters.
## Infrastructure related variables
@ -80,7 +84,6 @@ The single point of configuration in this script is a `group_vars/all.yml` file.
`db_subnet_cidr`: ""
Real networks: and
- An internal DNS zone with`dns_zone_name` name will be created to take care of BlockScout internal communications;
- `prefix` - is a unique tag to use for provisioned resources (5 alphanumeric chars or less);
- The name of a IAM key pair to use for EC2 instances, if you provide a name which
already exists it will be used, otherwise it will be generated for you;
@ -92,10 +95,6 @@ The single point of configuration in this script is a `group_vars/all.yml` file.
- `secret_key_base` is a random password used for BlockScout internally. It is highly recommended to gernerate your own `secret_key_base` before the deployment. For instance, you can do it via `openssl rand -base64 64 | tr -d '\n'` command;
- `new_relic_app_name` and `new_relic_license_key` should usually stay empty unless you want and know how to configure New Relic integration;
- `elixir_version` - is an Elixir version used in BlockScout release;
- `chains` - maps chains to the URLs of HTTP RPC endpoints, an ordinary blockchain node can be used;
*Note*: a chain name shouldn't be more than 5 characters. Otherwise, it causing the error, because the aws load balancer name should not be greater than 32 characters.
- `chain_trace_endpoint` - maps chains to the URLs of HTTP RPC endpoints, which represents a node where state pruning is disabled (archive node) and tracing is enabled. If you don't have a trace endpoint, you can simply copy values from `chains` variable;
- `chain_ws_endpoint` - maps chains to the URLs of HTTP RPCs that supports websockets. This is required to get the real-time updates. Can be the same as `chains` if websocket is enabled there (but make sure to use`ws(s)` instead of `htpp(s)` protocol);
- `chain_jsonrpc_variant` - a client used to connect to the network. Can be `parity`, `geth`, etc;

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@ -11,4 +11,12 @@ upload_config_to_s3: true
## The bucket and dynamodb_table variables will be used only when backend variable is set to true
## Name of the bucket where TF state files will be stored
bucket: "poa-terraform-state"
bucket: "poa-terraform-state"
## All resources will be prefixed with this one
prefix: "sokol"
## This variable represents network RPC endpoint:
core: ""
sokol: ""

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@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ db_subnet_cidr: ""
## Internal DNS zone will looks like:
dns_zone_name: "poa.internal"
## All resources will be prefixed with this one
prefix: "sokol"
## The following settngs are related to SSL of Application Load Balancer that will be deployed to AWS. If use_ssl is set to false, alb_* variables can be omitted
use_ssl: "false"
alb_ssl_policy: "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08"
@ -47,11 +44,6 @@ new_relic_license_key: ""
# Network related variables
## This variable represents network RPC endpoint:
core: ""
sokol: ""
## This variable represents network RPC endpoint in trace mode. Can be the same as the previous variable:
core: ""