
309 lines
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//! Network tests for Queueing Honey Badger.
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
use hbbft::dynamic_honey_badger::{DynamicHoneyBadger, JoinPlan};
use hbbft::queueing_honey_badger::{Change, ChangeState, Input, QueueingHoneyBadger};
use hbbft::sender_queue::{Message, SenderQueue, Step};
use hbbft::{util, NetworkInfo};
use hbbft_testing::adversary::{Adversary, NodeOrderAdversary, ReorderingAdversary};
use hbbft_testing::proptest::{gen_seed, TestRng, TestRngSeed};
use hbbft_testing::{NetBuilder, NewNodeInfo, Node, VirtualNet};
use log::info;
use proptest::{prelude::ProptestConfig, proptest};
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
type NodeId = u16;
type QHB = SenderQueue<QueueingHoneyBadger<usize, NodeId, Vec<usize>>>;
// Send the second half of the transactions to the specified node.
fn input_second_half<A>(
net: &mut VirtualNet<QHB, A>,
id: NodeId,
num_txs: usize,
mut rng: &mut TestRng,
) where
A: Adversary<QHB>,
for tx in (num_txs / 2)..num_txs {
let _ = net.send_input(id, Input::User(tx), &mut rng);
/// Proposes `num_txs` values and expects nodes to output and order them.
fn test_queueing_honey_badger<A>(mut net: VirtualNet<QHB, A>, num_txs: usize, mut rng: &mut TestRng)
A: Adversary<QHB>,
let netinfo = net
.expect("At least one correct node needs to exist")
// Make two copies of all public keys.
let pub_keys_add = netinfo.public_key_map().clone();
let mut pub_keys_rm = pub_keys_add.clone();
// Get the first correct node id as candidate for removal/re-adding.
let first_correct_node = *net.correct_nodes().nth(0).unwrap().id();
// Remove the first correct node, which is to be removed.
// Broadcast public keys of all nodes except for the node to be removed.
let _ = net.broadcast_input(
&mut rng,
// Broadcast the first half of the transactions.
for tx in 0..(num_txs / 2) {
let _ = net.broadcast_input(&Input::User(tx), &mut rng);
// Closure for checking the output of a node for ChangeSet completion containing
// all nodes but the removed node.
let has_remove = |node: &Node<QHB>| {
node.outputs().iter().any(|batch| match batch.change() {
ChangeState::Complete(Change::NodeChange(pub_keys)) => pub_keys == &pub_keys_rm,
_ => false,
// Closure for checking the output of a node for ChangeSet completion containing
// all nodes, including the previously removed node.
let has_add = |node: &Node<QHB>| {
node.outputs().iter().any(|batch| match batch.change() {
ChangeState::Complete(Change::NodeChange(pub_keys)) => pub_keys == &pub_keys_add,
_ => false,
// Returns `true` if the node has not output all changes or transactions yet.
let node_busy = |node: &Node<QHB>| {
!has_remove(node) || !has_add(node) || !node.algorithm().algo().queue().is_empty()
// All nodes await removal.
let mut awaiting_removal: BTreeSet<_> = net.correct_nodes().map(|node| *node.id()).collect();
// All nodes but the removed node await addition.
let mut awaiting_addition: BTreeSet<_> = net
.map(|node| *node.id())
.filter(|id| *id != first_correct_node)
// All, including the previously removed node, await the second half of transactions.
let mut awaiting_second_half: BTreeSet<_> = awaiting_removal.clone();
// Whether the first correct node was rejoined as a validator.
let mut rejoined_first_correct = false;
// The removed first correct node which is to be restarted as soon as all remaining
// validators agreed to add it back.
let mut saved_first_correct: Option<Node<QHB>> = None;
// Handle messages in random order until all nodes have output all transactions.
while net.correct_nodes().any(node_busy) {
let stepped_id = net.crank_expect(&mut rng).0;
if awaiting_removal.contains(&stepped_id) && has_remove(&net.get(stepped_id).unwrap()) {
"{:?} has finished waiting for node removal; still waiting: {:?}",
stepped_id, awaiting_removal
if awaiting_removal.is_empty() {
info!("Removing first correct node from the test network");
saved_first_correct = net.remove_node(&first_correct_node);
// Vote to add the first correct node back.
if stepped_id != first_correct_node {
let _ = net.send_input(
"Input the vote to add the first correct node into {:?} with netinfo {:?}",
if awaiting_removal.is_empty() && awaiting_addition.contains(&stepped_id) {
// If the stepped node started voting to add the first correct node back,
// take a note of that and rejoin it.
