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use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{fmt, result};
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder};
use hex_fmt::{HexFmt, HexList};
use log::{debug, warn};
use rand::Rng;
use reed_solomon_erasure as rse;
use reed_solomon_erasure::ReedSolomon;
use super::merkle::{Digest, MerkleTree, Proof};
use super::message::HexProof;
use super::{Error, FaultKind, Message, Result};
use crate::fault_log::Fault;
use crate::{DistAlgorithm, NetworkInfo, NodeIdT, Target};
type RseResult<T> = result::Result<T, rse::Error>;
/// Broadcast algorithm instance.
pub struct Broadcast<N> {
/// Shared network data.
netinfo: Arc<NetworkInfo<N>>,
/// The ID of the sending node.
proposer_id: N,
/// The Reed-Solomon erasure coding configuration.
coding: Coding,
/// If we are the proposer: whether we have already sent the `Value` messages with the shards.
value_sent: bool,
/// Whether we have already multicast `Echo`.
echo_sent: bool,
/// Whether we have already multicast `Ready`.
ready_sent: bool,
/// Whether we have already output a value.
decided: bool,
/// The proofs we have received via `Echo` messages, by sender ID.
echos: BTreeMap<N, Proof<Vec<u8>>>,
/// The root hashes we received via `Ready` messages, by sender ID.
readys: BTreeMap<N, Vec<u8>>,
/// A `Broadcast` step, containing at most one output.
pub type Step<N> = crate::DaStep<Broadcast<N>>;
impl<N: NodeIdT> DistAlgorithm for Broadcast<N> {
type NodeId = N;
type Input = Vec<u8>;
type Output = Self::Input;
type Message = Message;
type Error = Error;
type FaultKind = FaultKind;
fn handle_input<R: Rng>(&mut self, input: Self::Input, _rng: &mut R) -> Result<Step<N>> {
fn handle_message<R: Rng>(
&mut self,
sender_id: &Self::NodeId,
message: Message,
_rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<Step<N>> {
self.handle_message(sender_id, message)
fn terminated(&self) -> bool {
fn our_id(&self) -> &N {
impl<N: NodeIdT> Broadcast<N> {
/// Creates a new broadcast instance to be used by node `our_id` which expects a value proposal
/// from node `proposer_id`.
pub fn new(netinfo: Arc<NetworkInfo<N>>, proposer_id: N) -> Result<Self> {
let parity_shard_num = 2 * netinfo.num_faulty();
let data_shard_num = netinfo.num_nodes() - parity_shard_num;
let coding =
Coding::new(data_shard_num, parity_shard_num).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidNodeCount)?;
Ok(Broadcast {
value_sent: false,
echo_sent: false,
ready_sent: false,
decided: false,
echos: BTreeMap::new(),
readys: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Initiates the broadcast. This must only be called in the proposer node.
pub fn broadcast(&mut self, input: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Step<N>> {
if *self.our_id() != self.proposer_id {
return Err(Error::InstanceCannotPropose);
if self.value_sent {
return Err(Error::MultipleInputs);
self.value_sent = true;
// Split the value into chunks/shards, encode them with erasure codes.
// Assemble a Merkle tree from data and parity shards. Take all proofs
// from this tree and send them, each to its own node.
let (proof, step) = self.send_shards(input)?;
let our_id = &self.our_id().clone();
Ok(step.join(self.handle_value(our_id, proof)?))
/// Handles a message received from `sender_id`.
/// This must be called with every message we receive from another node.
pub fn handle_message(&mut self, sender_id: &N, message: Message) -> Result<Step<N>> {
if !self.netinfo.is_node_validator(sender_id) {
return Err(Error::UnknownSender);
match message {
Message::Value(p) => self.handle_value(sender_id, p),
Message::Echo(p) => self.handle_echo(sender_id, p),
Message::Ready(ref hash) => self.handle_ready(sender_id, hash),
/// Returns the proposer's node ID.
pub fn proposer_id(&self) -> &N {
/// Breaks the input value into shards of equal length and encodes them --
/// and some extra parity shards -- with a Reed-Solomon erasure coding
/// scheme. The returned value contains the shard assigned to this
/// node. That shard doesn't need to be sent anywhere. It gets recorded in
/// the broadcast instance.
fn send_shards(&mut self, mut value: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(Proof<Vec<u8>>, Step<N>)> {
let data_shard_num = self.coding.data_shard_count();
let parity_shard_num = self.coding.parity_shard_count();
// Insert the length of `v` so it can be decoded without the padding.
let payload_len = value.len() as u32;
value.splice(0..0, 0..4); // Insert four bytes at the beginning.
BigEndian::write_u32(&mut value[..4], payload_len); // Write the size.
let value_len = value.len(); // This is at least 4 now, due to the payload length.
