#![deny(unused_must_use)] //! Tests for synchronous distributed key generation. use std::collections::BTreeMap; use hbbft::crypto::{PublicKey, SecretKey}; use hbbft::sync_key_gen::{PartOutcome, SyncKeyGen}; use hbbft::util; fn test_sync_key_gen_with(threshold: usize, node_num: usize) { // Generate individual key pairs for encryption. These are not suitable for threshold schemes. let sec_keys: Vec = (0..node_num).map(|_| SecretKey::random()).collect(); let pub_keys: BTreeMap = sec_keys .iter() .map(SecretKey::public_key) .enumerate() .collect(); // Create the `SyncKeyGen` instances and initial proposals. let mut nodes = Vec::new(); let proposals: Vec<_> = sec_keys .into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(id, sk)| { let (sync_key_gen, proposal) = SyncKeyGen::new(id, sk, pub_keys.clone(), threshold, &mut rand::thread_rng()) .unwrap_or_else(|_err| { panic!("Failed to create `SyncKeyGen` instance #{}", id) }); nodes.push(sync_key_gen); proposal }) .collect(); // Handle the first `threshold + 1` proposals. Those should suffice for key generation. let mut acks = Vec::new(); for (sender_id, proposal) in proposals[..=threshold].iter().enumerate() { for (node_id, node) in nodes.iter_mut().enumerate() { let proposal = proposal.clone().expect("proposal"); let ack = match node .handle_part(&sender_id, proposal, &mut rand::thread_rng()) .expect("failed to handle part") { PartOutcome::Valid(Some(ack)) => ack, PartOutcome::Valid(None) => panic!("missing ack message"), PartOutcome::Invalid(fault) => panic!("invalid proposal: {:?}", fault), }; // Only the first `threshold + 1` manage to commit their `Ack`s. if node_id <= 2 * threshold { acks.push((node_id, ack)); } } } // Handle the `Ack`s from `2 * threshold + 1` nodes. for (sender_id, ack) in acks { for node in &mut nodes { assert!(!node.is_ready()); // Not enough `Ack`s yet. node.handle_ack(&sender_id, ack.clone()) .expect("error handling ack"); } } // Compute the keys and test a threshold signature. let msg = "Help I'm trapped in a unit test factory"; let pub_key_set = nodes[0] .generate() .expect("Failed to generate `PublicKeySet` for node #0") .0; let sig_shares: BTreeMap<_, _> = nodes .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(idx, node)| { assert!(node.is_ready()); let (pks, opt_sk) = node.generate().unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!( "Failed to generate `PublicKeySet` and `SecretKeyShare` for node #{}", idx ) }); let sk = opt_sk.expect("new secret key"); assert_eq!(pks, pub_key_set); let sig = sk.sign(msg); assert!(pks.public_key_share(idx).verify(&sig, msg)); (idx, sig) }) .collect(); let sig = pub_key_set .combine_signatures(sig_shares.iter().take(threshold + 1)) .expect("signature shares match"); assert!(pub_key_set.public_key().verify(&sig, msg)); } #[test] fn test_sync_key_gen() { // This returns an error in all but the first test. let _ = env_logger::try_init(); for &node_num in &[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15] { let threshold = util::max_faulty(node_num); test_sync_key_gen_with(threshold, node_num); } }