if let Some(join_plan) =
.find_map(|batch| match batch.change() {
if pub_keys == &pub_keys_add =>
_ => None,
"{:?} has finished waiting for node addition; still waiting: {:?}",
stepped_id, awaiting_addition
if awaiting_addition.is_empty() && !rejoined_first_correct {
let node = saved_first_correct
.expect("first correct node wasn't saved");
let step = restart_node_for_add(&mut net, node, join_plan, &mut rng);
net.process_step(first_correct_node, &step)
.expect("processing a step failed");
rejoined_first_correct = true;
if rejoined_first_correct && awaiting_second_half.contains(&stepped_id) {
// Input the second half of user transactions into the stepped node.
input_second_half(&mut net, stepped_id, num_txs, &mut rng);
let node_1 = net
.expect("second correct node is missing");
/// Restarts specified node on the test network for adding it back as a validator.
fn restart_node_for_add<R, A>(
net: &mut VirtualNet<QHB, A>,
mut node: Node<QHB>,
join_plan: JoinPlan<NodeId>,
mut rng: &mut R,
) -> Step<QueueingHoneyBadger<usize, NodeId, Vec<usize>>>
R: rand::Rng,
A: Adversary<QHB>,
let our_id = *node.id();
println!("Restarting node {} with {:?}", node.id(), join_plan);
// TODO: When an observer node is added to the network, it should also be added to peer_ids.
let peer_ids: Vec<_> = net
.filter(|id| *id != node.id())
let secret_key = node.algorithm().algo().netinfo().secret_key().clone();
let (qhb, qhb_step) =
QueueingHoneyBadger::builder_joining(our_id, secret_key, join_plan, &mut rng)
.and_then(|builder| builder.batch_size(3).build(&mut rng))
.expect("failed to rebuild the node with a join plan");
let (sq, mut sq_step) = SenderQueue::builder(qhb, peer_ids.into_iter()).build(our_id);
*node.algorithm_mut() = sq;
sq_step.extend(qhb_step.map(|output| output, |fault| fault, Message::from));
// Allow passing `netinfo` by value. `TestNetwork` expects this function signature.
fn new_queueing_hb(
netinfo: Arc<NetworkInfo<NodeId>>,
seed: TestRngSeed,
) -> (QHB, Step<QueueingHoneyBadger<usize, NodeId, Vec<usize>>>) {
let mut rng: TestRng = TestRng::from_seed(seed);
let our_id = *netinfo.our_id();
let peer_ids = netinfo.all_ids().filter(|&&them| them != our_id).cloned();
let dhb = DynamicHoneyBadger::builder().build((*netinfo).clone());
let (qhb, qhb_step) = QueueingHoneyBadger::builder(dhb)
.build(&mut rng)
.expect("failed to build QueueingHoneyBadger");
let (sq, mut step) = SenderQueue::builder(qhb, peer_ids).build(our_id);
let output = step.extend_with(qhb_step, |fault| fault, Message::from);
(sq, step)
fn test_queueing_honey_badger_different_sizes<A, F>(
new_adversary: F,
num_txs: usize,
seed: TestRngSeed,
) where
A: Adversary<QHB>,
F: Fn() -> A,
// This returns an error in all but the first test.
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let mut rng: TestRng = TestRng::from_seed(seed);
let sizes = vec![3, 5, rng.gen_range(6, 10)];
for size in sizes {
// The test is removing one correct node, so we allow fewer faulty ones.
let num_adv_nodes = util::max_faulty(size - 1);
let num_good_nodes = size - num_adv_nodes;
"Network size: {} good nodes, {} faulty nodes",
num_good_nodes, num_adv_nodes
let (net, _) = NetBuilder::new(0..size as u16)
.message_limit(20_000 * size)
.using_step(move |node_info: NewNodeInfo<_>| {
// Note: The "seed" variable is implicitly copied by the move closure.
// The "Copy" trait is *not* implemented for TestRng, which additionally
// needs to be mutable, while we are in a function which captures immutably.
// To avoid convoluted clone/borrow constructs we pass a TestRngSeed
// rather than a TestRng instance.
new_queueing_hb(Arc::new(node_info.netinfo), seed)
.build(&mut rng)
.expect("Could not construct test network.");
test_queueing_honey_badger(net, num_txs, &mut rng);
proptest! {
#![proptest_config(ProptestConfig {
cases: 1, .. ProptestConfig::default()
fn test_queueing_honey_badger_random_delivery_silent(seed in gen_seed()) {
fn test_queueing_honey_badger_first_delivery_silent(seed in gen_seed()) {
fn do_test_queueing_honey_badger_random_delivery_silent(seed: TestRngSeed) {
test_queueing_honey_badger_different_sizes(ReorderingAdversary::new, 30, seed);
fn do_test_queueing_honey_badger_first_delivery_silent(seed: TestRngSeed) {
test_queueing_honey_badger_different_sizes(NodeOrderAdversary::new, 30, seed);