// Copyright 2017 AMIS Technologies // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see . package container import ( "context" "crypto/ecdsa" "fmt" "log" "net" "os" "path/filepath" "time" "github.com/docker/docker/client" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" "github.com/phayes/freeport" "github.com/getamis/istanbul-tools/cmd/utils" "github.com/getamis/istanbul-tools/genesis" ) type Blockchain interface { AddValidators(numOfValidators int) ([]Ethereum, error) RemoveValidators(candidates []Ethereum, t time.Duration) error EnsureConsensusWorking(geths []Ethereum, t time.Duration) error Start(bool) error Stop(bool) error Validators() []Ethereum Finalize() CreateNodes(int, ...Option) ([]Ethereum, error) } func NewBlockchain(network *DockerNetwork, numOfValidators int, options ...Option) (bc *blockchain) { bc = &blockchain{opts: options} var err error bc.dockerClient, err = client.NewEnvClient() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot connect to Docker daemon, err: %v", err) } if network == nil { bc.defaultNetwork, err = NewDockerNetwork() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot create Docker network, err: %v", err) } network = bc.defaultNetwork } bc.dockerNetworkName = network.Name() bc.getFreeIPAddrs = network.GetFreeIPAddrs bc.opts = append(bc.opts, DockerNetworkName(bc.dockerNetworkName)) bc.addValidators(numOfValidators) return bc } func NewDefaultBlockchain(network *DockerNetwork, numOfValidators int) (bc *blockchain) { return NewBlockchain(network, numOfValidators, ImageRepository("quay.io/amis/geth"), ImageTag("istanbul_develop"), DataDir("/data"), WebSocket(), WebSocketAddress(""), WebSocketAPI("admin,eth,net,web3,personal,miner,istanbul"), WebSocketOrigin("*"), NAT("any"), NoDiscover(), Etherbase("1a9afb711302c5f83b5902843d1c007a1a137632"), Mine(), SyncMode("full"), Logging(false), ) } func NewDefaultBlockchainWithFaulty(network *DockerNetwork, numOfNormal int, numOfFaulty int) (bc *blockchain) { commonOpts := [...]Option{ DataDir("/data"), WebSocket(), WebSocketAddress(""), WebSocketAPI("admin,eth,net,web3,personal,miner,istanbul"), WebSocketOrigin("*"), NAT("any"), NoDiscover(), Etherbase("1a9afb711302c5f83b5902843d1c007a1a137632"), Mine(), SyncMode("full"), Logging(false)} normalOpts := make([]Option, len(commonOpts), len(commonOpts)+2) copy(normalOpts, commonOpts[:]) normalOpts = append(normalOpts, ImageRepository("quay.io/amis/geth"), ImageTag("istanbul_develop")) faultyOpts := make([]Option, len(commonOpts), len(commonOpts)+3) copy(faultyOpts, commonOpts[:]) faultyOpts = append(faultyOpts, ImageRepository("quay.io/amis/geth_faulty"), ImageTag("latest"), FaultyMode(1)) // New env client bc = &blockchain{} var err error bc.dockerClient, err = client.NewEnvClient() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot connect to Docker daemon, err: %v", err) } if network == nil { bc.defaultNetwork, err = NewDockerNetwork() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot create Docker network, err: %v", err) } network = bc.defaultNetwork } bc.dockerNetworkName = network.Name() bc.getFreeIPAddrs = network.GetFreeIPAddrs normalOpts = append(normalOpts, DockerNetworkName(bc.dockerNetworkName)) faultyOpts = append(faultyOpts, DockerNetworkName(bc.dockerNetworkName)) totalNodes := numOfNormal + numOfFaulty ips, err := bc.getFreeIPAddrs(totalNodes) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to get free ip addresses, err: %v", err) } keys, _, addrs := utils.GenerateKeys(totalNodes) bc.setupGenesis(addrs) // Create normal validators bc.opts = normalOpts bc.setupValidators(ips[:numOfNormal], keys[:numOfNormal], bc.opts...) // Create faulty validators bc.opts = faultyOpts bc.setupValidators(ips[numOfNormal:], keys[numOfNormal:], bc.opts...) return bc } func NewQuorumBlockchain(network *DockerNetwork, ctn ConstellationNetwork, options ...Option) (bc *blockchain) { bc = &blockchain{opts: options, isQuorum: true, constellationNetwork: ctn} bc.opts = append(bc.opts, IsQuorum(true)) bc.opts = append(bc.opts, NoUSB()) var err error bc.dockerClient, err = client.NewEnvClient() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot connect to Docker daemon, err: %v", err) } if network == nil { bc.defaultNetwork, err = NewDockerNetwork() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot create Docker network, err: %v", err) } network = bc.defaultNetwork } bc.dockerNetworkName = network.Name() bc.getFreeIPAddrs = network.GetFreeIPAddrs bc.opts = append(bc.opts, DockerNetworkName(bc.dockerNetworkName)) bc.addValidators(ctn.NumOfConstellations()) return bc } func NewDefaultQuorumBlockchain(network *DockerNetwork, ctn