
458 lines
15 KiB

extern crate bincode;
extern crate colored;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate hbbft;
extern crate itertools;
extern crate pairing;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rand_derive;
extern crate serde;
#[macro_use(Deserialize, Serialize)]
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate signifix;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, VecDeque};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::{cmp, u64};
use colored::*;
use docopt::Docopt;
use itertools::Itertools;
use rand::Rng;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;
use signifix::{metric, TryFrom};
use hbbft::crypto::SecretKeySet;
use hbbft::messaging::{DistAlgorithm, NetworkInfo, Step, Target};
use hbbft::queueing_honey_badger::{Batch, QueueingHoneyBadger};
const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const USAGE: &str = "
Benchmark example
benchmark [options]
benchmark (--help | -h )
benchmark --version
-h, --help Show this message.
--version Show the version of hbbft.
-n <n>, --nodes <n> The total number of nodes [default: 10]
-f <f>, --faulty <f> The number of faulty nodes [default: 0]
-t <txs>, --txs <txs> The number of transactions to process [default: 1000]
-b <b>, --batch <b> The batch size, i.e. txs per epoch [default: 100]
-l <lag>, --lag <lag> The network lag between sending and receiving [default: 100]
--bw <bw> The bandwidth, in kbit/s [default: 2000]
--cpu <cpu> The CPU speed, in percent of this machine's [default: 100]
--tx-size <size> The size of a transaction, in bytes [default: 10]
struct Args {
flag_n: usize,
flag_f: usize,
flag_txs: usize,
flag_b: usize,
flag_lag: u64,
flag_bw: u32,
flag_cpu: f32,
flag_tx_size: usize,
/// A node identifier. In the simulation, nodes are simply numbered.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Debug, Clone, Copy, Rand)]
pub struct NodeUid(pub usize);
/// A transaction.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Transaction(pub Vec<u8>);
impl Transaction {
fn new(len: usize) -> Transaction {
/// A serialized message with a sender and the timestamp of arrival.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct TimestampedMessage<D: DistAlgorithm> {
time: Duration,
sender_id: D::NodeUid,
target: Target<D::NodeUid>,
message: Vec<u8>,
impl<D: DistAlgorithm> Clone for TimestampedMessage<D>
D::Message: Clone,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
TimestampedMessage {
time: self.time,
sender_id: self.sender_id.clone(),
target: self.target.clone(),
message: self.message.clone(),
/// Performance parameters of a node's hardware and Internet connection. For simplicity, only the
/// sender's lag and bandwidth are taken into account. (I.e. infinite downstream, limited
/// upstream.)
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct HwQuality {
/// The network latency. This is added once for every message.
latency: Duration,
/// The inverse bandwidth, in time per byte.
inv_bw: Duration,
/// The CPU time multiplier: how much slower, in percent, is this node than your computer?
cpu_factor: u32,
/// A "node" running an instance of the algorithm `D`.
pub struct TestNode<D: DistAlgorithm> {
/// This node's own ID.
id: D::NodeUid,
/// The instance of the broadcast algorithm.
algo: D,
/// The duration for which this node's CPU has already been simulated.
time: Duration,
/// The time when this node last sent data over the network.
sent_time: Duration,
/// Incoming messages from other nodes that this node has not yet handled, with timestamps.
in_queue: VecDeque<TimestampedMessage<D>>,
/// Outgoing messages to other nodes, with timestamps.
out_queue: VecDeque<TimestampedMessage<D>>,
/// The values this node has output so far, with timestamps.
outputs: Vec<(Duration, D::Output)>,
/// The number of messages this node has handled so far.
message_count: usize,
/// The total size of messages this node has handled so far, in bytes.
message_size: u64,
/// The hardware and network quality of this node.
hw_quality: HwQuality,
impl<D: DistAlgorithm> TestNode<D>
D::Message: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
/// Creates a new test node with the given broadcast instance.
