
496 lines
17 KiB

//! Tests the BinaryAgreement protocol with a MTIM adversary.
pub mod net;
use std::iter;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use hbbft::binary_agreement::{BinaryAgreement, MessageContent, SbvMessage};
use hbbft::threshold_sign::ThresholdSign;
use hbbft::{ConsensusProtocol, CpStep, NetworkInfo};
use proptest::{proptest, proptest_helper};
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use crate::net::adversary::{NetMutHandle, QueuePosition};
use crate::net::err::CrankError;
use crate::net::proptest::{gen_seed, TestRng, TestRngSeed};
use crate::net::{Adversary, NetBuilder, NetMessage};
type NodeId = usize;
type SessionId = u8;
type Algo = BinaryAgreement<NodeId, SessionId>;
/// The state of the current epoch's coin. In some epochs this is fixed, in others it starts
/// with in `InProgress`.
enum CoinState<N> {
/// The value was fixed in the current epoch, or the coin has already terminated.
/// The coin value is not known yet.
impl<N> CoinState<N> {
/// Returns the value, if this coin has already decided.
fn value(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match self {
CoinState::Decided(value) => Some(*value),
CoinState::InProgress(_) => None,
impl<N> From<bool> for CoinState<N> {
fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum MessageType {
fn message_type_and_content(msg: &MessageContent) -> Option<(MessageType, Option<bool>)> {
match msg {
MessageContent::SbvBroadcast(sbv_msg) => match sbv_msg {
SbvMessage::BVal(v) => Some((MessageType::BVal, Some(*v))),
SbvMessage::Aux(v) => Some((MessageType::Aux, Some(*v))),
MessageContent::Coin(_) => Some((MessageType::Coin, None)),
_ => None,
/// A boolean XOR a value from the state.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum BoolFromState {
struct Stage {
source_groups: &'static [usize],
dest_groups: &'static [usize],
msg_type: MessageType,
msg_contents: Option<BoolFromState>,
msg_count: usize,
// Group IDs
const A0: usize = 0;
const A1: usize = 1;
const B: usize = 2;
const F: usize = 3;
// Comments from https://github.com/amiller/HoneyBadgerBFT/issues/59#issue-310368284
const STAGES: &[Stage] = &[
// x sends BVAL(\neg v) to the nodes in A0
Stage {
source_groups: &[F],
dest_groups: &[A0],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::AEstimated(true)),
msg_count: NODES_PER_GROUP,
// and BVAL(v) to the nodes in A1.
Stage {
source_groups: &[F],
dest_groups: &[A1],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::AEstimated(false)),
msg_count: NODES_PER_GROUP,
// Also, all votes from nodes in B are delivered to all nodes in A.
Stage {
source_groups: &[B],
dest_groups: &[A0, A1],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: None,
// Messages within A0 are delivered.
// Thus nodes in A0 see |B|+|F|=f+1 votes for \neg v;
// so all nodes in A0 broadcast BVAL(\neg v)
// and all nodes in A0 see |A0|+|B|+|F|=2f+1 votes for \neg v;
// so all nodes in A0 broadcast AUX(\neg v).
Stage {
source_groups: &[A0],
dest_groups: &[A0],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: None,
// Then all messages within A1 are delivered,
Stage {
source_groups: &[A1],
dest_groups: &[A1],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: None,
// as well as the BVAL(v) messages from A0 to A1.
// Thus the nodes in A1 see |A0|+|A1|+|F|=2f+1 votes for v and broadcast AUX(v).
Stage {
source_groups: &[A0],
dest_groups: &[A1],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::AEstimated(false)),
// After this all messages within A are delivered
Stage {
source_groups: &[A0, A1],
dest_groups: &[A0, A1],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: None,
msg_count: (NODES_PER_GROUP * 2) * (NODES_PER_GROUP * 2 - 1),
Stage {
source_groups: &[A0, A1],
dest_groups: &[A0, A1],
msg_type: MessageType::Aux,
msg_contents: None,
msg_count: (NODES_PER_GROUP * 2) * (NODES_PER_GROUP * 2 - 1),
// and x sends both BVAL(0) and BVAL(1) to every node in A.
// Thus every node in A broadcasts both BVAL(0) and BVAL(1) and sets bin_values=\{0,1\}.
Stage {
source_groups: &[F],
dest_groups: &[A0, A1],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::AEstimated(false)),
msg_count: NODES_PER_GROUP * 2,
Stage {
source_groups: &[F],
dest_groups: &[A0, A1],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::AEstimated(true)),
msg_count: NODES_PER_GROUP * 2,
// !! Not mentioned in the GitHub issue, but seems necessary.
