update Cargo.toml

This commit is contained in:
Weiliang Li 2019-11-07 11:06:44 +09:00
parent 2f12266526
commit 9605f8f6d7
3 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -21,30 +21,30 @@ edition = "2018"
travis-ci = { repository = "poanetwork/hbbft" }
bincode = "1.1.2"
byteorder = "1.3.1"
derivative = "1.0.2"
env_logger = "0.6.1"
failure = "0.1.5"
bincode = "1.2.0"
byteorder = "1.3.2"
derivative = "1.0.3"
env_logger = "0.7.1"
failure = "0.1.6"
hex_fmt = "0.3"
init_with = "1.1.0"
log = "0.4.6"
log = "0.4.8"
rand = "0.6.5"
rand_derive = "0.5.0"
reed-solomon-erasure = "3.1.1"
serde = { version = "1.0.89", features = ["derive", "rc"] }
threshold_crypto = "0.3.1"
tiny-keccak = "1.4"
serde = { version = "1.0.102", features = ["derive", "rc"] }
threshold_crypto = { git = "https://github.com/kigawas/threshold_crypto", branch = "cleanup-and-codec"}
tiny-keccak = "1.5.0"
colored = "1.7"
crossbeam = "0.7.1"
crossbeam-channel = "0.3"
docopt = "1.0"
colored = "1.8.0"
crossbeam = "0.7.3"
crossbeam-channel = "0.4.0"
docopt = "1.1.0"
hbbft_testing = { path = "hbbft_testing", features = ["use-insecure-test-only-mock-crypto"] }
itertools = "0.8.0"
itertools = "0.8.1"
signifix = "0.10.0"
proptest = "0.9.2"
proptest = "0.9.4"
name = "consensus-node"

View File

@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ edition = "2018"
travis-ci = { repository = "poanetwork/hbbft" }
failure = "0.1.5"
failure = "0.1.6"
hbbft = { path = ".." }
integer-sqrt = "0.1.2"
proptest = "0.9.2"
proptest = "0.9.4"
rand = "0.6.5"
rand_xorshift = "0.1.1"
threshold_crypto = "0.3.1"
threshold_crypto = { git = "https://github.com/kigawas/threshold_crypto", branch = "cleanup-and-codec"}
use-insecure-test-only-mock-crypto = ["hbbft/use-insecure-test-only-mock-crypto"]

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ impl<C, N: NodeIdT> Batch<C, N> {
&'a C: IntoIterator,
self.contributions.values().flat_map(|item| item)
/// Returns an iterator over all transactions included in the batch. Consumes the batch.