
337 lines
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//! Common supertraits for distributed algorithms.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::iter::once;
use failure::Fail;
use rand::Rng;
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use crate::fault_log::{Fault, FaultLog};
use crate::sender_queue::SenderQueueableMessage;
use crate::{Target, TargetedMessage};
/// A transaction, user message, or other user data.
pub trait Contribution: Eq + Debug + Hash + Send + Sync {}
impl<C> Contribution for C where C: Eq + Debug + Hash + Send + Sync {}
/// A peer node's unique identifier.
pub trait NodeIdT: Eq + Ord + Clone + Debug + Hash + Send + Sync {}
impl<N> NodeIdT for N where N: Eq + Ord + Clone + Debug + Hash + Send + Sync {}
/// A distributed algorithm fault.
pub trait FaultT: Clone + Debug + Fail + PartialEq {}
impl<N> FaultT for N where N: Clone + Debug + Fail + PartialEq {}
/// Messages.
pub trait Message: Debug + Send + Sync {}
impl<M> Message for M where M: Debug + Send + Sync {}
/// Session identifiers.
pub trait SessionIdT: Display + Serialize + Send + Sync + Clone + Debug {}
impl<S> SessionIdT for S where S: Display + Serialize + Send + Sync + Clone + Debug {}
/// Epochs.
pub trait EpochT: Copy + Message + Default + Eq + Ord + Serialize + DeserializeOwned {}
impl<E> EpochT for E where E: Copy + Message + Default + Eq + Ord + Serialize + DeserializeOwned {}
/// Single algorithm step outcome.
/// Each time input (typically in the form of user input or incoming network messages) is provided
/// to an instance of an algorithm, a `Step` is produced, potentially containing output values,
/// a fault log, and network messages.
/// Any `Step` **must always be used** by the client application; at the very least the resulting
/// messages must be queued.
/// ## Handling unused Steps
/// In the (rare) case of a `Step` not being of any interest at all, instead of discarding it
/// through `let _ = ...` or similar constructs, the implicit assumption should explicitly be
/// checked instead:
/// ```ignore
/// assert!(alg.propose(123).expect("Could not propose value").is_empty(),
/// "Algorithm will never output anything on first proposal");
/// ```
/// If an edge case occurs and outgoing messages are generated as a result, the `assert!` will
/// catch it, instead of potentially stalling the algorithm.
#[must_use = "The algorithm step result must be used."]
pub struct Step<M, O, N, F: Fail> {
/// The algorithm's output, after consensus has been reached. This is guaranteed to be the same
/// in all nodes.
pub output: Vec<O>,
/// A list of nodes that are not following consensus, together with information about the
/// detected misbehavior.
pub fault_log: FaultLog<N, F>,
/// A list of messages that must be sent to other nodes. Each entry contains a message and a
/// `Target`.
pub messages: Vec<TargetedMessage<M, N>>,
impl<M, O, N, F> Default for Step<M, O, N, F>
F: Fail,
fn default() -> Self {
Step {
output: Vec::default(),
fault_log: FaultLog::default(),
messages: Vec::default(),
impl<M, O, N, F> Step<M, O, N, F>
F: Fail,
/// Creates a new `Step` from the given collections.
pub fn new(
output: Vec<O>,
fault_log: FaultLog<N, F>,
messages: Vec<TargetedMessage<M, N>>,
) -> Self {
Step {
/// Returns the same step, with the given additional output.
pub fn with_output<T: Into<Option<O>>>(mut self, output: T) -> Self {
/// Converts `self` into a step of another type, given conversion methods for output, faults,
/// and messages.
pub fn map<M2, O2, F2, FO, FF, FM>(
f_out: FO,
f_fail: FF,
f_msg: FM,
) -> Step<M2, O2, N, F2>
F2: Fail,
FO: Fn(O) -> O2,
FF: Fn(F) -> F2,
FM: Fn(M) -> M2,
Step {
output: self.output.into_iter().map(f_out).collect(),
fault_log: self.fault_log.map(f_fail),
messages: self.messages.into_iter().map(|tm| tm.map(&f_msg)).collect(),
/// Extends `self` with `other`s messages and fault logs, and returns `other.output`.
pub fn extend_with<M2, O2, F2, FF, FM>(
&mut self,
other: Step<M2, O2, N, F2>,
f_fail: FF,
f_msg: FM,
) -> Vec<O2>
F2: Fail,
FF: Fn(F2) -> F,
FM: Fn(M2) -> M,
let fails = other.fault_log.map(f_fail);
let msgs = other.messages.into_iter().map(|tm| tm.map(&f_msg));
/// Adds the outputs, fault logs and messages of `other` to `self`.