// Size of a Merkle tree leaf value: the value size divided by the number of data shards,
// and rounded up, so that the full value always fits in the data shards. Always at least 1.
let shard_len = (value_len + data_shard_num - 1) / data_shard_num;
// Pad the last data shard with zeros. Fill the parity shards with zeros.
value.resize(shard_len * (data_shard_num + parity_shard_num), 0);
// Divide the vector into chunks/shards.
let shards_iter = value.chunks_mut(shard_len);
// Convert the iterator over slices into a vector of slices.
let mut shards: Vec<&mut [u8]> = shards_iter.collect();
// Construct the parity chunks/shards. This only fails if a shard is empty or the shards
// have different sizes. Our shards all have size `shard_len`, which is at least 1.
self.coding.encode(&mut shards).expect("wrong shard size");
"{}: Value: {} bytes, {} per shard. Shards: {:0.10}",
// Create a Merkle tree from the shards.
let mtree = MerkleTree::from_vec(shards.into_iter().map(|shard| shard.to_vec()).collect());
// Default result in case of `proof` error.
let mut result = Err(Error::ProofConstructionFailed);
assert_eq!(self.netinfo.num_nodes(), mtree.values().len());
let mut step = Step::default();
// Send each proof to a node.
for (index, id) in self.netinfo.all_ids().enumerate() {
let proof = mtree.proof(index).ok_or(Error::ProofConstructionFailed)?;
if *id == *self.our_id() {
// The proof is addressed to this node.
result = Ok(proof);
} else {
// Rest of the proofs are sent to remote nodes.
let msg = Target::Node(id.clone()).message(Message::Value(proof));
result.map(|proof| (proof, step))
/// Handles a received echo and verifies the proof it contains.
fn handle_value(&mut self, sender_id: &N, p: Proof<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Step<N>> {
// If the sender is not the proposer or if this is not the first `Value`, ignore.
if *sender_id != self.proposer_id {
let fault_kind = FaultKind::ReceivedValueFromNonProposer;
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), fault_kind).into());
if self.echo_sent {
if self.echos.get(self.our_id()) == Some(&p) {
"Node {:?} received Value({:?}) multiple times from {:?}.",
return Ok(Step::default());
} else {
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::MultipleValues).into());
// If the proof is invalid, log the faulty node behavior and ignore.
if !self.validate_proof(&p, &self.our_id()) {
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::InvalidProof).into());
// Otherwise multicast the proof in an `Echo` message, and handle it ourselves.
/// Handles a received `Echo` message.
fn handle_echo(&mut self, sender_id: &N, p: Proof<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Step<N>> {
// If the sender has already sent `Echo`, ignore.
if let Some(old_p) = self.echos.get(sender_id) {
if *old_p == p {
"Node {:?} received Echo({:?}) multiple times from {:?}.",
return Ok(Step::default());
} else {
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::MultipleEchos).into());
// If the proof is invalid, log the faulty-node behavior, and ignore.
if !self.validate_proof(&p, sender_id) {
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::InvalidProof).into());
let hash = *p.root_hash();
// Save the proof for reconstructing the tree later.
self.echos.insert(sender_id.clone(), p);
if self.ready_sent || self.count_echos(&hash) < self.netinfo.num_correct() {
return self.compute_output(&hash);
// Upon receiving `N - f` `Echo`s with this root hash, multicast `Ready`.
/// Handles a received `Ready` message.
fn handle_ready(&mut self, sender_id: &N, hash: &Digest) -> Result<Step<N>> {
// If the sender has already sent a `Ready` before, ignore.
if let Some(old_hash) = self.readys.get(sender_id) {
if old_hash == hash {
"Node {:?} received Ready({:?}) multiple times from {:?}.",
return Ok(Step::default());
} else {
return Ok(Fault::new(sender_id.clone(), FaultKind::MultipleReadys).into());
self.readys.insert(sender_id.clone(), hash.to_vec());
let mut step = Step::default();
// Upon receiving f + 1 matching Ready(h) messages, if Ready
// has not yet been sent, multicast Ready(h).
if self.count_readys(hash) == self.netinfo.num_faulty() + 1 && !self.ready_sent {
// Enqueue a broadcast of a Ready message.
/// Sends an `Echo` message and handles it. Does nothing if we are only an observer.
fn send_echo(&mut self, p: Proof<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Step<N>> {
self.echo_sent = true;
if !self.netinfo.is_validator() {
return Ok(Step::default());
let echo_msg = Message::Echo(p.clone());
let step: Step<_> = Target::All.message(echo_msg).into();
let our_id = &self.our_id().clone();
Ok(step.join(self.handle_echo(our_id, p)?))
/// Sends a `Ready` message and handles it. Does nothing if we are only an observer.
fn send_ready(&mut self, hash: &Digest) -> Result<Step<N>> {
self.ready_sent = true;
if !self.netinfo.is_validator() {
return Ok(Step::default());
let ready_msg = Message::Ready(*hash);
let step: Step<_> = Target::All.message(ready_msg).into();
let our_id = &self.our_id().clone();
Ok(step.join(self.handle_ready(our_id, hash)?))
