
310 lines
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//! # Queueing Honey Badger
//! This works exactly like Dynamic Honey Badger, but it has a transaction queue built in. Whenever
//! an epoch is output, it will automatically select a list of pending transactions and propose it
//! for the next one. The user can continuously add more pending transactions to the queue.
//! If there are no pending transactions, no validators in the process of being added or
//! removed and not enough other nodes have proposed yet, no automatic proposal will be made: The
//! network then waits until at least _f + 1_ have any content for the next epoch.
//! ## How it works
//! Queueing Honey Badger runs a Dynamic Honey Badger internally, and automatically inputs a list
//! of pending transactions as its contribution at the beginning of each epoch. These are selected
//! by making a random choice of _B / N_ out of the first _B_ entries in the queue, where _B_ is the
//! configurable `batch_size` parameter, and _N_ is the current number of validators.
//! After each output, the transactions that made it into the new batch are removed from the queue.
//! The random choice of transactions is made to reduce redundancy even if all validators have
//! roughly the same entries in their queues. By selecting a random fraction of the first _B_
//! entries, any two nodes will likely make almost disjoint contributions instead of proposing
//! the same transaction multiple times.
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::{cmp, iter};
use failure::{Backtrace, Context, Fail};
use rand::{Rand, Rng};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use dynamic_honey_badger::{self, Batch as DhbBatch, DynamicHoneyBadger, Message};
use transaction_queue::TransactionQueue;
use {util, Contribution, DistAlgorithm, NodeIdT};
pub use dynamic_honey_badger::{Change, ChangeState, Input, NodeChange};
/// Queueing honey badger error variants.
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
#[fail(display = "Input error: {}", _0)]
#[fail(display = "Handle message error: {}", _0)]
#[fail(display = "Propose error: {}", _0)]
/// A queueing honey badger error.
pub struct Error {
inner: Context<ErrorKind>,
impl Fail for Error {
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Fail> {
fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&Backtrace> {
impl Error {
pub fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind {
impl From<ErrorKind> for Error {
fn from(kind: ErrorKind) -> Error {
Error {
inner: Context::new(kind),
impl From<Context<ErrorKind>> for Error {
fn from(inner: Context<ErrorKind>) -> Error {
Error { inner }
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
Display::fmt(&self.inner, f)
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// A Queueing Honey Badger builder, to configure the parameters and create new instances of
/// `QueueingHoneyBadger`.
pub struct QueueingHoneyBadgerBuilder<T, N: Rand, Q> {
/// Shared network data.
dyn_hb: DynamicHoneyBadger<Vec<T>, N>,
/// The target number of transactions to be included in each batch.
batch_size: usize,
/// The queue of pending transactions that haven't been output in a batch yet.
queue: Q,
_phantom: PhantomData<T>,
pub type QueueingHoneyBadgerWithStep<T, N, Q> = (QueueingHoneyBadger<T, N, Q>, Step<T, N, Q>);
impl<T, N, Q> QueueingHoneyBadgerBuilder<T, N, Q>
T: Contribution + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Clone,
N: NodeIdT + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Rand,
Q: TransactionQueue<T>,
/// Returns a new `QueueingHoneyBadgerBuilder` configured to use the node IDs and cryptographic
/// keys specified by `netinfo`.
// TODO: Make it easier to build a `QueueingHoneyBadger` with a `JoinPlan`. Handle `Step`
// conversion internally.
pub fn new(dyn_hb: DynamicHoneyBadger<Vec<T>, N>) -> Self {
// TODO: Use the defaults from `HoneyBadgerBuilder`.
QueueingHoneyBadgerBuilder {
batch_size: 100,
queue: Default::default(),
_phantom: PhantomData,
/// Sets the target number of transactions per batch.
pub fn batch_size(mut self, batch_size: usize) -> Self {
self.batch_size = batch_size;
/// Sets the transaction queue object.
pub fn queue(mut self, queue: Q) -> Self {
self.queue = queue;
/// Creates a new Queueing Honey Badger instance with an empty buffer.
pub fn build<R>(self, rng: R) -> QueueingHoneyBadgerWithStep<T, N, Q>
R: 'static + Rng + Send + Sync,
self.build_with_transactions(None, rng)
.expect("building without transactions cannot fail")
/// Returns a new Queueing Honey Badger instance that starts with the given transactions in its
/// buffer.
