
266 lines
9.5 KiB

import time
import sys
import json
import math
import traceback
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(''))
### These are the threholds used for % blocks accepting to define the recommended gas prices. can be edited here if desired
FAST = 90
class Timers():
class to keep track of time relative to network block
def __init__(self, start_block):
self.start_block = start_block
self.current_block = start_block
self.process_block = start_block
def update_time(self, block):
self.current_block = block
self.process_block = self.process_block + 1
class CleanTx():
"""transaction object / methods for pandas"""
def __init__(self, tx_obj):
self.hash = tx_obj.hash
self.block_mined = tx_obj.blockNumber
self.gas_price = tx_obj['gasPrice']
def to_dataframe(self):
data = {self.hash: {'block_mined':self.block_mined, 'gas_price':self.gas_price, 'round_gp_10gwei':self.gp_10gwei}}
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
def round_gp_10gwei(self):
"""Rounds the gas price to gwei"""
gp = self.gas_price/1e8
if gp >= 1 and gp < 10:
gp = np.floor(gp)
elif gp >= 10:
gp = gp/10
gp = np.floor(gp)
gp = gp*10
gp = 0
self.gp_10gwei = gp
class CleanBlock():
"""block object/methods for pandas"""
def __init__(self, block_obj, timemined, mingasprice=None):
self.block_number = block_obj.number
self.time_mined = timemined
self.blockhash = block_obj.hash
self.mingasprice = mingasprice
def to_dataframe(self):
data = {0:{'block_number':self.block_number, 'blockhash':self.blockhash, 'time_mined':self.time_mined, 'mingasprice':self.mingasprice}}
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
def write_to_json(gprecs, prediction_table):
"""write json data"""
prediction_table['gasprice'] = prediction_table['gasprice']/10
prediction_tableout = prediction_table.to_json(orient='records')
filepath_gprecs = 'ethgasAPI.json'
filepath_prediction_table = 'predictTable.json'
with open(filepath_gprecs, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(gprecs, outfile)
with open(filepath_prediction_table, 'w') as outfile:
except Exception as e:
def process_block_transactions(block):
"""get tx data from block"""
block_df = pd.DataFrame()
block_obj = web3.eth.getBlock(block, True)
for transaction in block_obj.transactions:
clean_tx = CleanTx(transaction)
block_df = block_df.append(clean_tx.to_dataframe(), ignore_index = False)
block_df['time_mined'] = block_obj.timestamp
return(block_df, block_obj)
def process_block_data(block_df, block_obj):
"""process block to dataframe"""
if len(block_obj.transactions) > 0:
block_mingasprice = block_df['round_gp_10gwei'].min()
block_mingasprice = np.nan
timemined = block_df['time_mined'].min()
clean_block = CleanBlock(block_obj, timemined, block_mingasprice)
def get_hpa(gasprice, hashpower):
"""gets the hash power accpeting the gas price over last 200 blocks"""
hpa = hashpower.loc[gasprice >= hashpower.index, 'hashp_pct']
if gasprice > hashpower.index.max():
hpa = 100
elif gasprice < hashpower.index.min():
hpa = 0
hpa = hpa.max()
return int(hpa)
def analyze_last200blocks(block, blockdata):
recent_blocks = blockdata.loc[blockdata['block_number'] > (block-200), ['mingasprice', 'block_number']]
#create hashpower accepting dataframe based on mingasprice accepted in block
hashpower = recent_blocks.groupby('mingasprice').count()
hashpower = hashpower.rename(columns={'block_number': 'count'})
hashpower['cum_blocks'] = hashpower['count'].cumsum()
totalblocks = hashpower['count'].sum()
hashpower['hashp_pct'] = hashpower['cum_blocks']/totalblocks*100
#get avg blockinterval time
blockinterval = recent_blocks.sort_values('block_number').diff()
blockinterval.loc[blockinterval['block_number'] > 1, 'time_mined'] = np.nan
blockinterval.loc[blockinterval['time_mined']< 0, 'time_mined'] = np.nan
avg_timemined = blockinterval['time_mined'].mean()
if np.isnan(avg_timemined):
avg_timemined = 15
return(hashpower, avg_timemined)