fn new(algo: D, hw_quality: HwQuality) -> TestNode<D> {
let mut node = TestNode {
id: algo.our_id().clone(),
time: Duration::default(),
sent_time: Duration::default(),
in_queue: VecDeque::new(),
out_queue: VecDeque::new(),
outputs: Vec::new(),
message_count: 0,
message_size: 0,
/// Handles the first message in the node's queue.
fn handle_message(&mut self) {
let ts_msg = self.in_queue.pop_front().expect("message not found");
self.time = cmp::max(self.time, ts_msg.time);
self.message_count += 1;
self.message_size += ts_msg.message.len() as u64;
let start = Instant::now();
let msg = bincode::deserialize::<D::Message>(&ts_msg.message).expect("deserialize");
let step = self
.handle_message(&ts_msg.sender_id, msg)
.expect("handling message");
self.time += start.elapsed() * self.hw_quality.cpu_factor / 100;
/// Handles the algorithm's output and messages.
fn send_output_and_msgs(
&mut self,
step: Step<<D as DistAlgorithm>::NodeUid, <D as DistAlgorithm>::Output>,
) {
let start = Instant::now();
let out_msgs: Vec<_> = self
.map(|msg| {
self.time += start.elapsed() * self.hw_quality.cpu_factor / 100;
let time = self.time;
.extend(step.output.into_iter().map(|out| (time, out)));
self.sent_time = cmp::max(self.time, self.sent_time);
for (target, message) in out_msgs {
self.sent_time += self.hw_quality.inv_bw * message.len() as u32;
self.out_queue.push_back(TimestampedMessage {
time: self.sent_time + self.hw_quality.latency,
sender_id: self.id.clone(),
/// Returns the time when the next message can be handled.
fn next_event_time(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
match self.in_queue.front() {
None => None,
Some(ts_msg) => Some(cmp::max(ts_msg.time, self.time)),
/// Returns the number of messages this node has handled so far.
fn message_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the size of messages this node has handled so far.
fn message_size(&self) -> u64 {
/// Adds a message into the incoming queue.
fn add_message(&mut self, msg: TimestampedMessage<D>) {
match self.in_queue.iter().position(|other| other.time > msg.time) {
None => self.in_queue.push_back(msg),
Some(i) => self.in_queue.insert(i, msg),
/// A collection of `TestNode`s representing a network.
pub struct TestNetwork<D: DistAlgorithm> {
nodes: BTreeMap<D::NodeUid, TestNode<D>>,
impl<D: DistAlgorithm<NodeUid = NodeUid>> TestNetwork<D>
D::Message: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Clone,
/// Creates a new network with `good_num` good nodes, and `dead_num` dead nodes.
pub fn new<F>(
good_num: usize,
dead_num: usize,
new_algo: F,
hw_quality: HwQuality,
) -> TestNetwork<D>
F: Fn(NodeUid, BTreeSet<NodeUid>) -> D,
let node_ids: BTreeSet<NodeUid> = (0..(good_num + dead_num)).map(NodeUid).collect();
let new_node_by_id = |id: NodeUid| {
TestNode::new(new_algo(id, node_ids.clone()), hw_quality),
let mut network = TestNetwork {
nodes: (0..good_num).map(NodeUid).map(new_node_by_id).collect(),
let initial_msgs: Vec<_> = network
.flat_map(|node| node.out_queue.drain(..))
/// Pushes the messages into the queues of the corresponding recipients.
fn dispatch_messages<Q>(&mut self, msgs: Q)
Q: IntoIterator<Item = TimestampedMessage<D>>,
for ts_msg in msgs {
match ts_msg.target {
Target::All => {
for node in self.nodes.values_mut() {
if node.id != ts_msg.sender_id {
Target::Node(to_id) => {
if let Some(node) = self.nodes.get_mut(&to_id) {
/// Handles a queued message in one of the nodes with the earliest timestamp.
pub fn step(&mut self) -> NodeUid {
let min_time = self
.expect("no more messages in queue");
let min_ids: Vec<NodeUid> = self
.filter(|(_, node)| node.next_event_time() == Some(min_time))
.map(|(id, _)| *id)
let next_id = *rand::thread_rng().choose(&min_ids).unwrap();
let msgs: Vec<_> = {
let node = self.nodes.get_mut(&next_id).unwrap();
/// Returns the number of messages that have been handled so far.