ConstellationNetwork) (bc *blockchain) { return NewQuorumBlockchain(network, ctn, ImageRepository("quay.io/amis/quorum"), ImageTag("latest"), DataDir("/data"), WebSocket(), WebSocketAddress(""), WebSocketAPI("admin,eth,net,web3,personal,miner,istanbul"), WebSocketOrigin("*"), NAT("any"), NoDiscover(), Etherbase("1a9afb711302c5f83b5902843d1c007a1a137632"), Mine(), Logging(false), ) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type blockchain struct { dockerClient *client.Client defaultNetwork *DockerNetwork dockerNetworkName string getFreeIPAddrs func(int) ([]net.IP, error) genesisFile string isQuorum bool validators []Ethereum opts []Option constellationNetwork ConstellationNetwork } func (bc *blockchain) AddValidators(numOfValidators int) ([]Ethereum, error) { // TODO: need a lock lastLen := len(bc.validators) bc.addValidators(numOfValidators) newValidators := bc.validators[lastLen:] if err := bc.start(newValidators); err != nil { return nil, err } // propose new validators as validator in consensus for _, v := range bc.validators[:lastLen] { istClient := v.NewIstanbulClient() for _, newV := range newValidators { if err := istClient.ProposeValidator(context.Background(), newV.Address(), true); err != nil { return nil, err } } } if err := bc.connectAll(true); err != nil { return nil, err } return newValidators, nil } func (bc *blockchain) EnsureConsensusWorking(geths []Ethereum, t time.Duration) error { errCh := make(chan error, len(geths)) quitCh := make(chan struct{}, len(geths)) for _, geth := range geths { go geth.ConsensusMonitor(errCh, quitCh) } timeout := time.NewTimer(t) defer timeout.Stop() var err error select { case err = <-errCh: case <-timeout.C: for i := 0; i < len(geths); i++ { quitCh <- struct{}{} } } return err } func (bc *blockchain) RemoveValidators(candidates []Ethereum, processingTime time.Duration) error { var newValidators []Ethereum for _, v := range bc.validators { istClient := v.NewIstanbulClient() isFound := false for _, c := range candidates { if err := istClient.ProposeValidator(context.Background(), c.Address(), false); err != nil { return err } if v.ContainerID() == c.ContainerID() { isFound = true } } if !isFound { newValidators = append(newValidators, v) } } // FIXME: It is not good way to wait validator vote out candidates <-time.After(processingTime) bc.validators = newValidators return bc.stop(candidates, false) } func (bc *blockchain) Start(strong bool) error { if err := bc.start(bc.validators); err != nil { return err } return bc.connectAll(strong) } func (bc *blockchain) Stop(force bool) error { if err := bc.stop(bc.validators, force); err != nil { return err } if bc.defaultNetwork != nil { err := bc.defaultNetwork.Remove() bc.defaultNetwork = nil return err } return nil } func (bc *blockchain) Finalize() { os.RemoveAll(filepath.Dir(bc.genesisFile)) } func (bc *blockchain) Validators() []Ethereum { return bc.validators } func (bc *blockchain) CreateNodes(num int, options ...Option) (nodes []Ethereum, err error) { ips, err := bc.getFreeIPAddrs(num) if err != nil { return nil, err } for i := 0; i < num; i++ { var opts []Option opts = append(opts, options...) // Host data directory dataDir, err := utils.GenerateRandomDir() if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to create data dir", err) return nil, err } opts = append(opts, HostDataDir(dataDir)) opts = append(opts, HostWebSocketPort(freeport.GetPort())) opts = append(opts, HostIP(ips[i])) opts = append(opts, DockerNetworkName(bc.dockerNetworkName)) geth := NewEthereum( bc.dockerClient, opts..., ) err = geth.Init(bc.genesisFile) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to init genesis", err) return nil, err } nodes = append(nodes, geth) } return nodes, nil } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (bc *blockchain) addValidators(numOfValidators int) error { ips, err := bc.getFreeIPAddrs(numOfValidators) if err != nil { return err } keys, _, addrs := utils.GenerateKeys(numOfValidators) bc.setupGenesis(addrs) bc.setupValidators(ips, keys, bc.opts...) return nil } func (bc *blockchain) connectAll(strong bool) error { for idx, v := range bc.validators { if strong { for _, vv := range bc.validators { if v.ContainerID() != vv.ContainerID() { if err := v.AddPeer(vv.NodeAddress()); err != nil { return err } } } } else { nextValidator := bc.validators[(idx+1)%len(bc.validators)] if err := v.AddPeer(nextValidator.NodeAddress()); err != nil { return err } } } return nil } func (bc *blockchain) setupGenesis(addrs []common.Address) { if bc.genesisFile == "" { bc.genesisFile = genesis.NewFile(bc.isQuorum, genesis.Validators(addrs...), ) } } func (bc *blockchain) setupValidators(ips []net.IP, keys []*ecdsa.PrivateKey, options ...Option) { for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ { var opts []Option opts = append(opts, options...) // Host data directory dataDir, err := utils.GenerateRandomDir() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed to create data dir", err) } opts = append(opts, HostDataDir(dataDir)) opts = append(opts, HostWebSocketPort(freeport.GetPort())) opts = append(opts, Key(keys[i])) opts = append(opts, HostIP(ips[i])) // Add PRIVATE_CONFIG for quorum if bc.isQuorum { ct := bc.constellationNetwork.GetConstellation(i) env := fmt.Sprintf("PRIVATE_CONFIG=%s", ct.ConfigPath()) opts = append(opts, DockerEnv([]string{env})) opts = append(opts, DockerBinds(ct.Binds())) } geth := NewEthereum( bc.dockerClient, opts..., ) err = geth.Init(bc.genesisFile) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed to init genesis", err) } bc.validators = append(bc.validators, geth) } } func (bc *blockchain) start(validators []Ethereum) error { for _, v := range validators { if err := v.Start(); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (bc *blockchain) stop(validators []Ethereum, force bool) error { for _, v := range validators { if err := v.Stop(); err != nil && !force { return err } } return nil } // Constellation functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type ConstellationNetwork interface { Start() error Stop() error Finalize() NumOfConstellations() int GetConstellation(int) Constellation } func NewConstellationNetwork(network *DockerNetwork, numOfValidators int, options ...ConstellationOption) (ctn *constellationNetwork) { ctn = &constellationNetwork{opts: options} var err error ctn.dockerClient, err = client.NewEnvClient() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot connect to Docker daemon, err: %v", err) } if network == nil { log.Fatalf("Network is required") } ctn.dockerNetworkName = network.Name() ctn.getFreeIPAddrs = network.GetFreeIPAddrs ctn.opts = append(ctn.opts, CTDockerNetworkName(ctn.dockerNetworkName)) ctn.setupConstellations(numOfValidators) return ctn } func NewDefaultConstellationNetwork(network *DockerNetwork, numOfValidators int) (ctn *constellationNetwork) { return NewConstellationNetwork(network, numOfValidators, CTImageRepository("quay.io/amis/constellation"), CTImageTag("latest"), CTWorkDir("/ctdata"), CTLogging(false), CTKeyName("node"), CTSocketFilename("node.ipc"), CTVerbosity(1), ) } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) setupConstellations(numOfValidators int) { // Create constellations ips, ports := ctn.getFreeHosts(numOfValidators) for i := 0; i < numOfValidators; i++ { opts := append(ctn.opts, CTHost(ips[i], ports[i])) othernodes := ctn.getOtherNodes(ips, ports, i) opts = append(opts, CTOtherNodes(othernodes)) ct := NewConstellation(ctn.dockerClient, opts...) // Generate keys ct.GenerateKey() ctn.constellations = append(ctn.constellations, ct) } } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) Start() error { // Run nodes for i, ct := range ctn.constellations { err := ct.Start() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to start constellation %v, err:%v\n", i, err) return err } } return nil } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) Stop() error { // Stop nodes for i, ct := range ctn.constellations { err := ct.Stop() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to stop constellation %v, err:%v\n", i, err) return err } } return nil } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) Finalize() { // Clean up local working directory for _, ct := range ctn.constellations { os.RemoveAll(ct.WorkDir()) } } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) NumOfConstellations() int { return len(ctn.constellations) } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) GetConstellation(idx int) Constellation { return ctn.constellations[idx] } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) getFreeHosts(num int) ([]net.IP, []int) { ips, err := ctn.getFreeIPAddrs(num) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Cannot get free ip, err: %v", err) } var ports []int for i := 0; i < num; i++ { ports = append(ports, freeport.GetPort()) } return ips, ports } func (ctn *constellationNetwork) getOtherNodes(ips []net.IP, ports []int, idx int) []string { var result []string for i, ip := range ips { if i == idx { continue } result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/", ip, ports[i])) } return result } type constellationNetwork struct { dockerClient *client.Client dockerNetworkName string getFreeIPAddrs func(int) ([]net.IP, error) opts []ConstellationOption constellations []Constellation }