Add withdraw functionality

This commit is contained in:
Drew Stone 2018-11-27 00:02:18 +02:00
parent 7a83016270
commit a8f3373bdb
1 changed files with 105 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ extern crate srml_democracy as democracy;
use democracy::{Approved, VoteThreshold};
use primitives::ed25519::Signature;
use runtime_primitives::traits::{Zero, As};
use runtime_primitives::traits::{Zero, As, Hash};
use runtime_primitives::traits::{MaybeSerializeDebug};
use rstd::prelude::*;
@ -68,11 +68,38 @@ decl_module! {
/// on the eligible blockchain that has an established two-way peg with Edgeware.
/// This function can be triggered by the depositor or any bridge authority that
/// sees the transaction first.
pub fn deposit(origin, target: T::AccountId, tx_hash: T::Hash, quantity: T::Balance) -> Result {
pub fn deposit(origin, target: T::AccountId, transaction_hash: T::Hash, quantity: T::Balance) -> Result {
let _sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Match on deposit records by the respective transaction hash on the eligible blockchain
match <DepositOf<T>>::get(tx_hash) {
match <DepositOf<T>>::get(transaction_hash) {
Some(_) => { return Err("Deposit should not exist")},
None => {
// Create new deposit record
let index = Self::deposit_count();
<DepositCount<T>>::mutate(|i| *i += 1);
// If sender is a bridge authority add them to the set of signers
let mut signers = vec![];
if <Authorities<T>>::get().iter().any(|a| a == &_sender) {
// Deposit record and send event
<DepositOf<T>>::insert(transaction_hash, (index, target, quantity, signers))
// TODO: Fire event
/// The sign_deposit function should compile signatures (from send tx) and
/// check if a deposit proposal ever passes with each new valid signer.
pub fn sign_deposit(origin, target: T::AccountId, transaction_hash: T::Hash, quantity: T::Balance) -> Result {
let _sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
match <DepositOf<T>>::get(transaction_hash) {
Some((inx, tgt, qty, signers)) => {
// Ensure all parameters match for safety
ensure!(tgt == target.clone(), "Accounts do not match");
@ -84,7 +111,7 @@ decl_module! {
// Add record update with new signer
let mut new_signers = signers;
<DepositOf<T>>::insert(tx_hash, (inx, tgt.clone(), qty, new_signers.clone()));
<DepositOf<T>>::insert(transaction_hash, (inx, tgt.clone(), qty, new_signers.clone()));
// Check if we have reached enough signers for the deposit
let stake_sum = new_signers.iter()
@ -97,27 +124,89 @@ decl_module! {
<balances::Module<T>>::increase_free_balance_creating(&tgt, qty);
None => {
let index = Self::deposit_count();
<DepositCount<T>>::mutate(|i| *i += 1);
let mut signers = vec![];
if <Authorities<T>>::get().iter().any(|a| a == &_sender) {
<DepositOf<T>>::insert(tx_hash, (index, target, quantity, signers))
None => { return Err("Invalid transaction hash") },
/// The withdraw function should precede (in order) a withdraw transaction on the
/// eligible blockchain that has an established two-way peg with Edgeware. This
/// function should only be called by a token holder interested in transferring
/// native Edgeware tokens with Edgeware-compliant, non-native tokens like ERC20.
pub fn withdraw(origin, target: T::AccountId, quantity: T::Balance) -> Result {
pub fn withdraw(origin, quantity: T::Balance) -> Result {
let _sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let mut nonce = Self::withdraw_nonce_of(_sender.clone());
let key = T::Hashing::hash_of(&(nonce, _sender.clone(), quantity));
match <WithdrawOf<T>>::get(key) {
Some(_) => { return Err("Withdraw already exists")},
None => {
// Create new withdraw record
let index = Self::withdraw_count();
<WithdrawCount<T>>::mutate(|i| *i += 1);
// If sender is a bridge authority add them to the set of signers
let mut signers = vec![];
if <Authorities<T>>::get().iter().any(|a| a == &_sender) {
// Ensure sender has enough balance to withdraw from
ensure!(<balances::Module<T>>::total_balance(&_sender) >= quantity, "Invalid balance for withdraw");
// Withdraw record and send event
<WithdrawOf<T>>::insert(key, (index, _sender.clone(), quantity, signers));
// TODO: Fire event
nonce += 1;
<WithdrawNonceOf<T>>::insert(_sender, nonce);
/// The sign_withdraw function should compile signatures (from send tx) and
/// check if a withdraw proposal ever passes with each new valid signer.
pub fn sign_withdraw(origin, target: T::AccountId, record_hash: T::Hash, quantity: T::Balance) -> Result {
let _sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
match <DepositOf<T>>::get(record_hash) {
Some((inx, tgt, qty, signers)) => {
// Ensure all parameters match for safety
ensure!(tgt == target.clone(), "Accounts do not match");
ensure!(qty == quantity, "Quantities don't match");
// Ensure sender is a bridge authority if record exists
ensure!(Self::authorities().iter().any(|id| id == &_sender), "Invalid non-authority sender");
// Ensure senders can't sign twice
ensure!(!signers.iter().any(|id| id == &_sender), "Invalid duplicate deposit signings");
// Add record update with new signer
let mut new_signers = signers;
<WithdrawOf<T>>::insert(record_hash, (inx, tgt.clone(), qty, new_signers.clone()));
// Check if we have reached enough signers for the deposit
let stake_sum = new_signers.iter()
.map(|s| <AuthorityStake<T>>::get(s))
.fold(Zero::zero(), |a,b| a + b);
// Check if we approve the proposal
let total_issuance = <balances::Module<T>>::total_issuance();
if VoteThreshold::SuperMajorityApprove.approved(stake_sum, Zero::zero(), total_issuance) {
match <balances::Module<T>>::decrease_free_balance(&tgt, qty) {
Ok(_) => {
// TODO: fire event
Err(err) => { return Err(err); }
None => { return Err("Invalid transaction hash") },