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//! # Dynamic Honey Badger
//! Like Honey Badger, this protocol allows a network of _N_ nodes with at most _f_ faulty ones,
//! where _3 f < N_, to input "contributions" - any kind of data -, and to agree on a sequence of
//! _batches_ of contributions. The protocol proceeds in linear _epochs_, starting at number 0, and
//! outputs one batch in each epoch. It never terminates: It handles a continuous stream of incoming
//! contributions and keeps producing new batches from them. All correct nodes will output the same
//! batch for each epoch. Each validator proposes one contribution per epoch, and every batch will
//! contain the contributions of at least _N - f_ validators.
//! Epochs are divided into intervals called _eras_ starting at 0. An era covers the lifetime of
//! exactly one instance of `HoneyBadger`. Each following era begins immediately after a batch that
//! - proposes a change in the set of validators,
//! - finalizes that proposed change or
//! - updates the encryption schedule.
//! Unlike Honey Badger, this algorithm allows dynamically adding and removing validators.
//! As a signal to initiate converting observers to validators or vice versa, it defines a special
//! `Change` input variant, which contains either a vote `Add(node_id, public_key)`, to add an
//! existing observer to the set of validators, or `Remove(node_id)` to remove it. Each
//! validator can have at most one active vote, and casting another vote revokes the previous one.
//! Once _f + 1_ validators have the same active vote, a reconfiguration process begins: They
//! create new cryptographic key shares for the new group of validators.
//! The state of that process after each epoch is communicated via the `change` field in `Batch`.
//! When this contains an `InProgress(..)` value, key generation begins and the following epoch
//! starts the next era. The joining validator (in the case of an `Add` change) must be an observer
//! starting in the following epoch or earlier. When `change` is `Complete(..)`, the following
//! epoch starts the next era with the new set of validators.
//! New observers can only join the network after an epoch where `change` was not `None`. These
//! epochs' batches contain a `JoinPlan`, which can be sent as an invitation to the new node: The
//! `DynamicHoneyBadger` instance created from a `JoinPlan` will start as an observer in the
//! following epoch. All `Target::All` messages from that and later epochs must be sent to the new
//! node.
//! Observer nodes can leave the network at any time.
//! These mechanisms create a dynamic network where you can:
//! * introduce new nodes as observers,
//! * promote observer nodes to validators,
//! * demote validator nodes to observers, and
//! * remove observer nodes,
//! * change how frequently nodes use threshold encryption,
//! without interrupting the consensus process.
//! ## How it works
//! Dynamic Honey Badger runs a regular Honey Badger instance internally, which in addition to the
//! user's contributions contains special transactions for the change votes and the key generation
//! messages: Running votes and key generation "on-chain" greatly simplifies these processes, since
//! it is guaranteed that every node will see the same sequence of votes and messages.
//! Every time Honey Badger outputs a new batch, Dynamic Honey Badger outputs the user
//! contributions in its own batch. The other transactions are processed: votes are counted and key
//! generation messages are passed into a `SyncKeyGen` instance.
//! Whenever a change receives _f + 1_ votes, the votes are reset and key generation for that
//! change begins. If key generation completes successfully, the Honey Badger instance is dropped,
//! and replaced by a new one with the new set of participants. If a different change wins a
//! vote before that happens, key generation resets again, and is attempted for the new change.
mod batch;
mod builder;
mod change;
mod dynamic_honey_badger;
mod error;
mod votes;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use crate::crypto::{PublicKey, PublicKeySet, Signature};
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use self::votes::{SignedVote, VoteCounter};
use crate::honey_badger::{EncryptionSchedule, Message as HbMessage, Params};
use crate::sync_key_gen::{Ack, Part, SyncKeyGen};
use crate::NodeIdT;
pub use self::batch::Batch;
pub use self::builder::DynamicHoneyBadgerBuilder;
pub use self::change::{Change, ChangeState};
pub use self::dynamic_honey_badger::DynamicHoneyBadger;
pub use self::error::{Error, FaultKind, Result};
/// A `DynamicHoneyBadger` step, possibly containing multiple outputs.
pub type Step<C, N> = crate::DaStep<DynamicHoneyBadger<C, N>>;
/// The user input for `DynamicHoneyBadger`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Input<C, N: Ord> {
/// A user-defined contribution for the next epoch.