pub fn message_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the total size of messages that have been handled so far.
pub fn message_size(&self) -> u64 {
/// The timestamped batches for a particular epoch that have already been output.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct EpochInfo {
nodes: BTreeMap<NodeUid, (Duration, Batch<Transaction, NodeUid>)>,
impl EpochInfo {
/// Adds a batch to this epoch. Prints information if the epoch is complete.
fn add(
&mut self,
id: NodeUid,
time: Duration,
batch: &Batch<Transaction, NodeUid>,
network: &TestNetwork<QueueingHoneyBadger<Transaction, NodeUid>>,
) {
if self.nodes.contains_key(&id) {
self.nodes.insert(id, (time, batch.clone()));
if self.nodes.len() < network.nodes.len() {
let (min_t, max_t) = self
.map(|&(time, _)| time)
let txs = batch.len();
"{:>5} {:6} {:6} {:5} {:9} {:>9}B",
min_t.as_secs() * 1000 + max_t.subsec_nanos() as u64 / 1_000_000,
max_t.as_secs() * 1000 + max_t.subsec_nanos() as u64 / 1_000_000,
network.message_count() / network.nodes.len(),
metric::Signifix::try_from(network.message_size() / network.nodes.len() as u64)
/// Proposes `num_txs` values and expects nodes to output and order them.
fn simulate_honey_badger(
mut network: TestNetwork<QueueingHoneyBadger<Transaction, NodeUid>>,
num_txs: usize,
) {
// Returns `true` if the node has not output all transactions yet.
// If it has, and has advanced another epoch, it clears all messages for later epochs.
let node_busy = |node: &mut TestNode<QueueingHoneyBadger<Transaction, NodeUid>>| {
.map(|&(_, ref batch)| batch.len())
.sum::<usize>() < num_txs
// Handle messages until all nodes have output all transactions.
"Epoch Min/Max Time Txs Msgs/Node Size/Node".bold()
let mut epochs = Vec::new();
while network.nodes.values_mut().any(node_busy) {
let id = network.step();
for &(time, ref batch) in &network.nodes[&id].outputs {
let epoch = batch.epoch() as usize;
if epochs.len() <= epoch {
epochs.resize(epoch + 1, EpochInfo::default());
epochs[epoch].add(id, time, batch, &network);
/// Parses the command line arguments.
fn parse_args() -> Result<Args, docopt::Error> {
fn main() {
let args = parse_args().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
if args.flag_n <= 3 * args.flag_f {
let msg = "Honey Badger only works if less than one third of the nodes are faulty.";
println!("{}", msg.red().bold());
println!("Simulating Honey Badger with:");
println!("{} nodes, {} faulty", args.flag_n, args.flag_f);
"{} transactions, {} bytes each, ≤{} per epoch",
args.flag_txs, args.flag_tx_size, args.flag_b
"Network lag: {} ms, bandwidth: {} kbit/s, {:5.2}% CPU speed",
args.flag_lag, args.flag_bw, args.flag_cpu
let num_good_nodes = args.flag_n - args.flag_f;
let txs = (0..args.flag_txs).map(|_| Transaction::new(args.flag_tx_size));
let sk_set = SecretKeySet::random(args.flag_f, &mut rand::thread_rng());
let pk_set = sk_set.public_keys();
let new_honey_badger = |id: NodeUid, all_ids: BTreeSet<NodeUid>| {
let netinfo = NetworkInfo::new(
sk_set.secret_key_share(id.0 as u64),
.expect("Instantiate honey_badger")
let hw_quality = HwQuality {
latency: Duration::from_millis(args.flag_lag),
inv_bw: Duration::new(0, 8_000_000 / args.flag_bw),
cpu_factor: (10_000f32 / args.flag_cpu) as u32,
let network = TestNetwork::new(num_good_nodes, args.flag_f, new_honey_badger, hw_quality);
simulate_honey_badger(network, args.flag_txs);