/// Checks whether the conditions for output are met for this hash, and if so, sets the output
/// value.
fn compute_output(&mut self, hash: &Digest) -> Result<Step<N>> {
if self.decided
|| self.count_readys(hash) <= 2 * self.netinfo.num_faulty()
|| self.count_echos(hash) < self.coding.data_shard_count()
return Ok(Step::default());
// Upon receiving 2f + 1 matching Ready(h) messages, wait for N 2f Echo messages.
let mut leaf_values: Vec<Option<Box<[u8]>>> = self
.map(|id| {
self.echos.get(id).and_then(|p| {
if p.root_hash() == hash {
} else {
if let Some(value) = self.decode_from_shards(&mut leaf_values, hash) {
self.decided = true;
} else {
let fault_kind = FaultKind::BroadcastDecoding;
Ok(Fault::new(self.proposer_id.clone(), fault_kind).into())
/// Interpolates the missing shards and glues together the data shards to retrieve the value.
/// This returns `None` if reconstruction failed or the reconstructed shards don't match the
/// root hash. This can only happen if the proposer provided invalid shards.
fn decode_from_shards(
leaf_values: &mut [Option<Box<[u8]>>],
root_hash: &Digest,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// Try to interpolate the Merkle tree using the Reed-Solomon erasure coding scheme.
// Collect shards for tree construction.
let shards: Vec<Vec<u8>> = leaf_values
.filter_map(|l| l.as_ref().map(|v| v.to_vec()))
debug!("{}: Reconstructed shards: {:0.10}", self, HexList(&shards));
// Construct the Merkle tree.
let mtree = MerkleTree::from_vec(shards);
// If the root hash of the reconstructed tree does not match the one
// received with proofs then abort.
if mtree.root_hash() != root_hash {
return None; // The proposer is faulty.
// Reconstruct the value from the data shards:
// Concatenate the leaf values that are data shards The first four bytes are
// interpreted as the payload size, and the padding beyond that size is dropped.
let count = self.coding.data_shard_count();
let mut bytes = mtree.into_values().into_iter().take(count).flatten();
let payload_len = match (bytes.next(), bytes.next(), bytes.next(), bytes.next()) {
(Some(b0), Some(b1), Some(b2), Some(b3)) => {
BigEndian::read_u32(&[b0, b1, b2, b3]) as usize
_ => return None, // The proposer is faulty: no payload size.
let payload: Vec<u8> = bytes.take(payload_len).collect();
debug!("{}: Glued data shards {:0.10}", self, HexFmt(&payload));
/// Returns `true` if the proof is valid and has the same index as the node ID.
fn validate_proof(&self, p: &Proof<Vec<u8>>, id: &N) -> bool {
self.netinfo.node_index(id) == Some(p.index()) && p.validate(self.netinfo.num_nodes())
/// Returns the number of nodes that have sent us an `Echo` message with this hash.
fn count_echos(&self, hash: &Digest) -> usize {
.filter(|p| p.root_hash() == hash)
/// Returns the number of nodes that have sent us a `Ready` message with this hash.
fn count_readys(&self, hash: &Digest) -> usize {
.filter(|h| h.as_slice() == hash)
impl<N: NodeIdT> fmt::Display for Broadcast<N> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "{:?} Broadcast({:?})", self.our_id(), self.proposer_id)
/// A wrapper for `ReedSolomon` that doesn't panic if there are no parity shards.
enum Coding {
/// A `ReedSolomon` instance with at least one parity shard.
/// A no-op replacement that doesn't encode or decode anything.
impl Coding {
/// Creates a new `Coding` instance with the given number of shards.
fn new(data_shard_num: usize, parity_shard_num: usize) -> RseResult<Self> {
Ok(if parity_shard_num > 0 {
let rs = ReedSolomon::new(data_shard_num, parity_shard_num)?;
} else {
/// Returns the number of data shards.
fn data_shard_count(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => rs.data_shard_count(),
Coding::Trivial(dsc) => dsc,
/// Returns the number of parity shards.
fn parity_shard_count(&self) -> usize {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => rs.parity_shard_count(),
Coding::Trivial(_) => 0,
/// Constructs (and overwrites) the parity shards.
fn encode(&self, slices: &mut [&mut [u8]]) -> RseResult<()> {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => rs.encode(slices),
Coding::Trivial(_) => Ok(()),
/// If enough shards are present, reconstructs the missing ones.
fn reconstruct_shards(&self, shards: &mut [Option<Box<[u8]>>]) -> RseResult<()> {
match *self {
Coding::ReedSolomon(ref rs) => rs.reconstruct_shards(shards),
Coding::Trivial(_) => {
if shards.iter().all(Option::is_some) {
} else {