
289 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Dario Castañé. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mergo
import (
type simpleTest struct {
Value int
type complexTest struct {
St simpleTest
sz int
Id string
type moreComplextText struct {
Ct complexTest
St simpleTest
Nt simpleTest
type pointerTest struct {
C *simpleTest
type sliceTest struct {
S []int
func TestNil(t *testing.T) {
if err := Merge(nil, nil); err != ErrNilArguments {
func TestDifferentTypes(t *testing.T) {
a := simpleTest{42}
b := 42
if err := Merge(&a, b); err != ErrDifferentArgumentsTypes {
func TestSimpleStruct(t *testing.T) {
a := simpleTest{}
b := simpleTest{42}
if err := Merge(&a, b); err != nil {
if a.Value != 42 {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: a.Value(%d) != b.Value(%d)", a.Value, b.Value)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(a, b) {
func TestComplexStruct(t *testing.T) {
a := complexTest{}
a.Id = "athing"
b := complexTest{simpleTest{42}, 1, "bthing"}
if err := Merge(&a, b); err != nil {
if a.St.Value != 42 {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: a.St.Value(%d) != b.St.Value(%d)", a.St.Value, b.St.Value)
if == 1 {
t.Fatalf("a's private field sz not preserved from merge: ==",,
if a.Id != b.Id {
t.Fatalf("a's field Id not merged properly: a.Id(%s) != b.Id(%s)", a.Id, b.Id)
func TestPointerStruct(t *testing.T) {
s1 := simpleTest{}
s2 := simpleTest{19}
a := pointerTest{&s1}
b := pointerTest{&s2}
if err := Merge(&a, b); err != nil {
if a.C.Value != b.C.Value {
//t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: a.C.Value(%d) != b.C.Value(%d)", a.C.Value, b.C.Value)
func TestPointerStructNil(t *testing.T) {
a := pointerTest{nil}
b := pointerTest{&simpleTest{19}}
if err := Merge(&a, b); err != nil {
if a.C.Value != b.C.Value {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: a.C.Value(%d) != b.C.Value(%d)", a.C.Value, b.C.Value)
func TestSliceStruct(t *testing.T) {
a := sliceTest{}
b := sliceTest{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
if err := Merge(&a, b); err != nil {
if len(b.S) != 3 {
if len(a.S) != len(b.S) {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly %d != %d", len(a.S), len(b.S))
a = sliceTest{[]int{1}}
b = sliceTest{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
if err := Merge(&a, b); err != nil {
if len(b.S) != 3 {
if len(a.S) != len(b.S) {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly %d != %d", len(a.S), len(b.S))
func TestMaps(t *testing.T) {
m := map[string]simpleTest{
"a": simpleTest{},
"b": simpleTest{42},
n := map[string]simpleTest{
"a": simpleTest{16},
"b": simpleTest{},
"c": simpleTest{12},
if err := Merge(&m, n); err != nil {
if len(m) != 3 {
t.Fatalf(`n not merged in m properly, m must have 3 elements instead of %d`, len(m))
if m["a"].Value != 0 {
t.Fatalf(`n merged in m because I solved non-addressable map values TODO: m["a"].Value(%d) != n["a"].Value(%d)`, m["a"].Value, n["a"].Value)
if m["b"].Value != 42 {
t.Fatalf(`n wrongly merged in m: m["b"].Value(%d) != n["b"].Value(%d)`, m["b"].Value, n["b"].Value)
if m["c"].Value != 12 {
t.Fatalf(`n not merged in m: m["c"].Value(%d) != n["c"].Value(%d)`, m["c"].Value, n["c"].Value)
func TestYAMLMaps(t *testing.T) {
thing := loadYAML("testdata/thing.yml")
license := loadYAML("testdata/license.yml")
ft := thing["fields"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
fl := license["fields"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
expectedLength := len(ft) + len(fl)
if err := Merge(&license, thing); err != nil {
currentLength := len(license["fields"].(map[interface{}]interface{}))
if currentLength != expectedLength {
t.Fatalf(`thing not merged in license properly, license must have %d elements instead of %d`, expectedLength, currentLength)
fields := license["fields"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
if _, ok := fields["id"]; !ok {
t.Fatalf(`thing not merged in license properly, license must have a new id field from thing`)
func TestTwoPointerValues(t *testing.T) {
a := &simpleTest{}
b := &simpleTest{42}
if err := Merge(a, b); err != nil {
t.Fatalf(`Boom. You crossed the streams: %s`, err)
func TestMap(t *testing.T) {
a := complexTest{}
a.Id = "athing"
c := moreComplextText{a, simpleTest{}, simpleTest{}}
b := map[string]interface{}{
"ct": map[string]interface{}{
"st": map[string]interface{}{
"value": 42,
"sz": 1,
"id": "bthing",
"st": &simpleTest{144}, // Mapping a reference
"zt": simpleTest{299}, // Mapping a missing field (zt doesn't exist)
"nt": simpleTest{3},
if err := Map(&c, b); err != nil {
m := b["ct"].(map[string]interface{})
n := m["st"].(map[string]interface{})
o := b["st"].(*simpleTest)
p := b["nt"].(simpleTest)
if c.Ct.St.Value != 42 {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: c.Ct.St.Value(%d) != b.Ct.St.Value(%d)", c.Ct.St.Value, n["value"])
if c.St.Value != 144 {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: c.St.Value(%d) != b.St.Value(%d)", c.St.Value, o.Value)
if c.Nt.Value != 3 {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: c.Nt.Value(%d) != b.Nt.Value(%d)", c.St.Value, p.Value)
if == 1 {
t.Fatalf("a's private field sz not preserved from merge: ==",, m["sz"])
if c.Ct.Id != m["id"] {
t.Fatalf("a's field Id not merged properly: c.Ct.Id(%s) != b.Ct.Id(%s)", c.Ct.Id, m["id"])
func TestSimpleMap(t *testing.T) {
a := simpleTest{}
b := map[string]interface{}{
"value": 42,
if err := Map(&a, b); err != nil {
if a.Value != 42 {
t.Fatalf("b not merged in a properly: a.Value(%d) != b.Value(%v)", a.Value, b["value"])
type pointerMapTest struct {
A int
hidden int
B *simpleTest
func TestBackAndForth(t *testing.T) {
pt := pointerMapTest{42, 1, &simpleTest{66}}
m := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := Map(&m, pt); err != nil {
var (
v interface{}
ok bool
if v, ok = m["a"]; v.(int) != pt.A || !ok {
t.Fatalf("pt not merged properly: m[`a`](%d) != pt.A(%d)", v, pt.A)
if v, ok = m["b"]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("pt not merged properly: B is missing in m")
var st *simpleTest
if st = v.(*simpleTest); st.Value != 66 {
t.Fatalf("something went wrong while mapping pt on m, B wasn't copied")
bpt := pointerMapTest{}
if err := Map(&bpt, m); err != nil {
if bpt.A != pt.A {
t.Fatalf("pt not merged properly: bpt.A(%d) != pt.A(%d)", bpt.A, pt.A)
if bpt.hidden == pt.hidden {
t.Fatalf("pt unexpectedly merged: bpt.hidden(%d) == pt.hidden(%d)", bpt.hidden, pt.hidden)
if bpt.B.Value != pt.B.Value {
t.Fatalf("pt not merged properly: bpt.B.Value(%d) != pt.B.Value(%d)", bpt.B.Value, pt.B.Value)
func loadYAML(path string) (m map[string]interface{}) {
m = make(map[string]interface{})
raw, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
_ = yaml.Unmarshal(raw, &m)