const exec = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs') const BN = require('bignumber.js') const axios = require('axios') const express = require('express') const logger = require('./logger') const { connectRabbit, assertQueue } = require('./amqp') const { publicKeyToAddress, sha256 } = require('./crypto') const { delay, retry } = require('./wait') const Transaction = require('./tx') const app = express() const { RABBITMQ_URL, FOREIGN_URL, PROXY_URL, FOREIGN_ASSET } = process.env const SIGN_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT = parseInt(process.env.SIGN_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT, 10) const SIGN_NONCE_CHECK_INTERVAL = parseInt(process.env.SIGN_NONCE_CHECK_INTERVAL, 10) const SEND_TIMEOUT = parseInt(process.env.SEND_TIMEOUT, 10) const httpClient = axios.create({ baseURL: FOREIGN_URL }) const SIGN_OK = 0 const SIGN_NONCE_INTERRUPT = 1 const SIGN_FAILED = 2 let attempt let nextAttempt = null let cancelled let ready = false let exchangeQueue let channel async function getExchangeMessages(nonce) { logger.debug('Getting exchange messages') const messages = [] while (true) { const msg = await exchangeQueue.get() if (msg === false) { break } const data = JSON.parse(msg.content) logger.debug('Got message %o', data) if (data.nonce !== nonce) { channel.nack(msg, false, true) break } messages.push(msg) } logger.debug(`Found ${messages.length} messages`) return messages } function killSigner() { exec.execSync('pkill gg18_sign || true') } function restart(req, res) { if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(req.params.attempt)) {`Manual cancelling current sign attempt, starting ${req.params.attempt} attempt`) nextAttempt = parseInt(req.params.attempt, 10) killSigner() cancelled = true res.send('Done') } } function confirmFundsTransfer() { exec.execSync(`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${PROXY_URL}/confirmFundsTransfer"`, { stdio: 'pipe' }) } function getAccountFromFile(file) { logger.debug(`Reading ${file}`) if (!fs.existsSync(file)) { logger.debug('No keys found, skipping') return { address: '' } } const publicKey = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(file))[5] return { address: publicKeyToAddress(publicKey), publicKey } } async function getAccount(address) {`Getting account ${address} data`) const response = await retry(() => httpClient.get(`/api/v1/account/${address}`)) return } async function waitForAccountNonce(address, nonce) { cancelled = false`Waiting for account ${address} to have nonce ${nonce}`) while (!cancelled) { const { sequence } = await getAccount(address) if (sequence >= nonce) { break } await delay(1000) logger.debug('Waiting for needed account nonce') }'Account nonce is OK') return !cancelled } function sendTx(tx) { return httpClient .post('/api/v1/broadcast?sync=true', tx, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } }) .catch(async (err) => { if ('Tx already exists in cache')) { logger.debug('Tx already exists in cache') return true }'Something failed, restarting: %o', err.response) await delay(1000) return await sendTx(tx) }) } function sign(keysFile, hash, tx, publicKey, signerAddress) { let restartTimeoutId let nonceDaemonIntervalId let nonceInterrupt = false return new Promise((resolve) => { const cmd = exec.execFile('./', [PROXY_URL, keysFile, hash], async (error) => { logger.trace('Sign entrypoint exited, %o', error) clearInterval(nonceDaemonIntervalId) clearTimeout(restartTimeoutId) if (fs.existsSync('signature')) { // if signature was generated'Finished signature generation') const signature = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('signature')) logger.debug('%o', signature)'Building signed transaction') const signedTx = tx.addSignature(publicKey, { r: signature[1], s: signature[3] })'Sending transaction') logger.debug(signedTx) await sendTx(signedTx) // if nonce does not update in some time, cancel process, consider sign as failed const sendTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => { cancelled = true }, SEND_TIMEOUT) const waitResponse = await waitForAccountNonce(signerAddress, tx.tx.sequence + 1) clearTimeout(sendTimeoutId) resolve(waitResponse ? SIGN_OK : SIGN_FAILED) } else if (error === null || error.code === 0) { // if was already enough parties const signTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => { cancelled = true }, SIGN_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT) const waitResponse = await waitForAccountNonce(signerAddress, tx.tx.sequence + 1) clearTimeout(signTimeoutId) resolve(waitResponse ? SIGN_OK : SIGN_FAILED) } else if (error.code === 143) { // if process was killed logger.warn('Sign process was killed') resolve(nonceInterrupt ? SIGN_NONCE_INTERRUPT : SIGN_FAILED) } else if (error.code !