
35 lines
1.4 KiB

- name: Check prefix
msg: "The prefix '{{ group_names[0] }}' is invalid. It must consist only of the lowercase characters a-z and digits 0-9, and must be between 3 and 5 characters long."
when: group_names[0] | length < 3 or group_names[0] | length > 5 or group_names[0] is not match("^[a-z0-9]+$")
- name: Check chain names
msg: "The chain '{{ item }}' is invalid. It must consist only of the lowercase characters a-z and digits 0-9, and must not more than 5 characters long."
when: (item.key | length > 5 or item.key is not match("^[a-z0-9]+$")) and item.key != "all" and item.key != "ungrouped"
with_dict: "{{ groups }}"
- name: Check if terraform is installed
command: "{{ terraform_location }} --version"
register: terraform_status
changed_when: false
- name: Check if python is installed
command: "{{ ansible_python_interpreter }} --version"
changed_when: false
- name: Python check result
msg: "Python is too old. Please install python version 2.6 or higher"
when: python_int_version | int < 260
python_int_version: "{{ ansible_python_version.split('.')[0]|int * 100 + ansible_python_version.split('.')[1]|int * 10 + ansible_python_version.split('.')[2]|int }}"
- name: Check if all required modules is installed
command: "{{ ansible_python_interpreter }} -c 'import {{ item }}'"
- boto
- boto3
- botocore
changed_when: false