//! A _synchronous_ algorithm for dealerless distributed key generation. //! //! This protocol is meant to run in a _completely synchronous_ setting where each node handles all //! messages in the same order. It can e.g. exchange messages as transactions on top of //! `HoneyBadger`, or it can run "on-chain", i.e. committing its messages to a blockchain. //! //! Its messages are encrypted where necessary, so they can be publicly broadcast. //! //! When the protocol completes, every node receives a secret key share suitable for threshold //! signatures and encryption. The secret master key is not known by anyone. The protocol succeeds //! if up to `threshold` nodes are faulty. //! //! # How it works //! //! The algorithm is based on ideas from //! [Distributed Key Generation in the Wild](https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/377.pdf) and //! [A robust threshold elliptic curve digital signature providing a new verifiable secret sharing scheme](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ihab_Ali/publication/4205262_A_robust_threshold_elliptic_curve_digital_signature_providing_a_new_verifiable_secret_sharing_scheme/links/02e7e538f15726323a000000/A-robust-threshold-elliptic-curve-digital-signature-providing-a-new-verifiable-secret-sharing-scheme.pdf?origin=publication_detail). //! //! In a trusted dealer scenario, the following steps occur: //! //! 1. Dealer generates a `BivarPoly` of degree `t` and publishes the `BivarCommitment` which is //! used to publicly verify the polynomial's values. //! 2. Dealer sends _row_ `m > 0` to node number `m`. //! 3. Node `m`, in turn, sends _value_ `s` to node number `s`. //! 4. This process continues until `2 * t + 1` nodes confirm they have received a valid row. If //! there are at most `t` faulty nodes, we know that at least `t + 1` correct nodes sent on an //! entry of every other node’s column to that node. //! 5. This means every node can reconstruct its column, and the value at `0` of its column. //! 6. These values all lie on a univariate polynomial of degree `t` and can be used as secret keys. //! //! In our _dealerless_ environment, at least `t + 1` nodes each generate a polynomial using the //! method above. The sum of the secret keys we received from each node is then used as our secret //! key. No single node knows the secret master key. use std::collections::btree_map::Entry; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter}; use bincode; use pairing::bls12_381::{Fr, G1Affine}; use pairing::{CurveAffine, Field}; use rand::OsRng; use crypto::poly::{BivarCommitment, BivarPoly, Poly}; use crypto::serde_impl::field_vec::FieldWrap; use crypto::{Ciphertext, PublicKey, PublicKeySet, SecretKey, SecretKeyShare}; use fault_log::{FaultKind, FaultLog}; // TODO: No need to send our own row and value to ourselves. /// A commitment to a bivariate polynomial, and for each node, an encrypted row of values. #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Propose(BivarCommitment, Vec); impl Debug for Propose { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let deg = self.0.degree(); let len = self.1.len(); write!(f, "Propose(, <{} rows>)", deg, len) } } /// A confirmation that we have received a node's proposal and verified our row against the /// commitment. For each node, it contains one encrypted value of our row. #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Accept(u64, Vec); impl Debug for Accept { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "Accept({}, <{} values>", self.0, self.1.len()) } } /// The information needed to track a single proposer's secret sharing process. struct ProposalState { /// The proposer's commitment. commit: BivarCommitment, /// The verified values we received from `Accept` messages. values: BTreeMap, /// The nodes which have accepted this proposal, valid or not. accepts: BTreeSet, } impl ProposalState { /// Creates a new proposal state with a commitment. fn new(commit: BivarCommitment) -> ProposalState { ProposalState { commit, values: BTreeMap::new(), accepts: BTreeSet::new(), } } /// Returns `true` if at least `2 * threshold + 1` nodes have accepted. fn is_complete(&self, threshold: usize) -> bool { self.accepts.len() > 2 * threshold } } /// Returned from `SyncKeyGen.handle_propose()`. pub enum ProposeOutcome { // If the Propose message passed to `handle_propose()` is valid, an // Accept message is returned. Valid(Accept), // If the Propose message passed to `handle_propose()` is invalid, the // fault is logged and passed onto the caller. Invalid(FaultLog), } /// A synchronous algorithm for dealerless distributed key generation. /// /// It requires that all nodes handle all messages in the exact same order. pub struct SyncKeyGen { /// Our node index. our_idx: Option, /// Our secret key. sec_key: SecretKey, /// The public keys of all nodes, by node index. pub_keys: BTreeMap, /// Proposed bivariate polynomial. proposals: BTreeMap, /// The degree of the generated polynomial. threshold: usize, } impl SyncKeyGen { /// Creates a new `SyncKeyGen` instance, together with the `Propose` message that should be /// broadcast, if we are a peer. pub fn new( our_uid: &NodeUid, sec_key: SecretKey, pub_keys: BTreeMap, threshold: usize, ) -> (SyncKeyGen, Option) { let our_idx = pub_keys .keys() .position(|uid| uid == our_uid) .map(|idx| idx as u64); let key_gen = SyncKeyGen { our_idx, sec_key, pub_keys, proposals: BTreeMap::new(), threshold, }; if our_idx.is_none() { return (key_gen, None); // No