package otto import ( "math" "testing" "time" ) func mockTimeLocal(location *time.Location) func() { local := time.Local time.Local = location return func() { time.Local = local } } // Passing or failing should not be dependent on what time zone we're in func mockUTC() func() { return mockTimeLocal(time.UTC) } func TestDate(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() time0 := time.Unix(1348616313, 47*1000*1000).Local() test(`Date`, "function Date() { [native code] }") test(`new Date(0).toUTCString()`, "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC") test(`new Date(0).toGMTString()`, "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") if false { // TODO toLocale{Date,Time}String test(`new Date(0).toLocaleString()`, "") test(`new Date(0).toLocaleDateString()`, "") test(`new Date(0).toLocaleTimeString()`, "") } test(`new Date(1348616313).getTime()`, 1348616313) test(`new Date(1348616313).toUTCString()`, "Fri, 16 Jan 1970 14:36:56 UTC") test(`abc = new Date(1348616313047); abc.toUTCString()`, "Tue, 25 Sep 2012 23:38:33 UTC") test(`abc.getYear()`, time0.Year()-1900) test(`abc.getFullYear()`, time0.Year()) test(`abc.getUTCFullYear()`, 2012) test(`abc.getMonth()`, int(time0.Month())-1) // Remember, the JavaScript month is 0-based test(`abc.getUTCMonth()`, 8) test(`abc.getDate()`, time0.Day()) test(`abc.getUTCDate()`, 25) test(`abc.getDay()`, int(time0.Weekday())) test(`abc.getUTCDay()`, 2) test(`abc.getHours()`, time0.Hour()) test(`abc.getUTCHours()`, 23) test(`abc.getMinutes()`, time0.Minute()) test(`abc.getUTCMinutes()`, 38) test(`abc.getSeconds()`, time0.Second()) test(`abc.getUTCSeconds()`, 33) test(`abc.getMilliseconds()`, time0.Nanosecond()/(1000*1000)) // In honor of the 47% test(`abc.getUTCMilliseconds()`, 47) _, offset := time0.Zone() test(`abc.getTimezoneOffset()`, offset/-60) test(`new Date("Xyzzy").getTime()`, math.NaN()) test(`abc.setFullYear(2011); abc.toUTCString()`, "Sun, 25 Sep 2011 23:38:33 UTC") test(`new Date(12564504e5).toUTCString()`, "Sun, 25 Oct 2009 06:00:00 UTC") test(`new Date(2009, 9, 25).toUTCString()`, "Sun, 25 Oct 2009 00:00:00 UTC") test(`+(new Date(2009, 9, 25))`, 1256428800000) format := "Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST" time1 := time.Unix(1256450400, 0) time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), time1.Month(), time1.Day(), time1.Hour(), time1.Minute(), time1.Second(), time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), time1.Month(), time1.Day(), time1.Hour(), time1.Minute(), time1.Second(), 2001*1000*1000, time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setMilliseconds(2001); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), time1.Month(), time1.Day(), time1.Hour(), time1.Minute(), 61, time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setSeconds("61"); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), time1.Month(), time1.Day(), time1.Hour(), 61, time1.Second(), time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setMinutes("61"); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), time1.Month(), time1.Day(), 5, time1.Minute(), time1.Second(), time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setHours("5"); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), time1.Month(), 26, time1.Hour(), time1.Minute(), time1.Second(), time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setDate("26"); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), 10, time1.Day(), time1.Hour(), time1.Minute(), time1.Second(), time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setMonth(9); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setMonth("09"); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) time0 = time.Date(time1.Year(), 11, time1.Day(), time1.Hour(), time1.Minute(), time1.Second(), time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setMonth("10"); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) time0 = time.Date(2010, time1.Month(), time1.Day(), time1.Hour(), time1.Minute(), time1.Second(), time1.Nanosecond(), time1.Location()).UTC() test(`abc = new Date(12564504e5); abc.setFullYear(2010); abc.toUTCString()`, time0.Format(format)) test(`new Date("2001-01-01T10:01:02.000").getTime()`, 978343262000) // Date() test(`typeof Date()`, "string") test(`typeof Date(2006, 1, 2)`, "string") test(` abc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Date, "parse"); [ abc.value === Date.parse, abc.writable, abc.enumerable, abc.configurable ]; `, "true,true,false,true") test(` abc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Date.prototype, "toTimeString"); [ abc.value === Date.prototype.toTimeString, abc.writable, abc.enumerable, abc.configurable ]; `, "true,true,false,true") test(` var abc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Date, "prototype"); [ [ typeof Date.prototype ], [ abc.writable, abc.enumerable, abc.configurable ] ]; `, "object,false,false,false") }) } func TestDate_parse(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(`Date.parse("2001-01-01T10:01:02.000")`, 