def make_predictTable(block, alltx, hashpower, avg_timemined):
predictTable = pd.DataFrame({'gasprice' : range(10, 1010, 10)})
ptable2 = pd.DataFrame({'gasprice' : range(0, 10, 1)})
predictTable = predictTable.append(ptable2).reset_index(drop=True)
predictTable = predictTable.sort_values('gasprice').reset_index(drop=True)
predictTable['hashpower_accepting'] = predictTable['gasprice'].apply(get_hpa, args=(hashpower,))
def get_gasprice_recs(prediction_table, block_time, block):
def get_safelow():
series = prediction_table.loc[prediction_table['hashpower_accepting'] >= SAFELOW, 'gasprice']
safelow = series.min()
return float(safelow)
def get_average():
series = prediction_table.loc[prediction_table['hashpower_accepting'] >= STANDARD, 'gasprice']
average = series.min()
return float(average)
def get_fast():
series = prediction_table.loc[prediction_table['hashpower_accepting'] >= FAST, 'gasprice']
fastest = series.min()
return float(fastest)
def get_fastest():
hpmax = prediction_table['hashpower_accepting'].max()
fastest = prediction_table.loc[prediction_table['hashpower_accepting'] == hpmax, 'gasprice'].values[0]
return float(fastest)
gprecs = {}
gprecs['safeLow'] = get_safelow()/10
gprecs['standard'] = get_average()/10
gprecs['fast'] = get_fast()/10
gprecs['fastest'] = get_fastest()/10
gprecs['block_time'] = block_time
gprecs['blockNum'] = block
def master_control():
def init (block):
nonlocal alltx
nonlocal blockdata
print("\n\n**** ETH Gas Station Express Oracle ****")
print ("\nSafelow = " +str(SAFELOW)+ "% of blocks accepting. Usually confirms in less than 30min.")
print ("Standard= " +str(STANDARD)+ "% of blocks accepting. Usually confirms in less than 5 min.")
print ("Fast = " +str(FAST)+ "% of blocks accepting. Usually confirms in less than 1 minute")
print ("Fastest = all blocks accepting. As fast as possible but you are probably overpaying.")
print("\nnow loading gasprice data from last 100 blocks...give me a minute")
for pastblock in range((block-100), (block), 1):
(mined_blockdf, block_obj) = process_block_transactions(pastblock)
alltx = alltx.combine_first(mined_blockdf)
block_sumdf = process_block_data(mined_blockdf, block_obj)
blockdata = blockdata.append(block_sumdf, ignore_index = True)
print ("done. now reporting gasprice recs in gwei: \n")
print ("\npress ctrl-c at any time to stop monitoring\n")
print ("**** And the oracle says...**** \n")
def append_new_tx(clean_tx):
nonlocal alltx
if not clean_tx.hash in alltx.index:
alltx = alltx.append(clean_tx.to_dataframe(), ignore_index = False)
def update_dataframes(block):
nonlocal alltx
nonlocal blockdata
nonlocal timer
#get minedtransactions and blockdata from previous block
mined_block_num = block-3
(mined_blockdf, block_obj) = process_block_transactions(mined_block_num)
alltx = alltx.combine_first(mined_blockdf)
#process block data
block_sumdf = process_block_data(mined_blockdf, block_obj)
#add block data to block dataframe
blockdata = blockdata.append(block_sumdf, ignore_index = True)
#get hashpower table from last 200 blocks
(hashpower, block_time) = analyze_last200blocks(block, blockdata)
predictiondf = make_predictTable(block, alltx, hashpower, block_time)
#get gpRecs
gprecs = get_gasprice_recs (predictiondf, block_time, block)
#every block, write gprecs, predictions
write_to_json(gprecs, predictiondf)
return True
alltx = pd.DataFrame()
blockdata = pd.DataFrame()
timer = Timers(web3.eth.blockNumber)
start_time = time.time()
init (web3.eth.blockNumber)
while True:
block = web3.eth.blockNumber
if (timer.process_block < block):
updated = update_dataframes(timer.process_block)
timer.process_block = timer.process_block + 1
errors = 'errors.json'
with open(errors, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump({'health': 'Ok'}, outfile)
errors = 'errors.json'
with open(errors, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump({'health': 'Notok'}, outfile)