disable RSK testnet e2e tests

This commit is contained in:
Victor Baranov 2019-06-06 16:04:33 +03:00
parent 2ec7f015c7
commit 20c374b2ee
1 changed files with 72 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -7,84 +7,84 @@ const { screens, elements, NETWORKS } = require('../elements')
await f.delay(2000)
it('connects to RSK testnet', async function () {
await f.setProvider(NETWORKS.RSK_TESTNET)
await f.delay(2000)
// it('connects to RSK testnet', async function () {
// await f.setProvider(NETWORKS.RSK_TESTNET)
// await f.delay(2000)
// })
it('checks zero exchange rate for RSK testnet', async function () {
const balanceField = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.balance)
const balanceUSDField = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.balanceUSD)
await f.delay(2000)
const balance = await balanceField.getText()
const balanceUSD = await balanceUSDField.getText()
console.log('Balance = ' + parseFloat(balance))
console.log('balanceUSD = ' + parseFloat(balanceUSD))
assert.equal(parseFloat(balance) > 0.0001, true, 'Balance of account ' + account1 + ' is TOO LOW in RSK testnet !!! Please refill it!!!!')
assert.equal(parseFloat(balanceUSD), 0, 'USD balance of account is not zero')
// it('checks zero exchange rate for RSK testnet', async function () {
// const balanceField = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.balance)
// const balanceUSDField = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.balanceUSD)
// await f.delay(2000)
// const balance = await balanceField.getText()
// const balanceUSD = await balanceUSDField.getText()
// console.log('Balance = ' + parseFloat(balance))
// console.log('balanceUSD = ' + parseFloat(balanceUSD))
// assert.equal(parseFloat(balance) > 0.0001, true, 'Balance of account ' + account1 + ' is TOO LOW in RSK testnet !!! Please refill it!!!!')
// assert.equal(parseFloat(balanceUSD), 0, 'USD balance of account is not zero')
// })
it('opens RSK faucet', async function () {
await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.buyRSK)
const buttons = await f.driver.findElements(screens.main.buttons.buyRSK)
assert.equal(buttons.length, 1, 'main screen isn\'t displayed')
const buyButton = buttons[0]
const buyButtonText = await buyButton.getText()
assert.equal(buyButtonText, 'Buy', 'button has incorrect name')
await buyButton.click()
await f.delay(2000)
const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.buyEther.title)
assert.equal(await title.getText(), 'Buy RBTC', "screen 'Buy RBTC' has incorrect title text")
await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.buyEther.faucetLinkRSK)
const faucetButtons = await f.driver.findElements(screens.buyEther.faucetLinkRSK)
assert.equal(faucetButtons.length, 1, 'there is no faucet button on the screen')
const faucetLinkButton = faucetButtons[0]
assert.equal(await faucetLinkButton.getText(), 'RSK Testnet Test Faucet', "screen 'Buy RSK' has incorrect name for faucet link")
await faucetLinkButton.click()
await f.delay(3000)
const [tab0, tab1] = await f.driver.getAllWindowHandles()
await f.driver.switchTo().window(tab1)
const faucetLink = await f.driver.getCurrentUrl()
assert.equal(faucetLink, 'https://faucet.testnet.rsk.co/', 'Incorrect faucet link for RSK network')
await f.driver.close()
await f.driver.switchTo().window(tab0)
const arrow = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.buttonArrow)
await arrow.click()
await f.delay(2000)
// it('opens RSK faucet', async function () {
// await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.buyRSK)
// const buttons = await f.driver.findElements(screens.main.buttons.buyRSK)
// assert.equal(buttons.length, 1, 'main screen isn\'t displayed')
// const buyButton = buttons[0]
// const buyButtonText = await buyButton.getText()
// assert.equal(buyButtonText, 'Buy', 'button has incorrect name')
// await buyButton.click()
// await f.delay(2000)
// const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.buyEther.title)
// assert.equal(await title.getText(), 'Buy RBTC', "screen 'Buy RBTC' has incorrect title text")
// await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.buyEther.faucetLinkRSK)
// const faucetButtons = await f.driver.findElements(screens.buyEther.faucetLinkRSK)
// assert.equal(faucetButtons.length, 1, 'there is no faucet button on the screen')
// const faucetLinkButton = faucetButtons[0]
// assert.equal(await faucetLinkButton.getText(), 'RSK Testnet Test Faucet', "screen 'Buy RSK' has incorrect name for faucet link")
// await faucetLinkButton.click()
// await f.delay(3000)
// const [tab0, tab1] = await f.driver.getAllWindowHandles()
// await f.driver.switchTo().window(tab1)
// const faucetLink = await f.driver.getCurrentUrl()
// assert.equal(faucetLink, 'https://faucet.testnet.rsk.co/', 'Incorrect faucet link for RSK network')
// await f.driver.close()
// await f.driver.switchTo().window(tab0)
// const arrow = await f.waitUntilShowUp(elements.buttonArrow)
// await arrow.click()
// await f.delay(2000)
// })
it('opens send transaction screen', async function () {
const sendButton = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.sendRSK)
assert.equal(await sendButton.getText(), screens.main.buttons.sendText)
await f.click(sendButton)
// it('opens send transaction screen', async function () {
// const sendButton = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.sendRSK)
// assert.equal(await sendButton.getText(), screens.main.buttons.sendText)
// await f.click(sendButton)
// })
it('adds recipient address and amount', async function () {
const sendTranscationScreen = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.title)
assert.equal(await sendTranscationScreen.getText(), screens.sendTransaction.titleText, 'Transaction screen has incorrect titlr')
const inputAddress = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.field.address)
const inputAmmount = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.field.amount)
await inputAddress.sendKeys(account1)
await f.clearField(inputAmmount)
await inputAmmount.sendKeys('0.000001')
const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.buttonNext)
assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Next', 'button has incorrect name')
await f.click(button)
// it('adds recipient address and amount', async function () {
// const sendTranscationScreen = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.title)
// assert.equal(await sendTranscationScreen.getText(), screens.sendTransaction.titleText, 'Transaction screen has incorrect titlr')
// const inputAddress = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.field.address)
// const inputAmmount = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.field.amount)
// await inputAddress.sendKeys(account1)
// await f.clearField(inputAmmount)
// await inputAmmount.sendKeys('0.000001')
// const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.sendTransaction.buttonNext)
// assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Next', 'button has incorrect name')
// await f.click(button)
// })
it('confirms transaction', async function () {
const inputGasLimit = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.fields.gasLimit)
await f.clearField(inputGasLimit)
await inputGasLimit.sendKeys('31500')
const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.submit)
assert.equal(await button.getAttribute('value'), 'Submit', 'button has incorrect name')
await f.click(button)
// it('confirms transaction', async function () {
// const inputGasLimit = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.fields.gasLimit)
// await f.clearField(inputGasLimit)
// await inputGasLimit.sendKeys('31500')
// const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.submit)
// assert.equal(await button.getAttribute('value'), 'Submit', 'button has incorrect name')
// await f.click(button)
// })
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
const transactionAmount = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.transactionList)
assert.equal(await transactionAmount.getText(), '<0.001')
// it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
// const transactionAmount = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.transactionList)
// assert.equal(await transactionAmount.getText(), '<0.001')
// })
module.exports = RSKNetworkTests