// F sends Aux(_) to A, because nodes in A need 2f+1 Aux messages
// before they broadcast their coins.
Stage {
source_groups: &[F],
dest_groups: &[A0, A1],
msg_type: MessageType::Aux,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::AEstimated(false)),
msg_count: NODES_PER_GROUP * 2,
// Now all nodes in A broadcast their threshold shares over the coin,
// so since |A|+|F|=2f+1, the adversary can construct the random coin value s.
Stage {
source_groups: &[A0, A1],
dest_groups: &[F],
msg_type: MessageType::Coin,
msg_contents: None,
msg_count: NODES_PER_GROUP * 2,
// The nodes in F send BVAL(\neg s) to all the nodes in B,
// and all the BVAL(\neg s) messages from nodes in A are delivered to all nodes in B.
// Thus all the nodes in B broadcast AUX(\neg s).
Stage {
source_groups: &[A0, A1, F],
dest_groups: &[B],
msg_type: MessageType::BVal,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::CoinValue(true)),
msg_count: (NODES_PER_GROUP * 2 + 1) * NODES_PER_GROUP,
// Deliver all AUX(\neg s) messages; there are 2f+1 of them,
// since either every node in A0 broadcast AUX(\neg s)
// or every node in A1 broadcast AUX(\neg s).
// Thus all nodes in B see 2f+1 AUX(\neg s) messages
// and get to the end of the round with bin_values=\neg s.
// Thus the nodes in B continue to the next round voting \neg s
// while the nodes in A continue to the next round voting s.
Stage {
source_groups: &[A0, A1, B, F],
dest_groups: &[B],
msg_type: MessageType::Aux,
msg_contents: Some(BoolFromState::CoinValue(true)),
msg_count: (NODES_PER_GROUP + 1) * (NODES_PER_GROUP)
// At this point all messages from the round are delivered, and the process repeats.
/// An adversary for the reordering attack.
/// Described here: https://github.com/amiller/HoneyBadgerBFT/issues/59#issue-310368284
/// Excluding the first node, which is F,
/// A0 is the first third of nodes, A1 is the second third, and the rest are B.
struct AbaCommonCoinAdversary {
stage: usize,
stage_progress: usize,
sent_stage_messages: bool,
epoch: u64,
coin_state: CoinState<NodeId>,
/// The estimated value for nodes in A.
a_estimated: bool,
// TODO this is really hacky but there's no better way to get this value
netinfo_mutex: Arc<Mutex<Option<Arc<NetworkInfo<NodeId>>>>>,
const NODES_PER_GROUP: usize = 2;
const NUM_NODES: usize = (NODES_PER_GROUP * 3 + 1);
impl AbaCommonCoinAdversary {
fn new<R: Rng>(
netinfo_mutex: Arc<Mutex<Option<Arc<NetworkInfo<NodeId>>>>>,
rng: &mut R,
) -> Self {
Self::new_with_epoch(netinfo_mutex, 0, false, rng)
fn new_with_epoch<R: Rng>(
netinfo_mutex: Arc<Mutex<Option<Arc<NetworkInfo<NodeId>>>>>,
epoch: u64,
a_estimated: bool,
rng: &mut R,
) -> Self {
AbaCommonCoinAdversary {
stage: 0,
stage_progress: 0,
sent_stage_messages: false,
coin_state: match epoch % 3 {
0 => CoinState::Decided(true),
1 => CoinState::Decided(false),
2 => {
let netinfo = netinfo_mutex
.expect("Adversary netinfo mutex not populated");
let coin_id = bincode::serialize(&(0 as SessionId, epoch))
.expect("Failed to serialize coin_id");
let mut coin = ThresholdSign::new_with_document(netinfo, coin_id)
.expect("Failed to set the coin's ID");
let _ = coin
.handle_input((), rng)
.expect("Calling handle_input on Coin failed");
_ => unreachable!(),
fn eval_state_bool(&self, state_bool: BoolFromState) -> bool {
match state_bool {
BoolFromState::AEstimated(v) => self.a_estimated ^ v,
BoolFromState::CoinValue(v) => {
.expect("State relied upon coin value before it was known")
^ v
fn inject_stage_messages(&mut self, net: &mut NetMutHandle<Algo, Self>) {
if self.sent_stage_messages {
self.sent_stage_messages = true;
if let Some(stage) = STAGES.get(self.stage) {
if stage.source_groups.iter().any(|&x| x == F) {
let contents = self.eval_state_bool(
.expect("Stage has adversary as source but no contents"),
let message_content = match stage.msg_type {
MessageType::BVal => MessageContent::SbvBroadcast(SbvMessage::BVal(contents)),
MessageType::Aux => MessageContent::SbvBroadcast(SbvMessage::Aux(contents)),
MessageType::Coin => {
panic!("Stage expected adversary node to send Coin message");
let message = message_content.with_epoch(self.epoch);
for &dst_grp in stage.dest_groups {
if dst_grp == F {
for i in 0..NODES_PER_GROUP {
let dst = 1 + NODES_PER_GROUP * dst_grp + i;
NetMessage::<Algo>::new(0, message.clone(), dst),
/// Should be called whenever stage_progress is changed.
