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# System variables
ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python3"
# Common variables
## Credentials to connect to AWS
aws_access_key: ""
aws_secret_key: ""
## If set to true backend will be uploaded and stored at S3 bucket, so you can easily manage your deployment from any machine. It is highly recommended to do not change this variable
backend: true
## If this is set to true along with backend variable, this config file will be saved to s3 bucket. Please, make sure to name it as all.yml. Otherwise, no upload will be performed
upload_config_to_s3: true
## The bucket and dynamodb_table variables will be used only when backend variable is set to true
## Name of the bucket where TF state files will be stored
bucket: "poa-terraform-state"
## All resources will be prefixed with this one
prefix: "poa"
## This variable represents network RPC endpoint:
NETWORK: "(POA)" # Name of the organization/community that hosts the chain
SUBNETWORK: "Core Network" # Actual name of the particular network
NETWORK_ICON: "_network_icon.html" # Either _test_network_icon.html or _network_icon.html, depending on the type of the network (prod/test).
LOGO: "/images/blockscout_logo.svg" # Chain logo
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL: "http://localhost:8545" # Network RPC endpoint
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRACE_URL: "http://localhost:8545" # Network RPC endpoint in trace mode. Can be the same as the previous variable
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_WS_URL: "ws://localhost:8546" # Network RPC endpoint in websocket mode
NETWORK_PATH: "/poa/core" # relative URL path, for example:$NETWORK_PATH
SECRET_KEY_BASE: "TPGMvGK0iIwlXBQuQDA5KRqk77VETbEBlG4gAWeb93TvBsYAjvoAvdODMd6ZeguPwf2YTRY3n7uvxXzQP4WayQ==" # Secret key for production assets protection. Use `mix phx.gen.secret` or `openssl rand -base64 64 | tr -d '\n'` to generate
#CHECK_ORIGIN: "false" # Used to check the origin of requests when the origin header is present
PORT: 4000 # Port the application runs on
COIN: "POA" # Coin name at the Coinmarketcap, used to display current exchange rate
#METADATA_CONTRACT: # Address of metadata smart contract. Used by POA Network to obtain Validators information to display in the UI
#VALIDATORS_CONTRACT: #Address of the EMission Fund smart contract
#SUPPLY_MODULE: "false" # Used by the xDai Chain to calculate the total supply of the chain
#SOURCE_MODULE: "false" # Used to calculate the total supply
#DATABASE_URL: # Database URL. Usually generated automatically, but this variable can be used to modify the URL of the databases during the updates.
POOL_SIZE: 20 # Defines the number of database connections allowed
ECTO_USE_SSL: "false" # Specifies whether or not to use SSL on Ecto queries
ALB_SSL_POLICY: "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08" #SSL policy for Load Balancer. Required if ECTO_USE_SSL is set to true
ALB_CERTIFICATE_ARN: "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:290379793816:certificate/6d1bab74-fb46-4244-aab2-832bf519ab24" #ARN of the certificate to attach to the LB. Required if ECTO_USE_SSL is set to
#DATADOG_HOST: # Host configuration variable for Datadog integration
#DATADOG_PORT: # Port configuration variable for Datadog integration
#SPANDEX_BATCH_SIZE: # Spandex and Datadog configuration setting.
#SPANDEX_SYNC_THRESHOLD: # Spandex and Datadog configuration setting.
HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT: 30 # Heartbeat is an Erlang monitoring service that will restart BlockScout if it becomes unresponsive. This variables configures the timeout before Blockscout will be restarted.
HEART_COMMAND: "sudo systemctl restart explorer.service" # This variable represents a command that is used to restart the service
BLOCKSCOUT_VERSION: "v1.3.9" # Added to the footer to signify the current BlockScout version
RELEASE_LINK: "" # The link to Blockscout release notes in the footer.
ELIXIR_VERSION: "v1.8.1" # Elixir version to install on the node before Blockscout deploy
BLOCK_TRANSFORMER: "base" # Transformer for blocks: base or clique.
GRAPHIQL_TRANSACTION: "0xbc426b4792c48d8ca31ec9786e403866e14e7f3e4d39c7f2852e518fae529ab4" # Random tx hash on the network, used as default for graphiql tx.
FIRST_BLOCK: 0 # The block number, where indexing begins from.
TXS_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD: 7200 # Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates the total txs count.
ADDRESS_WITH_BALANCES_UPDATE_INTERVAL: 1800 #Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates addresses with balances
LINK_TO_OTHER_EXPLORERS: "false" # If true, links to other explorers are added in the footer
USE_PLACEMENT_GROUP: "false" # If true, BlockScout instance will be created in the placement group
## Region. It is recommended to deploy to us-east-1 as some of the other regions fails due to varied reasons
region: "us-east-1"