
192 lines
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### This file is used as a reference only and contains all possible options for all roles.
### Values set in this file are used for illustration only.
### To connect to an actual network, please follow instructions provided to you
### on how to generate a valid `group_vars/` files for the network.
###The following variables are network-wide. They should be kept at all.yml file.
#Block gas limit
BLK_GAS_LIMIT: "6700000"
#github branch that store genesis file (aka genesis.json, spec.json, chain.json, ...)
#NetworkName as specified in genesis file
#github account from which all repositories will be downloaded
MAIN_REPO_FETCH: "poanetwork"
#Hex-encoded address, including 0x prefix. For moc role it is used as mining key, for other nodes is used in other scripts.
#name of the file to store password. Should not be changed
NODE_PWD: "node.pwd"
#branch of poa-scripts-moc and poa-scripts-validator to use
#Explicitly specifies method of privilege escalation
become_method: sudo
###The following variables are node-specific. They should be kept in group_vars/<node>.yml set of files. Alternatively they can be specifed at <role>/vars/main.yml file.
##These variables are used in each role and usually propagated to the dependent roles. By default they are different for each role and it's highly recommended not to use single for multiple roles, escpecially when they are installed on the same machine.
#Should playbook install ufw firewall to the nodes or not.
install_firewall: true
#Which user will be used to connect to VMs
#ansible_user: ubuntu
#Choose if to install debug tools
install_debug_tools: "no"
#User's name and directory, which will be used to execute role from.
#username: "<role>"
# - name: "{{ username }}"
#home: "/home/{{ username }}"
#Path to the public SSH key that will be installed to the service user.
install_keys_to_service_user: true
#Relative or absolute path to the file.
key_name: ""
#Node's descriptive name
#Node owner's email
#If this variable is set to "True" all the VMs will be rebooted after setup.
reboot_after_completion: false
#Path to spec.json file. If no file provided, spec.json will be downloaded from GitHub
spec_json: ""
#Path to bootnodes.txt. Must be provided if spec_json specified
bootnodes_txt: ""
##Bootnode-related variables.
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 22 opened to allow ssh access
allow_bootnode_ssh: true
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 30303 opened to allow peer discovery
allow_bootnode_p2p: true
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 8545 opened to allow rpc on this port
allow_bootnode_rpc: false
#Specifies whether or not this node should be created with additional parameters to work as archive
bootnode_archive: "off"
#Specifies whether or not parity-orchestrator should be installed on this node and parity configured to use whisper
bootnode_orchestrator: "off"
##Explorer-related variables
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 22 opened to allow ssh access
allow_explorer_ssh: true
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 30303 opened to allow peer discovery
allow_explorer_p2p: true
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 8545 opened to allow rpc on this port
allow_explorer_http: true
#Explicitly specifies the explorer version to use
explorer_version: "acee07c"
##Moc-related variables
#Specifies whether or not this node should be created with additional parameters to work as archive
moc_archive: "off"
##Netstat-related variables
##Validator-related variables
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 22 opened to allow ssh access
allow_validator_ssh: true
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 30303 opened to allow peer discovery
allow_validator_p2p: true
#Specifies whether or not this node should be created with additional parameters to work as archive
validator_archive: "off"
##Nginx-related variables (subrole)
#If this variable is set to true script will modify sysctl.conf and configure additional tcp settings.
configure_extended_tcp_settings: false
#Setup extended nginx headers. Used in bootnode, explorer and netstat roles.
nginx_headers: "on"
#Setup which proxy port should be used in nginx. Used in bootnode, explorer, blockscout and netstat roles.
PROXY_PORT: "8545"
##poa-netstats-related variables (subrole)
#Explicitly specified api version to use
api_version: "9773b5b"
##poa-parity-related variables (subrole)
#This variables are intended to be set up if you want to run sub role explicitly.
#validator_archive: "off"
#bootnode_archive: "off"
#moc_archive: "off"
#bootnode_orchestrator: "off"
###Those variables are intended to be specified by users. They don't have any reasonable defaults. Those variables should be specified at group_vars/<role> folder or at <role>/vars/main.yml.
#Validator's mining keyfile content (json string)
#Validator's mining key address
#Validator's mining key password
#Master of Ceremony's account password
#Master of Ceremony's account keyfile
#Secret code to join netstats. Important: For netstats role this option sets the password of the netstats. Master of Ceremony later provides it to other nodes.
#URL of netstats server. Should be provided to users by Master of Ceremony
#Node owner's email. Publicly visible in netstats
#Node's descriptive name. Publicly visible in netstats
##Blockscout-related variables
#Explicitly specified api version to use
blockscout_version: "44e4f17d14"
#Name of database user to create
db_user: "INSERT HERE"
#Password for the database user
db_user_password: "INSERT HERE"
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 22 opened to allow ssh access
allow_blockscout_ssh: true
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 30303 opened to allow peer discovery
allow_blockscout_p2p: true
#Specifies whether or not to keep port 4000 opened to allow http access
allow_blockscout_http: false