#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e LOG=/var/log/user_data.log METADATA_URL="" DYNDATA_URL="" INSTANCE_ID="$(curl -s $METADATA_URL/instance-id)" HOSTNAME="$(curl -s $METADATA_URL/local-hostname)" function log() { ts=$(date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') printf '%s [init.sh] %s\n' "$ts" "$1" | tee -a "$LOG" } parameters_json="{}" function fetch_ssm_with_token() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then log "(fetch_ssm_with_token) Calling ssm without token" parameters_json_tmp=$(aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --region "$REGION" --path "/$PREFIX/$CHAIN") else log "(fetch_ssm_with_token) Calling ssm with token" parameters_json_tmp=$(aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --region "$REGION" --path "/$PREFIX/$CHAIN" --next-token "$1") fi next_ssm_token=$(echo "$parameters_json_tmp" | jq '.NextToken' --raw-output) log "(fetch_ssm_with_token) next_ssm_token: $next_ssm_token" parameters_json=$(echo "$parameters_json" "$parameters_json_tmp" | jq -s '.[1].Parameters as $p1 | .[0] | (.Parameters += $p1)') log "(fetch_ssm_with_token) parameters_json: $parameters_json" if [ -z "$next_ssm_token" ] || [ "$next_ssm_token" == "null" ]; then log "(fetch_ssm_with_token) Done, returning" else log "(fetch_ssm_with_token) Calling next iteration" fetch_ssm_with_token "$next_ssm_token" fi } wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm -P /tmp yum install -y /tmp/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm yum update -y yum upgrade -y --enablerepo=epel >"$LOG" if ! which unzip >/dev/null; then yum install -y unzip >"$LOG" fi if ! which ruby >/dev/null; then yum install -y ruby >"$LOG" fi if ! which jq >/dev/null; then log "Installing jq.." yum install -y --enablerepo=epel jq >"$LOG" fi if ! which git >/dev/null; then log "Installing git.." yum install -y --enablerepo=epel git >"$LOG" fi if ! which libtool >/dev/null; then log "Installing libtool.." yum install -y libtool >"$LOG" fi if ! which node >/dev/null; then log "Installing nodejs.." yum --enablerepo=epel install -y nodejs >"$LOG" fi if ! which gcc >/dev/null; then log "Installing C compiling tools.." yum --enablerepo=epel group install -y "Development Tools" >"$LOG" yum --enablerepo=epel install -y libgmp3-dev > "$LOG" fi log "Determining region this instance is in.." REGION="$(curl -s $DYNDATA_URL/instance-identity/document | jq -r '.region')" log "Region is: $REGION" log "Installing CodeDeploy agent.." pushd /home/ec2-user aws s3 cp "s3://aws-codedeploy-$REGION/latest/install" . --region="$REGION" >"$LOG" chmod +x ./install ./install auto >"$LOG" service codedeploy-agent stop >"$LOG" log "CodeDeploy agent installed successfully!" log "Fetching instance tags.." aws ec2 describe-tags --region="$REGION" --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" > tags.json tags="$(jq '.Tags[] as $t | if ($t["Key"] | contains(":") | not) then "\($t["Key"])=\($t["Value"])" else "" end' --raw-output tags.json | awk NF)" log "$(printf 'Tags:\n%s' "$tags")" # PREFIX and CHAIN are key to configuring this instance PREFIX="$(jq '.Tags[] | select(.Key == "prefix") | .Value' tags.json --raw-output)" CHAIN="$(jq '.Tags[] | select(.Key == "chain") | .Value' tags.json --raw-output)" log "Setting up application environment.." mkdir -p /opt/app chown -R ec2-user /opt/app log "Creating explorer systemd service.." cat < /lib/systemd/system/explorer.service [Unit] Description=POA Explorer After=network.target [Service] Type=simple StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal SyslogIdentifier=explorer User=ec2-user WorkingDirectory=/opt/app ExecStart=/opt/elixir/bin/mix phx.server Environment="MIX_ENV=prod" EnvironmentFile=/etc/environment KillMode=process TimeoutStopSec=60 Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5 RemainAfterExit=no [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF log "Installing Erlang.." wget http://packages.erlang-solutions.com/site/esl/esl-erlang/FLAVOUR_1_general/esl-erlang_21.0.5-1~centos~7_amd64.rpm yum install -y wxGTK-devel unixODBC-devel >"$LOG" yum install -y esl-erlang_21.0.5-1~centos~7_amd64.rpm >"$LOG" log "Installing Elixir to /opt/elixir.." mkdir -p /opt/elixir wget https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/releases/download/v1.7.2/Precompiled.zip >"$LOG" unzip Precompiled.zip -d /opt/elixir >"$LOG" log "Elixir installed successfully!" log "Fetching configuration from Parameter Store..." #parameters_json=$(aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --region "$REGION" --path "/$PREFIX/$CHAIN") fetch_ssm_with_token params=$(echo "$parameters_json" | jq '.Parameters[].Name' --raw-output) log "$(printf 'Found the following parameters:\n\n%s\n' "$params")" function get_param() { echo "$parameters_json" |\ jq ".Parameters[] | select(.Name == \"/$PREFIX/$CHAIN/$1\") | .Value" \ --raw-output } DB_USER="$(get_param 'db_username')" DB_PASS="$(get_param 'db_password')" DB_HOST="$(get_param 'db_host')" DB_PORT="$(get_param 'db_port')" DB_NAME="$CHAIN" DATABASE_URL="postgresql://$DB_USER:$DB_PASS@$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT" # Need to map the Parameter Store response to a set of NAME="" entries, # one per line, which will then be written to /etc/environment so that they are # set for all users on the system old_env="$(cat /etc/environment)" { echo "$old_env" # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'PATH=/opt/elixir/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$PATH' # shellcheck disable=SC1117 echo "$parameters_json" | \ jq ".Parameters[] as \$ps | \"\(\$ps[\"Name\"] | gsub(\"-\"; \"_\") | ltrimstr(\"/$PREFIX/$CHAIN/\") | ascii_upcase)=\\\"\(\$ps[\"Value\"])\\\"\"" --raw-output echo "DYNO=\"$HOSTNAME\"" echo "HOSTNAME=\"$HOSTNAME\"" echo "DATABASE_URL=\"$DATABASE_URL/$DB_NAME\"" echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" echo "LANGUAGE=en_US" echo "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" echo "LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8" } > /etc/environment log "Parameters have been written to /etc/environment successfully!" log "Creating pgsql database for $CHAIN" if ! which psql >/dev/null; then log "Installing psql.." yum install -y --enablerepo=epel postgresql >"$LOG" fi if ! which g++ >/dev/null; then log "Installing gcc-c++.." yum install -y gcc-c++ >"$LOG" fi function has_db() { psql --tuples-only --no-align \ "$DATABASE_URL/postgres" \ -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = '$DB_NAME';" } if [ "$(has_db)" != "1" ]; then psql "$DATABASE_URL/postgres" \ -c "CREATE DATABASE $DB_NAME;" >"$LOG" fi log "Installing gcc for NIF compilation during code deploy" yum install -y --enablerepo=epel gcc >"$LOG" log "Application environment is ready!" log "Starting CodeDeploy agent.." service codedeploy-agent start >"$LOG" exit 0