978343262000) test(`Date.parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000")`, 1136214245000) test(`Date.parse("2006")`, 1136073600000) test(`Date.parse("1970-01-16T14:36:56+00:00")`, 1348616000) test(`Date.parse("1970-01-16T14:36:56.313+00:00")`, 1348616313) test(`Date.parse("1970-01-16T14:36:56.000")`, 1348616000) test(`Date.parse.length`, 1) }) } func TestDate_UTC(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(`Date.UTC(2009, 9, 25)`, 1256428800000) test(`Date.UTC.length`, 7) }) } func TestDate_now(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() // FIXME I think this too risky test(`+("", 10)`, float64(epochToInteger(timeToEpoch(time.Now()))/1000)) test(` -,2,3) < 24 * 60 * 60`, true) }) } func TestDate_toISOString(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(`new Date(0).toISOString()`, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") }) } func TestDate_toJSON(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(`new Date(0).toJSON()`, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") }) } func TestDate_setYear(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(`new Date(12564504e5).setYear(96)`, 846223200000) test(`new Date(12564504e5).setYear(1996)`, 846223200000) test(`new Date(12564504e5).setYear(2000)`, 972453600000) }) } func TestDateDefaultValue(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` var date = new Date(); date + 0 === date.toString() + "0"; `, true) }) } func TestDate_April1978(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` var abc = new Date(1978,3); [ abc.getYear(), abc.getMonth(), abc.valueOf() ]; `, "78,3,260236800000") }) } func TestDate_setMilliseconds(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` abc = new Date(); def = abc.setMilliseconds(); [ abc, def ]; `, "Invalid Date,NaN") }) } func TestDate_new(t *testing.T) { // FIXME? // This is probably incorrect, due to differences in Go date/time handling // versus ECMA date/time handling, but we'll leave this here for // future reference if true { return } tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` [ new Date(1899, 11).valueOf(), new Date(1899, 12).valueOf(), new Date(1900, 0).valueOf() ] `, "-2211638400000,-2208960000000,-2208960000000") }) } func TestDateComparison(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` var now0 =; var now1 = (new Date()).toString(); [ now0 === now1, Math.abs(now0 - Date.parse(now1)) <= 1000 ]; `, "false,true") }) } func TestDate_setSeconds(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setSeconds(10, 12); def.setSeconds(10); def.setMilliseconds(12); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setUTCSeconds(10, 12); def.setUTCSeconds(10); def.setUTCMilliseconds(12); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(`Date.prototype.setSeconds.length`, 2) test(`Date.prototype.setUTCSeconds.length`, 2) }) } func TestDate_setMinutes(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setMinutes(8, 10, 12); def.setMinutes(8); def.setSeconds(10); def.setMilliseconds(12); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setUTCMinutes(8, 10, 12); def.setUTCMinutes(8); def.setUTCSeconds(10); def.setUTCMilliseconds(12); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(`Date.prototype.setMinutes.length`, 3) test(`Date.prototype.setUTCMinutes.length`, 3) }) } func TestDate_setHours(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setHours(6, 8, 10, 12); def.setHours(6); def.setMinutes(8); def.setSeconds(10); def.setMilliseconds(12); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setUTCHours(6, 8, 10, 12); def.setUTCHours(6); def.setUTCMinutes(8); def.setUTCSeconds(10); def.setUTCMilliseconds(12); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(`Date.prototype.setHours.length`, 4) test(`Date.prototype.setUTCHours.length`, 4) }) } func TestDate_setMonth(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setMonth(6, 8); def.setMonth(6); def.setDate(8); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setUTCMonth(6, 8); def.setUTCMonth(6); def.setUTCDate(8); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(`Date.prototype.setMonth.length`, 2) test(`Date.prototype.setUTCMonth.length`, 2) }) } func TestDate_setFullYear(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setFullYear(1981, 6, 8); def.setFullYear(1981); def.setMonth(6); def.setDate(8); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(` abc = new Date(1980, 10); def = new Date(abc); abc.setUTCFullYear(1981, 6, 8); def.setUTCFullYear(1981); def.setUTCMonth(6); def.setUTCDate(8); abc.valueOf() === def.valueOf(); `, true) test(`Date.prototype.setFullYear.length`, 3) test(`Date.prototype.setUTCFullYear.length`, 3) }) } func TestDate_setTime(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test, _ := test() defer mockUTC()() test(` var abc = new Date(1999, 6, 1); var def = new Date(); def.setTime(abc.getTime()); [ def, abc.valueOf() == def.valueOf() ]; `, "Thu, 01 Jul 1999 00:00:00 UTC,true") test(`Date.prototype.setTime.length`, 1) }) }