language: rust rust: - stable cache: cargo: true timeout: 1200 addons: apt: packages: - unzip before_install: - if [ "$TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS" = true ]; then openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_ab99677a831c_key -iv $encrypted_ab99677a831c_iv -in deploy_rsa.enc -out deploy_rsa -d; fi # The Rust stable toolchain is already installed, ${RUST_NEXT} is added to # provide `cargo clippy` and `cargo fmt`. - rustup toolchain install ${RUST_NEXT} - rustup component add --toolchain=${RUST_NEXT} rustfmt-preview clippy-preview # Some symlinking is still necessary for clippy to function properly. - ln -sf ${HOME}/.rustup/toolchains/${RUST_NEXT}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/clippy-driver ${HOME}/.rustup/toolchains/${RUST_NEXT}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/cargo-clippy $HOME/.cargo/bin/ # after_failure: # # Outputs the syslog after a failed build, e.g. to debug `SIGILL` occurrences. # # Unfortunately this is likely to disable container-based travis images, # # causing a CI slowdown, so this option is commented out by default. It can # # be enabled per-branch to debug issues. # - sudo tail -n 250 /var/log/syslog env: global: - RUST_BACKTRACE=1 - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" # Note: Currently (as of 2018-07-13), `clippy-preview` is only in the nightly # release. A version of `rustfmt` that supports the `--check` option # is also not in stable yet. # # A Clear migration path is swapping out `nightly-2018-07-13` with # `beta` after the stable release of Rust 1.28; and finally migrating # everything to `stable` at Rust 1.29. - RUST_NEXT=nightly-2018-07-13 - MLOCK_SECRETS=false script: - cargo +${RUST_NEXT} clippy -- --deny clippy - cargo +${RUST_NEXT} clippy --tests --examples -- --deny clippy - cargo +${RUST_NEXT} clippy --all-features -- --deny clippy - cargo +${RUST_NEXT} clippy --all-features --tests -- --deny clippy - cargo +${RUST_NEXT} fmt -- --check - cargo test --all-features --release