const exec = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs') const amqp = require('amqplib') const crypto = require('crypto') const bech32 = require('bech32') const BN = require('bignumber.js') const { RABBITMQ_URL, FOREIGN_URL, PROXY_URL } = process.env const FOREIGN_ASSET = 'BNB' const Transaction = require('./tx') const axios = require('axios') const httpClient = axios.create({ baseURL: FOREIGN_URL }) async function main () { console.log('Connecting to RabbitMQ server') const connection = await connectRabbit(RABBITMQ_URL) console.log('Connecting to signature events queue') const channel = await connection.createChannel() const queue = await channel.assertQueue('signQueue') channel.prefetch(1) channel.consume(queue.queue, async msg => { const data = JSON.parse(msg.content) console.log('Consumed sign event') console.log(data) const { recipient, value, nonce, epoch } = data if (recipient) { const keysFile = `/keys/keys${epoch}.store` const { address, publicKey } = await getAccountFromFile(keysFile) console.log(`Tx from ${address}`) const account = await getAccount(address) console.log(`Building corresponding trasfer transaction, nonce ${nonce}, recipient ${recipient}`) const tx = new Transaction(address, account.account_number, nonce, recipient, value, FOREIGN_ASSET) const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(tx.getSignBytes()).digest('hex') console.log(`Starting signature generation for transaction hash ${hash}`) const cmd = exec.execFile('./', [PROXY_URL, keysFile, hash], async () => { if (fs.existsSync('signature')) { console.log('Finished signature generation') const signature = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('signature')) console.log(signature) console.log('Building signed transaction') const signedTx = tx.addSignature(publicKey, { r: signature[1], s: signature[3] }) console.log('Sending transaction') console.log(signedTx) await sendTx(signedTx) } await waitForAccountNonce(address, nonce + 1) channel.ack(msg) }) cmd.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(data.toString())) cmd.stderr.on('data', data => console.error(data.toString())) } else { const accountFile = await waitLastAccountEpoch(epoch) // If new keys with greater epoch already exists if (accountFile === null) { channel.ack(msg) return } const to = accountFile.address const prevEpoch = getPrevEpoch(epoch) const prevKeysFile = `/keys/keys${prevEpoch}.store` const { address: from, publicKey } = await getAccountFromFile(prevKeysFile) console.log(`Tx from ${from}, to ${to}`) const account = await getAccount(from) const maxValue = new BN(account.balances.find(x => x.symbol === FOREIGN_ASSET).free).minus(new BN(37500).div(10 ** 8)) console.log(`Building corresponding transaction for transferring all funds, nonce ${account.sequence}, recipient ${to}`) const tx = new Transaction(from, account.account_number, account.sequence, to, maxValue, FOREIGN_ASSET) const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(tx.getSignBytes()).digest('hex') fs.unlinkSync('signature') console.log(`Starting signature generation for transaction hash ${hash}`) const cmd = exec.execFile('./', [PROXY_URL, prevKeysFile, hash], async () => { if (fs.existsSync('signature')) { console.log('Finished signature generation') const signature = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('signature')) console.log(signature) console.log('Building signed transaction') const signedTx = tx.addSignature(publicKey, { r: signature[1], s: signature[3] }) console.log('Sending transaction') console.log(signedTx) await sendTx(signedTx) } await waitForAccountNonce(from, account.sequence + 1) await confirm(`/keys/keys${epoch}.store`) channel.ack(msg) }) cmd.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(data.toString())) cmd.stderr.on('data', data => console.error(data.toString())) } }) } main() async function connectRabbit (url) { return amqp.connect(url).catch(() => { console.log('Failed to connect, reconnecting') return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(connectRabbit(url)), 1000) ) }) } async function confirm (keysFile) { exec.execSync(`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @"${keysFile}" "${PROXY_URL}/confirm"`, { stdio: 'pipe' }) } async function getAccountFromFile (file) { console.log(`Reading ${file}`) while (!fs.existsSync(file)) { console.log('Waiting for needed epoch key', file) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) } const publicKey = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file))[5] return { address: publicKeyToAddress(publicKey), publicKey: publicKey } } function getPrevEpoch (epoch) { return Math.max(0, ...fs.readdirSync('/keys').map(x => parseInt(x.split('.')[0].substr(4))).filter(x => x < epoch)) } async function waitLastAccountEpoch (epoch) { while (true) { const curEpoch = Math.max(0, ...fs.readdirSync('/keys').map(x => parseInt(x.split('.')[0].substr(4)))) if (curEpoch === epoch) return getAccountFromFile(`/keys/keys${epoch}.store`) else if (curEpoch > epoch) return null else await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) } } async function waitForAccountNonce (address, nonce) { console.log(`Waiting for account ${address} to have nonce ${nonce}`) while (true) { const sequence = (await getAccount(address)).sequence if (sequence === nonce) break await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) console.log('Waiting for needed account nonce') } console.log('Account nonce is OK') } async function getAccount (address) { console.log(`Getting account ${address} data`) return httpClient .get(`/api/v1/account/${address}`) .then(res => } async function sendTx (tx) { return httpClient .post(`/api/v1/broadcast?sync=true`, tx, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } }) .then(x => console.log(x.response), x => console.log(x.response)) } function publicKeyToAddress ({ x, y }) { const compact = (parseInt(y[y.length - 1], 16) % 2 ? '03' : '02') + padZeros(x, 64) const sha256Hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(Buffer.from(compact, 'hex')).digest('hex') const hash = crypto.createHash('ripemd160').update(Buffer.from(sha256Hash, 'hex')).digest('hex') const words = bech32.toWords(Buffer.from(hash, 'hex')) return bech32.encode('tbnb', words) } function padZeros (s, len) { while (s.length < len) s = '0' + s return s }