proposal: we are an observer. } let mut rng = OsRng::new().expect("OS random number generator"); let our_proposal = BivarPoly::random(threshold, &mut rng); let commit = our_proposal.commitment(); let encrypt = |(i, pk): (usize, &PublicKey)| { let row = our_proposal.row(i as u64 + 1); let bytes = bincode::serialize(&row).expect("failed to serialize row"); pk.encrypt(&bytes) }; let rows: Vec<_> = key_gen.pub_keys.values().enumerate().map(encrypt).collect(); (key_gen, Some(Propose(commit, rows))) } /// Handles a `Propose` message. If it is valid, returns an `Accept` message to be broadcast. pub fn handle_propose( &mut self, sender_id: &NodeUid, Propose(commit, rows): Propose, ) -> Option> { let sender_idx = self.node_index(sender_id)?; let opt_commit_row = self.our_idx.map(|idx| commit.row(idx + 1)); match self.proposals.entry(sender_idx) { Entry::Occupied(_) => return None, // Ignore multiple proposals. Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(ProposalState::new(commit)); } } // If we are only an observer, return `None`. We don't need to send `Accept`. let our_idx = self.our_idx?; let commit_row = opt_commit_row?; let ser_row = self.sec_key.decrypt(rows.get(our_idx as usize)?)?; let row: Poly = if let Ok(row) = bincode::deserialize(&ser_row) { row } else { // Log the faulty node and ignore invalid messages. let fault_log = FaultLog::init(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::InvalidProposeMessage); return Some(ProposeOutcome::Invalid(fault_log)); }; if row.commitment() != commit_row { debug!("Invalid proposal from node {}.", sender_idx); let fault_log = FaultLog::init(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::InvalidProposeMessage); return Some(ProposeOutcome::Invalid(fault_log)); } // The row is valid: now encrypt one value for each node. let encrypt = |(idx, pk): (usize, &PublicKey)| { let val = row.evaluate(idx as u64 + 1); let wrap = FieldWrap::new(val); // TODO: Handle errors. let ser_val = bincode::serialize(&wrap).expect("failed to serialize value"); pk.encrypt(ser_val) }; let values = self.pub_keys.values().enumerate().map(encrypt).collect(); Some(ProposeOutcome::Valid(Accept(sender_idx, values))) } /// Handles an `Accept` message. pub fn handle_accept(&mut self, sender_id: &NodeUid, accept: Accept) -> FaultLog { let mut fault_log = FaultLog::new(); if let Some(sender_idx) = self.node_index(sender_id) { if let Err(err) = self.handle_accept_or_err(sender_idx, accept) { debug!("Invalid accept from node {}: {}", sender_idx, err); fault_log.append(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::InvalidAcceptMessage); } } fault_log } /// Returns the number of complete proposals. If this is at least `threshold + 1`, the keys can /// be generated, but it is possible to wait for more to increase security. pub fn count_complete(&self) -> usize { self.proposals .values() .filter(|proposal| proposal.is_complete(self.threshold)) .count() } /// Returns `true` if the proposal of the given node is complete. pub fn is_node_ready(&self, proposer_id: &NodeUid) -> bool { self.node_index(proposer_id) .and_then(|proposer_idx| self.proposals.get(&proposer_idx)) .map_or(false, |proposal| proposal.is_complete(self.threshold)) } /// Returns `true` if enough proposals are complete to safely generate the new key. pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool { self.count_complete() > self.threshold } /// Returns the new secret key and the public key set. /// /// These are only secure if `is_ready` returned `true`. Otherwise it is not guaranteed that /// none of the nodes knows the secret master key. pub fn generate(&self) -> (PublicKeySet, Option) { let mut pk_commit = Poly::zero().commitment(); let mut opt_sk_val = self.our_idx.map(|_| Fr::zero()); let is_complete = |proposal: &&ProposalState| proposal.is_complete(self.threshold); for proposal in self.proposals.values().filter(is_complete) { pk_commit += proposal.commit.row(0); if let Some(sk_val) = opt_sk_val.as_mut() { let row: Poly = Poly::interpolate(proposal.values.iter().take(self.threshold + 1)); sk_val.add_assign(&row.evaluate(0)); } } let opt_sk = opt_sk_val.map(SecretKeyShare::from_value); (pk_commit.into(), opt_sk) } /// Handles an `Accept` message or returns an error string. fn handle_accept_or_err( &mut self, sender_idx: u64, Accept(proposer_idx, values): Accept, ) -> Result<(), String> { if values.len() != self.pub_keys.len() { return Err("wrong node count".to_string()); } let proposal = self .proposals .get_mut(&proposer_idx) .ok_or_else(|| "sender does not exist".to_string())?; if !proposal.accepts.insert(sender_idx) { return Err("duplicate accept".to_string()); } let our_idx = match self.our_idx { Some(our_idx) => our_idx, None => return Ok(()), // We are only an observer. Nothing to decrypt for us. }; let ser_val: Vec = self .sec_key .decrypt(&values[our_idx as usize]) .ok_or_else(|| "value decryption failed".to_string())?; let val = bincode::deserialize::>(&ser_val) .map_err(|err| format!("deserialization failed: {:?}", err))? .into_inner(); if proposal.commit.evaluate(our_idx + 1, sender_idx + 1) != G1Affine::one().mul(val) { return Err("wrong value".to_string()); } proposal.values.insert(sender_idx + 1, val); Ok(()) } /// Returns the index of the node, or `None` if it is unknown. fn node_index(&self, node_id: &NodeUid) -> Option { if let Some(node_idx) = self.pub_keys.keys().position(|uid| uid == node_id) { Some(node_idx as u64) } else { debug!("Unknown node {:?}", node_id); None } } }