fn on_stage_progress_update(&mut self) {
let stage_finished = STAGES
.map(|x| {
(x.msg_type == MessageType::Coin && self.coin_state.value().is_some())
|| self.stage_progress >= x.msg_count
if stage_finished {
self.stage += 1;
self.stage_progress = 0;
self.sent_stage_messages = false;
fn stage_matches_msg(&self, message: &NetMessage<Algo>) -> bool {
if let Some(stage) = STAGES.get(self.stage) {
let from = *message.from();
let src_group = if from == 0 {
} else {
(from - 1) / NODES_PER_GROUP
let to = *message.to();
let dst_group = if to == 0 {
} else {
(to - 1) / NODES_PER_GROUP
if let Some((ty, content)) = message_type_and_content(&message.payload().content) {
let content_matches = match (stage.msg_contents, content) {
(Some(x), Some(y)) => self.eval_state_bool(x) == y,
_ => true,
return stage.source_groups.iter().any(|&x| x == src_group)
&& stage.dest_groups.iter().any(|&x| x == dst_group)
&& stage.msg_type == ty
&& content_matches;
impl Adversary<Algo> for AbaCommonCoinAdversary {
fn pre_crank<R: Rng>(&mut self, mut net: NetMutHandle<Algo, Self>, rng: &mut R) {
self.inject_stage_messages(&mut net);
net.sort_messages_by(|a, b| {
.then_with(|| self.stage_matches_msg(b).cmp(&self.stage_matches_msg(a)))
let mut redo_crank = false;
if let Some(msg) = net.get_messages().front() {
if msg.payload().epoch == self.epoch && self.stage_matches_msg(&msg) {
self.stage_progress += 1;
if msg.payload().epoch > self.epoch {
// This assert should fail if the attack is prevented:
// assert_eq!(self.stage, STAGES.len());
let netinfo = self.netinfo_mutex.clone();
*self = Self::new_with_epoch(
.expect("Coin value not known at end of epoch"),
redo_crank = true;
if redo_crank {
self.pre_crank(net, rng);
fn tamper<R: Rng>(
&mut self,
_: NetMutHandle<Algo, Self>,
msg: NetMessage<Algo>,
_rng: &mut R,
) -> Result<CpStep<Algo>, CrankError<Algo>> {
if let MessageContent::Coin(ref coin_msg) = msg.payload().content {
let mut new_coin_state = None;
if let CoinState::InProgress(ref mut coin) = self.coin_state {
let res = coin.handle_message(msg.from(), *coin_msg.clone());
if let Ok(step) = res {
if let Some(coin) = step.output.into_iter().next() {
new_coin_state = Some(coin.parity().into());
if let Some(new_coin_state) = new_coin_state {
self.coin_state = new_coin_state;
proptest! {
fn reordering_attack(seed in gen_seed()) {
fn do_reordering_attack(seed: TestRngSeed) {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let mut rng: TestRng = TestRng::from_seed(seed);
let ids: Vec<NodeId> = (0..NUM_NODES).collect();
let adversary_netinfo: Arc<Mutex<Option<Arc<NetworkInfo<NodeId>>>>> = Default::default();
let (mut net, _) = NetBuilder::new(ids.iter().cloned())
&mut rng,
.using(move |info| {
let netinfo = Arc::new(info.netinfo);
if info.id == 0 {
*adversary_netinfo.lock().unwrap() = Some(netinfo.clone());
BinaryAgreement::new(netinfo, 0).expect("failed to create BinaryAgreement instance")
.build(&mut rng)
for id in ids {
if id == 0 {
// This is the faulty node.
} else if id < (1 + NODES_PER_GROUP * 2) {
// Group A
let _ = net.send_input(id, false, &mut rng).unwrap();
} else {
// Group B
let _ = net.send_input(id, true, &mut rng).unwrap();
while !net.nodes().skip(1).all(|n| n.algorithm().terminated()) {
net.crank_expect(&mut rng);
// Verify that all instances output the same value.
let mut estimated = None;
for node in net.nodes().skip(1) {
if let Some(b) = estimated {
} else {
assert_eq!(1, node.outputs().len());
estimated = Some(node.outputs()[0]);