/// A vote to change the set of validators.
/// An internal message containing a vote for adding or removing a validator, or a message for key
/// generation. It gets committed via Honey Badger and is only handled after it has been output in
/// a batch, so that all nodes see these messages in the same order.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash, Clone)]
pub enum KeyGenMessage {
/// A `SyncKeyGen::Part` message for key generation.
/// A `SyncKeyGen::Ack` message for key generation.
/// A message sent to or received from another node's Honey Badger instance.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Message<N: Ord> {
/// A message belonging to the `HoneyBadger` algorithm started in the given epoch.
HoneyBadger(u64, HbMessage<N>),
/// A transaction to be committed, signed by a node.
KeyGen(u64, KeyGenMessage, Box<Signature>),
/// A vote to be committed, signed by a validator.
impl<N: Ord> Message<N> {
fn era(&self) -> u64 {
match *self {
Message::HoneyBadger(era, _) => era,
Message::KeyGen(era, _, _) => era,
Message::SignedVote(ref signed_vote) => signed_vote.era(),
/// The information a new node requires to join the network as an observer. It contains the state
/// of voting and key generation after a specific epoch, so that the new node will be in sync if it
/// joins in the next one.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct JoinPlan<N: Ord> {
/// The first epoch the new node will observe.
era: u64,
/// The current change. If `InProgress`, key generation for it is beginning at `epoch`.
change: ChangeState<N>,
/// The current public key set for threshold cryptography.
pub_key_set: PublicKeySet,
/// The public keys of the current validators.
pub_keys: BTreeMap<N, PublicKey>,
/// Parameters controlling Honey Badger's behavior and performance.
params: Params,
impl<N: Ord> JoinPlan<N> {
/// The epoch of the first batch the new node will observe.
pub fn next_epoch(&self) -> u64 {
/// The ongoing key generation, together with information about the validator change.
struct KeyGenState<N: Ord> {
/// The key generation instance.
key_gen: SyncKeyGen<N>,
/// The number of key generation messages received from each peer. At most _N + 1_ are
/// accepted.
msg_count: BTreeMap<N, usize>,
impl<N: NodeIdT> KeyGenState<N> {
fn new(key_gen: SyncKeyGen<N>) -> Self {
KeyGenState {
msg_count: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Returns `true` if enough validators' key generation parts have been completed.
fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {
let kg = &self.key_gen;
kg.is_ready() && kg.count_complete() * 3 > 2 * kg.public_keys().len()
/// Returns the map of new validators and their public keys.
fn public_keys(&self) -> &BTreeMap<N, PublicKey> {
/// Increments the message count for the given node, and returns the new count.
fn count_messages(&mut self, node_id: &N) -> usize {
let count = self.msg_count.entry(node_id.clone()).or_insert(0);
*count += 1;
/// The contribution for the internal `HoneyBadger` instance: this includes a user-defined
/// application-level contribution as well as internal signed messages.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
struct InternalContrib<C, N: Ord> {
/// A user-defined contribution.
contrib: C,
/// Key generation messages that get committed via Honey Badger to communicate synchronously.
key_gen_messages: Vec<SignedKeyGenMsg<N>>,
/// Signed votes for validator set changes.
votes: Vec<SignedVote<N>>,
/// A signed internal message.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash, Clone)]
struct SignedKeyGenMsg<N>(u64, N, KeyGenMessage, Signature);
impl<N> SignedKeyGenMsg<N> {
/// Returns the era of the ongoing key generation.
fn era(&self) -> u64 {