
30 lines
946 B
Executable File

set -xe
# Enables additional cpu-specific optimizations.
export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings -C target-cpu=native"
# Currently, mlocking secrets is disabled due to secure memory limit issues.
export MLOCK_SECRETS=false
cargo clippy --all-targets -- --deny clippy::all
cargo clippy --all-features --all-targets -- --deny clippy::all
cargo fmt -- --check
# We only test with mocktography, to ensure tests aren't unreasonably long.
cargo test --features=use-insecure-test-only-mock-crypto --release
cargo doc
cargo deadlinks --dir target/doc/hbbft/
# TODO: Remove exception once https://github.com/poanetwork/hbbft/issues/415 is fixed.
cargo audit --ignore RUSTSEC-2019-0011
cd hbbft_testing
cargo clippy --all-targets -- --deny clippy::all
cargo fmt -- --check
cargo test --release
# TODO: Remove exception once https://github.com/poanetwork/hbbft/issues/415 is fixed.
cargo audit --ignore RUSTSEC-2019-0011
cd ..