pub fn build_with_transactions<TI, R>(
mut self,
txs: TI,
rng: R,
) -> Result<QueueingHoneyBadgerWithStep<T, N, Q>>
TI: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
R: 'static + Rng + Send + Sync,
let mut qhb = QueueingHoneyBadger {
dyn_hb: self.dyn_hb,
batch_size: self.batch_size,
queue: self.queue,
rng: Box::new(rng),
let step = qhb.propose()?;
Ok((qhb, step))
/// A Honey Badger instance that can handle adding and removing nodes and manages a transaction
/// queue.
pub struct QueueingHoneyBadger<T, N: Rand, Q> {
/// The target number of transactions to be included in each batch.
batch_size: usize,
/// The internal `DynamicHoneyBadger` instance.
dyn_hb: DynamicHoneyBadger<Vec<T>, N>,
/// The queue of pending transactions that haven't been output in a batch yet.
queue: Q,
/// Random number generator used for choosing transactions from the queue.
#[derivative(Debug(format_with = "util::fmt_rng"))]
rng: Box<dyn Rng + Send + Sync>,
pub type Step<T, N, Q> = ::Step<QueueingHoneyBadger<T, N, Q>>;
impl<T, N, Q> DistAlgorithm for QueueingHoneyBadger<T, N, Q>
T: Contribution + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Clone,
N: NodeIdT + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Rand,
Q: TransactionQueue<T>,
type NodeId = N;
type Input = Input<T, N>;
type Output = Batch<T, N>;
type Message = Message<N>;
type Error = Error;
fn handle_input(&mut self, input: Self::Input) -> Result<Step<T, N, Q>> {
// User transactions are forwarded to `HoneyBadger` right away. Internal messages are
// in addition signed and broadcast.
match input {
Input::User(tx) => self.push_transaction(tx),
Input::Change(change) => self.vote_for(change),
fn handle_message(&mut self, sender_id: &N, message: Self::Message) -> Result<Step<T, N, Q>> {
self.handle_message(sender_id, message)
fn terminated(&self) -> bool {
fn our_id(&self) -> &N {
impl<T, N, Q> QueueingHoneyBadger<T, N, Q>
T: Contribution + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Clone,
N: NodeIdT + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Rand,
Q: TransactionQueue<T>,
/// Returns a new `QueueingHoneyBadgerBuilder` configured to use the node IDs and cryptographic
/// keys specified by `netinfo`.
pub fn builder(dyn_hb: DynamicHoneyBadger<Vec<T>, N>) -> QueueingHoneyBadgerBuilder<T, N, Q> {
/// Adds a transaction to the queue.
/// This can be called at any time to append to the transaction queue. The new transaction will
/// be proposed in some future epoch.
/// If no proposal has yet been made for the current epoch, this may trigger one. In this case,
/// a nonempty step will returned, with the corresponding messages. (Or, if we are the only
/// validator, even with the completed batch as an output.)
pub fn push_transaction(&mut self, tx: T) -> Result<Step<T, N, Q>> {
/// Casts a vote to change the set of validators.
/// This stores a pending vote for the change. It will be included in some future batch, and
/// once enough validators have been voted for the same change, it will take effect.
pub fn vote_for(&mut self, change: Change<N>) -> Result<Step<T, N, Q>> {
/// Handles a message received from `sender_id`.
/// This must be called with every message we receive from another node.
pub fn handle_message(&mut self, sender_id: &N, message: Message<N>) -> Result<Step<T, N, Q>> {
let step = self
.handle_message(sender_id, message)
for batch in &step.output {
/// Returns a reference to the internal `DynamicHoneyBadger` instance.
pub fn dyn_hb(&self) -> &DynamicHoneyBadger<Vec<T>, N> {
/// Returns `true` if we are ready to propose our contribution for the next epoch, i.e. if the
/// previous epoch has completed and we have either pending transactions or we are required to
/// make a proposal to avoid stalling the network.
fn can_propose(&self) -> bool {
if self.dyn_hb.has_input() {
return false; // Previous epoch is still in progress.
!self.queue.is_empty() || self.dyn_hb.should_propose()
/// Initiates the next epoch by proposing a batch from the queue.
fn propose(&mut self) -> Result<Step<T, N, Q>> {
let mut step = Step::default();
while self.can_propose() {
let amount = cmp::max(1, self.batch_size / self.dyn_hb.netinfo().num_nodes());
let proposal = self.queue.choose(&mut self.rng, amount, self.batch_size);
pub type Batch<T, N> = DhbBatch<Vec<T>, N>;