Name the unnamed tasks in Ansible playbooks

Ansible-linter requires all the tasks in the playbook to be named.

Reference to the linter rule:

[ANSIBLE0011] All tasks should be named
This commit is contained in:
Aleksey Zalesov 2018-02-24 14:16:01 +03:00
parent 7466f49daf
commit e0d90df027
8 changed files with 46 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
- node.toml
- git:
- name: Clone poanetworks/chain-explorer repo from GitHub
repo: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}/chain-explorer"
dest: "{{ home }}/chain-explorer"
version: "acee07c"
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@
- restart poa-chain-explorer
- file: path={{ home }}/chain-explorer owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: Set group and owner on the chain-explorer directory
file: path={{ home }}/chain-explorer owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: install npm chain_explorer

View File

@ -34,9 +34,14 @@
content: "{{ MOC_KEYFILE }}"
dest: "{{ home }}/parity_data/keys/{{ GENESIS_NETWORK_NAME }}/{{ username }}.key"
- git: repo={{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}/poa-scripts-moc dest={{ home }}/poa-scripts-moc version={{ SCRIPTS_MOC_BRANCH }}
- name: Clone poanetworks/poa-scripts-moc repo from GitHub
repo: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}/poa-scripts-moc"
dest: "{{ home }}/poa-scripts-moc"
version: "{{ SCRIPTS_MOC_BRANCH }}"
- file: path={{ home }}/poa-scripts-moc owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: Change owner and group of poa-scripts-moc file
file: path={{ home }}/poa-scripts-moc owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: install npm initial_keys_script

View File

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
dest: "{{ home }}/eth-netstats"
version: "cb431d6"
- file: path={{ home }}/eth-netstats owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: Set owner and group on eth-netstats files
file: path={{ home }}/eth-netstats owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: install npm netstats

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
apt: name=nginx state=present
tags: nginx
- file: path=/etc/nginx/ssl state=directory mode=0755
- name: Create directory for nginx SSL certificates
file: path=/etc/nginx/ssl state=directory mode=0755
tags: nginx
- name: Check certificate file

View File

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
- restart poa-netstats
- file: path={{ home }}/eth-net-intelligence-api owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: Change owner and group of eth-net-intelligence-api files
file: path={{ home }}/eth-net-intelligence-api owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: install npm netstats

View File

@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
- sysctl: name=vm.swappiness value=10 state=present
- sysctl: name=vm.vfs_cache_pressure value=50 state=present
- sysctl: name=net.core.somaxconn value=1000 state=present
- name: Set vm.swappiness system parameter
sysctl: name=vm.swappiness value=10 state=present
- lineinfile: dest=/etc/security/limits.conf line="* soft nofile 100000" state=present
- lineinfile: dest=/etc/security/limits.conf line="* hard nofile 100000" state=present
- name: Set vm.vfs_cache_pressure system parameter
sysctl: name=vm.vfs_cache_pressure value=50 state=present
- name: Set net.core.somaxconn system parameter
sysctl: name=net.core.somaxconn value=1000 state=present
- name: Set nofile soft limit
lineinfile: dest=/etc/security/limits.conf line="* soft nofile 100000" state=present
- name: Set nofile hard limit
lineinfile: dest=/etc/security/limits.conf line="* hard nofile 100000" state=present

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- user: name={{ }} groups={{ item.addgroups | default('') }} shell=/bin/bash append=yes
- name: Create users
user: name={{ }} groups={{ item.addgroups | default('') }} shell=/bin/bash append=yes
with_items: "{{ users }}"
- include_tasks: nested_authorized_key.yml

View File

@ -34,11 +34,22 @@
content: "{{ MINING_KEYFILE }}"
dest: "{{ home }}/parity_data/keys/{{ GENESIS_NETWORK_NAME }}/validator.key.{{ MINING_ADDRESS }}"
- git: repo={{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}/poa-scripts-validator dest={{ home }}/poa-scripts-validator version={{ SCRIPTS_VALIDATOR_BRANCH }}
- name: Clone poanetworks/poa-scripts-validator repo from GitHub
repo: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}/poa-scripts-validator"
dest: "{{ home }}/poa-scripts-validator"
- file: src="{{ home }}/node.toml" dest="{{ home }}/poa-scripts-validator/node.toml" owner="{{ username }}" group="{{ username }}" state=link
- name: Link node.toml file
src: "{{ home }}/node.toml"
dest: "{{ home }}/poa-scripts-validator/node.toml"
owner: "{{ username }}"
group: "{{ username }}"
state: link
- file: path={{ home }}/poa-scripts-validator owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: Set up owner and group on poa-scripts-validator files
file: path={{ home }}/poa-scripts-validator owner={{ username }} group={{ username }} recurse=yes
- name: install npm transferRewardToPayoutKey