
172 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//! Integration test of the reliable broadcast protocol.
extern crate hbbft;
extern crate log;
extern crate simple_logger;
extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate crossbeam_channel;
extern crate merkle;
mod netsim;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet, HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::io;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::ops::Deref;
use crossbeam::{Scope, ScopedJoinHandle};
use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, Sender, Receiver};
use hbbft::proto::*;
use hbbft::messaging;
use hbbft::messaging::{QMessage, NodeUid, Algorithm, ProposedValue,
AlgoMessage, Handler,
MessageLoopState, MessageLoop, RemoteMessage};
use hbbft::broadcast::Broadcast;
use hbbft::broadcast;
use netsim::NetSim;
/// This is a structure to start a consensus node.
pub struct TestNode<'a> {
/// Node identifier.
uid: NodeUid,
/// Total number of nodes.
num_nodes: usize,
/// TX handles indexed with the receiving node address. One handle for each
/// other node.
txs: HashMap<NodeUid, Sender<Message<ProposedValue>>>,
/// RX handle indexed with the transmitting node address. One handle for
/// each other node.
rxs: HashMap<NodeUid, Receiver<Message<ProposedValue>>>,
/// Optionally, a value to be broadcast by this node.
value: Option<ProposedValue>,
/// Messaging system.
message_loop: MessageLoop<'a, Error>,
impl<'a> TestNode<'a>
/// Consensus node constructor. It only initialises initial parameters.
pub fn new(uid: NodeUid,
num_nodes: usize,
txs: HashMap<NodeUid, Sender<Message<ProposedValue>>>,
rxs: HashMap<NodeUid, Receiver<Message<ProposedValue>>>,
value: Option<ProposedValue>) -> Self
TestNode {
txs: txs.clone(),
message_loop: MessageLoop::new(txs),
pub fn add_handler<H: 'a + Handler<Error>>(&'a self,
algo: Algorithm,
handler: &'a H)
self.message_loop.insert_algo(algo, handler);
pub fn run(&'a self) -> Result<HashSet<ProposedValue>, Error>
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
impl From<messaging::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: messaging::Error) -> Error { Error::Messaging(e) }
impl From<broadcast::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: broadcast::Error) -> Error { Error::Broadcast(e) }
fn proposed_value(n: usize) -> ProposedValue {
let b: u8 = (n & 0xff) as u8;
vec![b; 10]
fn node_addr(node_index: usize) -> SocketAddr {
format!("{}", node_index).parse().unwrap()
/// Creates a vector of test nodes but does not run them.
fn create_test_nodes(num_nodes: usize,
net: &NetSim<Message<Vec<u8>>>) ->
let mut nodes = Vec::new();
for n in 0..num_nodes {
let value = proposed_value(n);
let mut txs = HashMap::new();
let mut rxs = HashMap::new();
// Set up comms channels to other nodes.
for m in 0..num_nodes {
if n == m {
// Skip the channel back to the node itself.
let addr = node_addr(m);
txs.insert(addr, net.tx(n, m));
rxs.insert(addr, net.rx(m, n));
let uid = node_addr(n);
nodes.push(TestNode::new(uid, num_nodes, txs, rxs, Some(value)));
fn test_4_broadcast_nodes() {
const NUM_NODES: usize = 4;
let mut node_uids = Vec::new();
for i in 0..NUM_NODES {
let node_uids_r = &node_uids;
// Create algorithm instances. FIXME.
let bi0 = Arc::new(Broadcast::new());
let net: NetSim<Message<Vec<u8>>> = NetSim::new(NUM_NODES);
let nodes = create_test_nodes(NUM_NODES, &net);
let mut join_handles: HashMap<NodeUid, _> = HashMap::new();
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
let bi0 = &bi0;
for node in nodes.iter() {
join_handles.insert(node.uid, scope.spawn(move || {
debug!("Running {:?}", node.uid);
for (uid, join_handle) in join_handles {
let result = join_handle.join();
println!("Result of {}: {:?}", uid, result);