const express = require('express') const Web3 = require('web3') const AsyncLock = require('async-lock') const { HOME_RPC_URL, HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, SIDE_RPC_URL, SIDE_SHARED_DB_ADDRESS, VALIDATOR_PRIVATE_KEY, HOME_CHAIN_ID, SIDE_CHAIN_ID } = process.env const abiSharedDb = require('./contracts_data/SharedDB.json').abi const abiBridge = require('./contracts_data/Bridge.json').abi const homeWeb3 = new Web3(HOME_RPC_URL, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 }) const sideWeb3 = new Web3(SIDE_RPC_URL, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 }) const bridge = new homeWeb3.eth.Contract(abiBridge, HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS) const sharedDb = new sideWeb3.eth.Contract(abiSharedDb, SIDE_SHARED_DB_ADDRESS) const validatorAddress = homeWeb3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(`0x${VALIDATOR_PRIVATE_KEY}`).address const lock = new AsyncLock() let homeValidatorNonce let sideValidatorNonce const app = express() app.use(express.json()) app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }))'/get', get)'/set', set)'/signupkeygen', signupKeygen)'/signupsign', signupSign) app.get('/current_params', currentParams) app.get('/next_params', nextParams)'/confirm', confirm)'/transfer', transfer) const votesProxyApp = express() votesProxyApp.use(express.json()) votesProxyApp.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })) votesProxyApp.get('/vote/startEpoch/:epoch', voteStartEpoch) votesProxyApp.get('/vote/addValidator/:validator', voteAddValidator) votesProxyApp.get('/vote/removeValidator/:validator', voteRemoveValidator) votesProxyApp.get('/info', info) async function main () { homeValidatorNonce = await homeWeb3.eth.getTransactionCount(validatorAddress) sideValidatorNonce = await sideWeb3.eth.getTransactionCount(validatorAddress) app.listen(8001, () => { console.log('Proxy is listening on port 8001') }) votesProxyApp.listen(8002, () => { console.log('Votes proxy is listening on port 8001') }) } main() function Ok (data) { return { Ok: data } } function Err (data) { return { Err: data } } async function get (req, res) { console.log('Get call') const round = req.body.key.second const uuid = req.body.key.third let from if (uuid.startsWith('k')) from = await bridge.methods.savedNextValidators(parseInt(req.body.key.first) - 1).call() else { const validators = await bridge.methods.getValidatorsArray().call() from = await sharedDb.methods.getSignupAddress(uuid, validators, parseInt(req.body.key.first)).call() } const to = Number(req.body.key.fourth) // 0 if empty const key = homeWeb3.utils.sha3(`${round}_${to}`) const data = await (uuid.startsWith('k') ? sharedDb.methods.getKeygenData(from, key).call() : sharedDb.methods.getSignData(from, uuid, key).call()) const result = homeWeb3.utils.hexToUtf8(data) if (result.length) res.send(Ok({ key: req.body.key, value: result })) else { setTimeout(() => res.send(Err(null)), 1000) } console.log('Get end') } async function set (req, res) { console.log('Set call') const round = req.body.key.second const uuid = req.body.key.third const to = Number(req.body.key.fourth) const key = homeWeb3.utils.sha3(`${round}_${to}`) const query = uuid.startsWith('k') ? sharedDb.methods.setKeygenData(key, sideWeb3.utils.utf8ToHex(req.body.value)) : sharedDb.methods.setSignData(uuid, key, sideWeb3.utils.utf8ToHex(req.body.value)) await sideSendQuery(query) res.send(Ok(null)) console.log('Set end') } async function signupKeygen (req, res) { console.log('SignupKeygen call') const epoch = (await bridge.methods.epoch().call()).toNumber() const partyId = (await bridge.methods.getNextPartyId(validatorAddress).call()).toNumber() if (partyId === 0) { res.send(Err({ message: 'Not a validator' })) } else { res.send(Ok({ uuid: `k${epoch}`, number: partyId })) console.log('SignupKeygen end') } } async function signupSign (req, res) { console.log('SignupSign call') const hash = sideWeb3.utils.sha3(`0x${req.body.third}`) const query = sharedDb.methods.signupSign(hash) await sideSendQuery(query) const validators = await