
131 lines
3.6 KiB

- "{{ lookup('file', 'files/') }}"
# This are default ubuntu variaibles. Comment them and uncomment necessary vars
# below. Be aware about ami_id, it's region specific
# Ubuntu ami id for us-east-1. Select your one, if region changed.
image: "ami-0b383171"
# Ansible ssh user for Ubuntu
ansible_user: ubuntu
# Python bin location
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
# This is Centos specific variables. Please uncomment and use them, if Centos
# is the distro of your choice. AMI id in "image" variable is region specific,
# so please be aware and select right one here
# Your Centos image id. us-east-1 Centos 7 image is defaulted
#image: ami-9887c6e7
# User, used by ansible to ssh to host
#ansible_user: centos
# Python bin location, needed by ansible. Python2 or Python3 may be used in
# different distros. Centos 7 uses Python2
#ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python
# This is distro independent AWS related variables. Configure them for your
# aws infrastructure
# Access and secret keys, to make access to your AWS possible
access_key: XXXX
secret_key: XXXX
awskeypair_name: "keypairname"
region: "us-east-1"
vpc_id: "vpc-ID-number"
vpc_subnet_id: "subnet-ID-number"
MAIN_REPO_FETCH: "poanetwork"
GENESIS_BRANCH: "dai-test"
bootnode_instance_type: "t2.large"
bootnode_instance_name: "bootnode-{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}"
bootnode_count_instances: "1"
bootnode_security_group: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}-bootnode-security"
associate_bootnode_elastic_ip: false
allow_bootnode_ssh: true
allow_bootnode_p2p: true
allow_bootnode_rpc: false
explorer_instance_type: "t2.large"
explorer_instance_name: "explorer-{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}"
explorer_count_instances: "1"
explorer_security_group: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}-explorer-security"
allow_explorer_ssh: true
allow_explorer_p2p: true
allow_explorer_http: true
moc_instance_type: "t2.large"
moc_instance_name: "moc-{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}"
moc_count_instances: "1"
moc_security_group: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}-moc-security"
allow_moc_ssh: true
allow_moc_p2p: true
netstat_instance_type: "t2.large"
netstat_instance_name: "netstat-{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}"
netstat_count_instances: "1"
netstat_security_group: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}-netstat-security"
allow_netstat_ssh: true
allow_netstat_http: true
validator_instance_type: "t2.large"
validator_instance_name: "validator-{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}"
validator_count_instances: "1"
validator_security_group: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}-validator-security"
associate_validator_elastic_ip: false
allow_validator_ssh: true
allow_validator_p2p: true
blockscout_instance_type: "t2.large"
blockscout_instance_name: "blockscout-{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}"
blockscout_count_instances: "1"
blockscout_security_group: "{{ MAIN_REPO_FETCH }}-{{ GENESIS_BRANCH }}-blockscout-security"
allow_blockscout_ssh: true
allow_blockscout_p2p: true
allow_blockscout_http: false