Updated configs, removed init_blockchains separate step

This commit is contained in:
Kirill Fedoseev 2019-11-15 10:20:12 +03:00
parent d792150732
commit 642ea4e9a5
3 changed files with 9 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -21,35 +21,6 @@ orbs:
- setup_remote_docker:
version: 18.09.3
docker_layer_caching: true
description: "Save dev environment in workspace"
- run:
name: "Backup blockchains data using temporary container"
command: |
mkdir -p ./workspace/ganache_side_data
mkdir -p ./workspace/ganache_home_data
docker run --rm -v "ganache_side_data:/ganache_side_data" -v "ganache_home_data:/ganache_home_data" -itd --name tmp alpine:3.9.4
docker cp "tmp:/ganache_side_data/." "./workspace/ganache_side_data"
docker cp "tmp:/ganache_home_data/." "./workspace/ganache_home_data"
docker kill tmp
- persist_to_workspace:
root: ./workspace
- ganache_side_data
- ganache_home_data
description: "Restore dev environment from workspace"
- run:
name: "Restore blockchains data from backup using temporary container"
command: |
docker volume create ganache_side_data
docker volume create ganache_home_data
docker run --rm -v "ganache_side_data:/ganache_side_data" -v "ganache_home_data:/ganache_home_data" -itd --name tmp alpine:3.9.4
docker cp "./workspace/ganache_side_data/." "tmp:/ganache_side_data"
docker cp "./workspace/ganache_home_data/." "tmp:/ganache_home_data"
docker kill tmp
description: "Restores tss image from cache"
@ -147,23 +118,6 @@ jobs:
name: "Build tss image"
command: docker build --cache-from tss -t tss ./src/tss || docker build -t tss ./src/tss
- bridge/save_tss
executor: bridge/node-dev
- bridge/fetch_repo
- bridge/setup_docker
- run:
name: "Stub .keys file"
command: touch ./src/test-services/.keys.$TARGET_NETWORK
- run:
name: "Run dev environment, deploy contracts, prefund accounts"
command: |
BLOCK_TIME=3 ./demo/start-ethereum-environment.sh
cat ./tests/config.json | jq .users[].ethAddress | xargs -I {} ./src/test-services/ethereumSend/run.sh {} 1000
- run:
name: "Stop dev environment"
command: docker kill ganache_side ganache_home
- bridge/save_ganache_data
executor: bridge/node-dev
@ -172,17 +126,14 @@ jobs:
- attach_workspace:
at: ./workspace
- bridge/load_tss
- bridge/restore_ganache_data
- run:
name: "Init tests environment"
command: |
BLOCK_TIME=3 ./demo/start-ethereum-environment.sh
cat ./tests/config.json | jq .users[].bncAddress | xargs -I {} ./src/test-services/binanceSend/run.sh {} 300 0.1
N=1 ./demo/validator-demo.sh -d
N=2 ./demo/validator-demo.sh -d
N=3 ./demo/validator-demo.sh -d
docker ps
- run:
name: "Wait until validator nodes are ready"
command: |
@ -214,8 +165,6 @@ workflows:
- init_tss
- init_blockchains
- run_tests:
- init_tss
- init_blockchains

View File

@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ deploy_token() {
echo "Deploying"
if [[ "$TARGET_NETWORK" == "development" ]]; then
TOKEN_ADDRESS=$(docker run --network blockchain_home --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/.env.$TARGET_NETWORK" \
TOKEN_ADDRESS=$(docker run --network blockchain_home --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/.env.development" \
deploy_test \
--network home 2>&1 \
| grep "contract address" \
| awk '{print $4}')
TOKEN_ADDRESS=$(docker run --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/.env.$TARGET_NETWORK" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/.keys.$TARGET_NETWORK" \
TOKEN_ADDRESS=$(docker run --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-test/.env.staging" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/.keys.staging" \
deploy_test \
--network home 2>&1 \
| grep "contract address" \
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ deploy_bridge() {
echo "Deploying"
if [[ "$TARGET_NETWORK" == "development" ]]; then
BRIDGE_ADDRESS=$(docker run --network blockchain_home --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/.env.$TARGET_NETWORK" \
BRIDGE_ADDRESS=$(docker run --network blockchain_home --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/.env.development" \
deploy_home \
--network home 2>&1 \
| grep "contract address" \
| awk '{print $4}')
BRIDGE_ADDRESS=$(docker run --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/.env.$TARGET_NETWORK" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/.keys.$TARGET_NETWORK" \
BRIDGE_ADDRESS=$(docker run --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-home/.env.staging" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/.keys.staging" \
deploy_home \
--network home 2>&1 \
| grep "contract address" \
@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ deploy_db() {
echo "Deploying"
if [[ "$TARGET_NETWORK" == "development" ]]; then
SHARED_DB_ADDRESS=$(docker run --network blockchain_side --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/.env.$TARGET_NETWORK" \
SHARED_DB_ADDRESS=$(docker run --network blockchain_side --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/.env.development" \
deploy_side \
--network side 2>&1 \
| grep "contract address" \
| awk '{print $4}')
SHARED_DB_ADDRESS=$(docker run --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/.env.$TARGET_NETWORK" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/.keys.$TARGET_NETWORK" \
SHARED_DB_ADDRESS=$(docker run --rm -v "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/build:/build/build" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/deploy-side/.env.staging" --env-file "$DEPLOY_DIR/.keys.staging" \
deploy_side \
--network side 2>&1 \
| grep "contract address" \

View File

@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ N=2 ./demo/validator-demo.sh -d
N=3 ./demo/validator-demo.sh -d
echo "Waiting until validators are ready"
until curl -X GET http://localhost:5001 > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
until curl -X GET http://localhost:5002 > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
until curl -X GET http://localhost:5003 > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
until curl -X GET http://localhost:5001/info > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
until curl -X GET http://localhost:5002/info > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done
until curl -X GET http://localhost:5003/info > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1; done