pub fn extend(&mut self, other: Self) {
/// Extends this step with `other` and returns the result.
pub fn join(mut self, other: Self) -> Self {
/// Returns `true` if there are no messages, faults or outputs.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.output.is_empty() && self.fault_log.is_empty() && self.messages.is_empty()
impl<M, O, N, F> From<FaultLog<N, F>> for Step<M, O, N, F>
F: Fail,
fn from(fault_log: FaultLog<N, F>) -> Self {
Step {
impl<M, O, N, F> From<Fault<N, F>> for Step<M, O, N, F>
F: Fail,
fn from(fault: Fault<N, F>) -> Self {
Step {
fault_log: fault.into(),
impl<M, O, N, F> From<TargetedMessage<M, N>> for Step<M, O, N, F>
F: Fail,
fn from(msg: TargetedMessage<M, N>) -> Self {
Step {
messages: once(msg).collect(),
impl<I, M, O, N, F> From<I> for Step<M, O, N, F>
I: IntoIterator<Item = TargetedMessage<M, N>>,
F: Fail,
fn from(msgs: I) -> Self {
Step {
messages: msgs.into_iter().collect(),
/// An interface to objects with epoch numbers. Different algorithms may have different internal
/// notion of _epoch_. This interface summarizes the properties that are essential for the message
/// sender queue.
pub trait Epoched {
/// Type of epoch.
type Epoch: EpochT;
/// Returns the object's epoch number.
fn epoch(&self) -> Self::Epoch;
/// An alias for the type of `Step` returned by `D`'s methods.
pub type DaStep<D> = Step<
<D as DistAlgorithm>::Message,
<D as DistAlgorithm>::Output,
<D as DistAlgorithm>::NodeId,
<D as DistAlgorithm>::FaultKind,
impl<'i, M, O, N, F> Step<M, O, N, F>
N: NodeIdT,
M: 'i + Clone + SenderQueueableMessage,
F: Fail,
/// Removes and returns any messages that are not yet accepted by remote nodes according to the
/// mapping `remote_epochs`. This way the returned messages are postponed until later, and the
/// remaining messages can be sent to remote nodes without delay.
pub fn defer_messages(
&mut self,
peer_epochs: &BTreeMap<N, M::Epoch>,
max_future_epochs: u64,
) -> Vec<(N, M)> {
let mut deferred_msgs: Vec<(N, M)> = Vec::new();
let mut passed_msgs: Vec<_> = Vec::new();
for msg in self.messages.drain(..) {
match msg.target.clone() {
Target::Node(id) => {
if let Some(&them) = peer_epochs.get(&id) {
if msg.message.is_premature(them, max_future_epochs) {
deferred_msgs.push((id, msg.message));
} else if !msg.message.is_obsolete(them) {
Target::All => {
if peer_epochs
.all(|&them| msg.message.is_accepted(them, max_future_epochs))
} else {
// The `Target::All` message is split into two sets of point messages: those
// which can be sent without delay and those which should be postponed.
for (id, &them) in peer_epochs {
if msg.message.is_premature(them, max_future_epochs) {
deferred_msgs.push((id.clone(), msg.message.clone()));
} else if !msg.message.is_obsolete(them) {
/// A distributed algorithm that defines a message flow.
/// Many algorithms require an RNG which must be supplied on each call. It is up to the caller to
/// ensure that this random number generator is cryptographically secure.
pub trait DistAlgorithm: Send + Sync {
/// Unique node identifier.
type NodeId: NodeIdT;
/// The input provided by the user.
type Input;
/// The output type. Some algorithms return an output exactly once, others return multiple
/// times.
type Output;
/// The messages that need to be exchanged between the instances in the participating nodes.
type Message: Message;
/// The errors that can occur during execution.
type Error: Fail;
/// The kinds of message faults that can be detected during execution.
type FaultKind: FaultT;
/// Handles an input provided by the user, and returns
fn handle_input<R: Rng>(
&mut self,
input: Self::Input,
rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<DaStep<Self>, Self::Error>
Self: Sized;
/// Handles a message received from node `sender_id`.
fn handle_message<R: Rng>(
&mut self,
sender_id: &Self::NodeId,
message: Self::Message,
rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<DaStep<Self>, Self::Error>
Self: Sized;
/// Returns `true` if execution has completed and this instance can be dropped.
fn terminated(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns this node's own ID.
fn our_id(&self) -> &Self::NodeId;