bridge.methods.getValidatorsArray().call() const threshold = await bridge.methods.threshold().call() const id = (await sharedDb.methods.getSignupNumber(hash, validators, validatorAddress).call()).toNumber() if (id > threshold + 1) { res.send(Err({})) } res.send(Ok({ uuid: hash, number: id })) console.log('SignupSign end') } async function confirm (req, res) { console.log('Confirm call') const { x, y } = req.body[5] const query = bridge.methods.confirm(`0x${x}`, `0x${y}`) await homeSendQuery(query) res.send() console.log('Confirm end') } async function currentParams (req, res) { console.log('Current params call') const parties = (await bridge.methods.parties().call()).toNumber().toString() const threshold = (await bridge.methods.threshold().call()).toNumber().toString() res.send({ parties, threshold }) console.log('Current params end') } async function nextParams (req, res) { console.log('Next params call') const parties = (await bridge.methods.nextParties().call()).toNumber().toString() const threshold = (await bridge.methods.nextThreshold().call()).toNumber().toString() res.send({ parties, threshold }) console.log('Next params end') } function sideSendQuery (query) { return lock.acquire('side', async () => { const encodedABI = query.encodeABI() const tx = { data: encodedABI, from: validatorAddress, to: SIDE_SHARED_DB_ADDRESS, nonce: sideValidatorNonce++, chainId: parseInt(SIDE_CHAIN_ID) } tx.gas = Math.min(Math.ceil(await query.estimateGas(tx) * 1.5), 6721975) const signedTx = await sideWeb3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, VALIDATOR_PRIVATE_KEY) try { return await sideWeb3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction) } catch (e) { //sideValidatorNonce-- console.log('Side tx failed', e.message) return null } }) } function homeSendQuery (query) { return lock.acquire('home', async () => { const encodedABI = query.encodeABI() const tx = { data: encodedABI, from: validatorAddress, to: HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, nonce: homeValidatorNonce++, chainId: parseInt(HOME_CHAIN_ID) } tx.gas = Math.min(Math.ceil(await query.estimateGas(tx) * 1.5), 6721975) const signedTx = await homeWeb3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, VALIDATOR_PRIVATE_KEY) try { return await homeWeb3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction) } catch (e) { //homeValidatorNonce-- console.log('Home tx failed', e.message) return null } }) } async function voteStartEpoch (req, res) { console.log('Voting for starting new epoch') const query = bridge.methods.voteStartEpoch(req.params.epoch) try { await homeSendQuery(query) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } res.send('Voted') console.log('Voted successfully') } async function voteAddValidator (req, res) { console.log('Voting for adding new validator') const query = bridge.methods.voteAddValidator(req.params.validator) try { await homeSendQuery(query) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } res.send('Voted') console.log('Voted successfully') } async function voteRemoveValidator (req, res) { console.log('Voting for removing validator') const query = bridge.methods.voteRemoveValidator(req.params.validator) try { await homeSendQuery(query) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } res.send('Voted') console.log('Voted successfully') } async function info (req, res) { console.log('Info start') res.send({ epoch: (await bridge.methods.epoch().call()).toNumber(), threshold: (await bridge.methods.threshold().call()).toNumber(), nextThreshold: (await bridge.methods.nextThreshold().call()).toNumber(), validators: await bridge.methods.getValidatorsArray().call(), nextValidators: await bridge.methods.getNextValidatorsArray().call(), homeBalance: 0, foreignBalance: 0 }) console.log('Info end') } async function transfer (req, res) { console.log('Transfer start') const { hash, to, value } = req.body if (homeWeb3.utils.isAddress(to)) { console.log('Calling transfer') const query = bridge.methods.transfer(hash, to, value) await homeSendQuery(query) } else { // return funds ? } res.send() console.log('Transfer end') }