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//! Comms task structure. A comms task communicates with a remote node through a
//! socket. Local communication with coordinating threads is made via
//! `crossbeam_channel::unbounded()`.
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use crossbeam;
use crossbeam_channel as channel;
use proto::Message;
use task;
/// A communication task connects a remote node to the thread that manages the
/// consensus algorithm.
pub struct CommsTask<'a, 'b, 'c, T: 'a + 'c + Send + Sync +
From<Vec<u8>> + Into<Vec<u8>>>
where Vec<u8>: From<T>
/// The transmit side of the multiple producer channel from comms threads.
tx: &'a channel::Sender<(usize, Message<T>)>,
/// The receive side of the multiple consumer channel to comms threads.
rx: &'a channel::Receiver<Message<T>>,
/// The receive side of the private channel to the comms thread.
rx_priv: &'c channel::Receiver<Message<T>>,
/// The socket IO task.
task: task::Task<'b>,
/// The index of this comms task for identification against its remote node.
pub node_index: usize
impl<'a, 'b, 'c, T: Debug + Send + Sync + From<Vec<u8>> + Into<Vec<u8>>>
CommsTask<'a, 'b, 'c, T>
where Vec<u8>: From<T>
pub fn new(tx: &'a channel::Sender<(usize, Message<T>)>,
rx: &'a channel::Receiver<Message<T>>,
rx_priv: &'c channel::Receiver<Message<T>>,
stream: &'b ::std::net::TcpStream,
node_index: usize) ->
debug!("Creating comms task #{} for {:?}", node_index,
CommsTask {
tx: tx,
rx: rx,
rx_priv: rx_priv,
task: task::Task::new(stream),
node_index: node_index
/// The main socket IO loop and an asynchronous thread responding to manager
/// thread requests.
pub fn run(&mut self) {
// Borrow parts of `self` before entering the thread binding scope.
let tx = Arc::new(self.tx);
let rx = Arc::new(self.rx);
let rx_priv = Arc::new(self.rx_priv);
let task = Arc::new(Mutex::new(&mut self.task));
let node_index = self.node_index;
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
// Make a further copy of `task` for the thread stack.
let task1 = task.clone();
// Local comms receive loop thread.
scope.spawn(move || {
select_loop! {
// Receive a multicast message from the manager thread.
recv(rx, message) => {
debug!("Node {} <- {:?}", node_index, message);
// Forward the message to the remote node.
// Receive a private message from the manager thread.
recv(rx_priv, message) => {
debug!("Node {} <- {:?}", node_index, message);
// Forward the message to the remote node.
// Remote comms receive loop.
loop {
match task.lock().unwrap().receive_message() {
Ok(message) => {
debug!("Node {} -> {:?}", node_index, message);
tx.send((node_index, message)).unwrap()
Err(task::Error::ProtobufError(e)) =>
warn!("Protobuf error {}", e),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Critical error {:?}", e);