== null && error.code !== 0) { // if process has failed logger.warn('Sign process has failed') resolve(SIGN_FAILED) } else { logger.warn('Unknown error state %o', error) resolve(SIGN_FAILED) } }) cmd.stdout.on('data', (data) => { const str = data.toString() if (str.includes('Got all party ids')) { restartTimeoutId = setTimeout(killSigner, SIGN_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT) } logger.debug(str) }) cmd.stderr.on('data', (data) => logger.debug(data.toString())) // Kill signer if current nonce is already processed at some time nonceDaemonIntervalId = setInterval(async () => {`Checking if account ${signerAddress} has nonce ${tx.tx.sequence + 1}`) const { sequence } = await getAccount(signerAddress) if (sequence > tx.tx.sequence) {'Account already has needed nonce, cancelling current sign process') nonceInterrupt = true killSigner() } }, SIGN_NONCE_CHECK_INTERVAL) }) } async function main() { channel = await connectRabbit(RABBITMQ_URL)'Connecting to signature events queue') exchangeQueue = await assertQueue(channel, 'exchangeQueue') const signQueue = await assertQueue(channel, 'signQueue') while (!ready) { await delay(1000) } channel.prefetch(1) signQueue.consume(async (msg) => { const data = JSON.parse(msg.content)'Consumed sign event: %o', data) const { nonce, epoch, newEpoch, parties, threshold } = data const keysFile = `/keys/keys${epoch}.store` const { address: from, publicKey } = getAccountFromFile(keysFile) if (from === '') {'No keys found, acking message') channel.ack(msg) return } const account = await getAccount(from) logger.debug('Writing params') fs.writeFileSync('./params', JSON.stringify({ parties: parties.toString(), threshold: (threshold - 1).toString() })) attempt = 1 if (!newEpoch) { const exchanges = await getExchangeMessages(nonce) const exchangesData = => JSON.parse(exchangeMsg.content)) if (exchanges.length > 0 && account.sequence <= nonce) { const recipients ={ value, recipient }) => ({ to: recipient, tokens: value })) while (true) {`Building corresponding transfer transaction, nonce ${nonce}`) const tx = new Transaction({ from, accountNumber: account.account_number, sequence: nonce, recipients, asset: FOREIGN_ASSET, memo: `Attempt ${attempt}` }) const hash = sha256(tx.getSignBytes())`Starting signature generation for transaction hash ${hash}`) const signResult = await sign(keysFile, hash, tx, publicKey, from) if (signResult === SIGN_OK || signResult === SIGN_NONCE_INTERRUPT) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func exchanges.forEach((exchangeMsg) => channel.ack(exchangeMsg)) break } // signer either failed, or timed out after parties signup attempt = nextAttempt || attempt + 1 nextAttempt = null logger.warn(`Sign failed, starting next attempt ${attempt}`) await delay(1000) } } } else if (account.sequence <= nonce) { const newKeysFile = `/keys/keys${newEpoch}.store` const { address: to } = getAccountFromFile(newKeysFile) while (to !== '') {`Building corresponding transaction for transferring all funds, nonce ${nonce}, recipient ${to}`) const tx = new Transaction({ from, accountNumber: account.account_number, sequence: nonce, recipients: [{ to, tokens: account.balances.find((token) => token.symbol === FOREIGN_ASSET).free, bnbs: new BN(account.balances.find((token) => token.symbol === 'BNB').free).minus(new BN(60000).div(10 ** 8)) }], asset: FOREIGN_ASSET, memo: `Attempt ${attempt}` }) const hash = sha256(tx.getSignBytes())`Starting signature generation for transaction hash ${hash}`) const signResult = await sign(keysFile, hash, tx, publicKey, from) if (signResult === SIGN_OK || signResult === SIGN_NONCE_INTERRUPT) { await confirmFundsTransfer() break } // signer either failed, or timed out after parties signup attempt = nextAttempt || attempt + 1 nextAttempt = null logger.warn(`Sign failed, starting next attempt ${attempt}`) await delay(1000) } } else { logger.debug('Tx has been already sent') }'Acking message') channel.ack(msg) }) } app.get('/restart/:attempt', restart) app.get('/start', (req, res) => {'Ready to start') ready = true res.send() }) app.listen(8001, () => logger.debug('Listening on 8001')) main()