updated the Broadcast doc example to the latest API

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Vladimir Komendantskiy 2018-07-24 09:49:30 +01:00
parent c23aebffb4
commit aefb812f2a
1 changed files with 80 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -41,26 +41,25 @@
//! * So a node with _2 f + 1_ `Ready`s and _2 f + 1_ `Echos` will decode and _output_ the value,
//! knowing that every other correct node will eventually do the same.
//! ## Example usage
//! ## Example
//! In this example, we simulate a network by passing messages by hand between instantiated
//! nodes. We use `u64` as network IDs, and start by creating a common network info. Then we input a
//! randomly generated payload into the proposer and process all the resulting messages in a
//! loop. For the reasons of simulation we annotate each message and each output with the node that
//! produced those. Finally, we perform a correctness check to verify that every node has output the
//! same payload as we provided to the proposer node.
//! ```
//! extern crate hbbft;
//! extern crate rand;
//! FIXME: Fix the test for the new API (Issue #135).
//! ```ignore
//!# extern crate clear_on_drop;
//!# extern crate hbbft;
//!# extern crate rand;
//!# fn main() {
//! use hbbft::broadcast::Broadcast;
//! use hbbft::crypto::SecretKeySet;
//! use hbbft::messaging::{DistAlgorithm, NetworkInfo, Target, TargetedMessage};
//! use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
//! use std::collections::{BTreeSet, BTreeMap};
//! use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
//! use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! // In the example, we will "simulate" a network by passing messages by hand between
//! // instantiated nodes. We use u64 as network ids, and start by creating a common
//! // network info.
//! // Our simulated network will use seven nodes in total, node 3 will be the proposer.
//! const NUM_NODES: u64 = 7;
//! const PROPOSER_ID: u64 = 3;
@ -70,61 +69,87 @@
//! // Create a random set of keys for testing.
//! let netinfos = NetworkInfo::generate_map(0..NUM_NODES);
//! // Create initial nodes by instantiating a `Broadcast` for each:
//! let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, _> = netinfos.into_iter().map(|(i, netinfo)| {
//! let bc = Broadcast::new(Arc::new(netinfo), PROPOSER_ID)
//! .expect("could not instantiate Broadcast");
//! // Create initial nodes by instantiating a `Broadcast` for each.
//! let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, _> = netinfos
//! .into_iter()
//! .map(|(i, netinfo)| {
//! let bc =
//! Broadcast::new(Arc::new(netinfo), PROPOSER_ID).expect("Broadcast instantiation");
//! (i, bc)
//! })
//! .collect();
//! (i, bc)
//! }).collect();
//! // We are ready to start. First we generate a payload to broadcast:
//! // We are ready to start. First we generate a payload to be broadcast.
//! let mut payload: Vec<_> = vec![0; 128];
//! rng.fill_bytes(&mut payload[..]);
//! // Now we can start the algorithm, its input is the payload to be broadcast.
//! let mut next_message = {
//! let proposer = nodes.get_mut(&PROPOSER_ID).unwrap();
//! proposer.input(payload.clone()).unwrap();
//! // attach the sender to the resulting message
//! proposer.next_message().map(|tm| (PROPOSER_ID, tm))
//! // Now we can start the algorithm, its input is the payload.
//! let initial_step = {
//! let proposer = nodes.get_mut(&PROPOSER_ID).unwrap();
//! proposer.input(payload.clone()).unwrap()
//! };
//! // We can sanity-check that a message is scheduled by the proposer:
//! assert!(next_message.is_some());
//! // Initialize the message queue for the simulated network. Annotate the resulting messages with
//! // the sender ID.
//! let mut messages: VecDeque<(_, TargetedMessage<_, _>)> = initial_step
//! .messages
//! .into_iter()
//! .map(|tm| (PROPOSER_ID, tm))
//! .collect();
//! // The network is simulated by passing messages around from node to node.
//! while let Some((sender, TargetedMessage { target, message })) = next_message {
//! // Initalize the outputs of all nodes with the annotated outputs of the proposer.
//! let mut outputs: VecDeque<(_, _)> = initial_step
//! .output
//! .into_iter()
//! .map(|v| (PROPOSER_ID, v))
//! .collect();
//! // We can check that a message is scheduled by the proposer. There should be one as long as the
//! // number of nodes is greater than 1.
//! assert!(!messages.is_empty());
//! // The message loop: The network is simulated by passing messages around from node to node.
//! while let Some((sender, TargetedMessage { target, message })) = messages.pop_front() {
//! println!("Message [{:?} -> {:?}]: {:?}", sender, target, message);
//! match target {
//! Target::All => {
//! let msg = &message;
//! nodes.iter_mut()
//! .for_each(|(_, node)| { node.handle_message(&sender, msg.clone())
//! .expect("could not handle message"); });
//! },
//! Target::Node(ref dest) => {
//! let dest_node = nodes.get_mut(dest).expect("destination node not found");
//! dest_node.handle_message(&sender, message)
//! .expect("could not handle message");
//! },
//! nodes.iter_mut().for_each(|(id, node)| {
//! let step = node
//! .handle_message(&sender, message.clone())
//! .expect("message was handled");
//! // Annotate messages and outputs.
//! messages.extend(step.messages.into_iter().map(|x| (*id, x)));
//! outputs.extend(step.output.into_iter().map(|x| (*id, x)));
//! });
//! }
//! Target::Node(ref id) => {
//! let dest_node = nodes.get_mut(id).expect("destination node");
//! let step = dest_node
//! .handle_message(&sender, message)
//! .expect("message was handled");
//! // Annotate messages and outputs.
//! messages.extend(step.messages.into_iter().map(|x| (*id, x)));
//! outputs.extend(step.output.into_iter().map(|x| (*id, x)));
//! }
//! }
//! // We have handled the message, now we check all nodes for new messages, in order:
//! next_message = nodes
//! .iter_mut()
//! .filter_map(|(&id, node)| node.next_message()
//! .map(|tm| (id, tm)))
//! .next();
//! }
//! // The algorithm output of every node will be the original payload.
//! for (_, mut node) in nodes {
//! assert_eq!(node.next_output().expect("missing output"), payload);
//! // Correctness test: The algorithm output of every node should be the original payload.
//! let expected_values = Some(payload);
//! let expected: VecDeque<_> = expected_values.iter().collect();
//! let outputs = &outputs;
//! let filter_output_of_node = |id: u64| {
//! let output: VecDeque<_> = outputs
//! .into_iter()
//! .filter(|(i, _)| i == &id)
//! .map(|(_, v)| v)
//! .collect();
//! output
//! };
//! for (id, _) in nodes {
//! assert_eq!(filter_output_of_node(id), expected);
//! }
//!# }
//! ```
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};