e2e: improve stability #1

This commit is contained in:
dennistikhomirov 2018-12-06 22:16:58 -08:00
parent 8369b7c369
commit df77dcf657
1 changed files with 236 additions and 237 deletions

View File

@ -244,264 +244,263 @@ describe('Metamask popup page', async function () {
describe('Import Contract', async () => {
describe('Import Contract account', async () => {
const poaContract = '0xc6468767214c577013a904900ada0a0dd6653bc3'
const wrongAddress = '0xB87b6077D59B01Ab9fa8cd5A1A21D02a4d60D35'
const notContractAddress = '0x56B2e3C3cFf7f3921Dc2e0F8B8e20d1eEc29216b'
describe('Import Contract', async () => {
it('opens import account menu', async function () {
await setProvider(NETWORKS.ROPSTEN)
const menu = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.menu)
await menu.click()
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.import)
await item.click()
const importAccountTitle = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.title)
assert.equal(await importAccountTitle.getText(), screens.importAccounts.textTitle)
it('opens import account menu', async function () {
await setProvider(NETWORKS.ROPSTEN)
const menu = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.menu)
await menu.click()
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.import)
await item.click()
const importAccountTitle = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.title)
assert.equal(await importAccountTitle.getText(), screens.importAccounts.textTitle)
it("Warning's text is correct", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.warning)
assert.equal(await field.getText(), 'Imported accounts will not be associated with your originally created Nifty Wallet account seedphrase.', "incorrect warning's text")
it("Warning's text is correct", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.warning)
assert.equal(await field.getText(), 'Imported accounts will not be associated with your originally created Nifty Wallet account seedphrase.', "incorrect warning's text")
it("Select type 'Contract'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.selectArrow)
await field.click()
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.itemContract)
await item.click()
it("Select type 'Contract'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.selectArrow)
await field.click()
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.itemContract)
await item.click()
it("Field 'Address' is displayed", async function () {
await delay(2000)
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Address' isn't displayed")
await field.sendKeys(wrongAddress)
it("Field 'Address' is displayed", async function () {
await delay(2000)
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Address' isn't displayed")
await field.sendKeys(wrongAddress)
it("Button 'Import' is displayed", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Import' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
it("Button 'Import' is displayed", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Import' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
it('Error message if incorrect address', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.error)
assert.notEqual(field, false, 'no error message')
assert.equal(await field.getText(), 'Invalid contract address', 'incorrect text')
it('Error message if incorrect address', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.error)
assert.notEqual(field, false, 'no error message')
assert.equal(await field.getText(), 'Invalid contract address', 'incorrect text')
it('No error if contract address is correct', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Address' isn't displayed")
await field.sendKeys(poaContract)
it('No error if contract address is correct', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Address' isn't displayed")
await field.sendKeys(poaContract)
it("Click button 'Import' ", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await button.click()
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Import' isn't displayed")
it("Click button 'Import' ", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await button.click()
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Import' isn't displayed")
it("Field 'ABI' is displayed", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'ABI' isn't displayed")
it("Field 'ABI' is displayed", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'ABI' isn't displayed")
it("Field 'ABI' is empty if contract isn't verified in current network", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI)
assert.equal(await field.getText(), '', "field 'ABI' isn't displayed")
it("Fill 'Address' with not contract address , POA core", async function () {
await setProvider(NETWORKS.POA)
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
await clearField(field, 100)
await field.sendKeys(notContractAddress)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await button.click()
await waitUntilShowUp(elements.loader, 60)
await waitUntilDisappear(elements.loader, 60)
it("Field 'ABI' is empty if contract isn't verified in current network", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI)
assert.equal(await field.getText(), '', "field 'ABI' isn't displayed")
it("Fill 'Address' with not contract address , POA core", async function () {
await setProvider(NETWORKS.POA)
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
await clearField(field, 100)
await field.sendKeys(notContractAddress)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await button.click()
await waitUntilShowUp(elements.loader, 25)
await delay(2000)
await waitUntilDisappear(elements.loader, 25)
it.skip('Error message if not contract address', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.error)
assert.notEqual(field, false, 'no error message')
assert.equal(await field.getText(), 'This is not a contract address', 'incorrect text')
it.skip('Error message if not contract address', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.error)
assert.notEqual(field, false, 'no error message')
assert.equal(await field.getText(), 'This is not a contract address', 'incorrect text')
it("Fill 'Address' with valid contract , POA core", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
await clearField(field, 100)
await field.sendKeys(poaContract)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await button.click()
it("Fill 'Address' with valid contract , POA core", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractAddress)
await clearField(field, 100)
await field.sendKeys(poaContract)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await button.click()
it.skip('Correct ABI fetched ', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI)
assert.equal(await field.getText(), elements.poaABI, "ABI isn't fetched")
it.skip('Correct ABI fetched ', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.contractABI)
assert.equal(await field.getText(), elements.poaABI, "ABI isn't fetched")
it("Click button 'Import', main screen opens", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await click(button)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 20)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, "main screen isn't opened")
it("Click button 'Import', main screen opens", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.importAccounts.buttonImport)
await click(button)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 20)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, "main screen isn't opened")
it("Click button 'Send', 'Execute Method' screen opens", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.send)
await click(button)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 40)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, "main screen isn't opened")
describe('Execute Method', () => {
const outputData = '0xd70befce3cf1cc88119c8f4eb583ccd4c39d06e2'
const notContractAddress = '0x56B2e3C3cFf7f3921Dc2e0F8B8e20d1eEc29216b'
it("Click button 'Send', 'Execute Method' screen opens", async function () {
await driver.navigate().refresh()
await delay(2000)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.send)
await click(button)
it("Click button 'Send', 'Execute Method' screen opens", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.send)
await click(button)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 40)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, "main screen isn't opened")
it('title is displayed and correct', async function () {
const title = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.title)
assert.notEqual(title, false, 'title isn\'t displayed')
assert.equal(await title.getText(), screens.executeMethod.titleText, 'incorrect text')
it("Select method 'abstractStorageAddr'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow)
await field.click()
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.item0)
assert.notEqual(item, false, 'no drop down menu')
await click(item)
it("Button 'Call data' is displayed", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
it('method returns correct value', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed")
const text = await waitUntilHasText(field)
assert.equal(text, outputData, 'incorrect value was returned')
it("2nd call doesn't throw the error", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed")
const text = await waitUntilHasText(field)
assert.equal(text, outputData, 'incorrect value was returned')
it('Click arrow button leads to main screen', async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonArrow)
await click(button)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 40)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, "main screen isn't opened")
it("Click button 'Send', 'Execute Method' screen opens", async function () {
await driver.navigate().refresh()
await delay(2000)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.send)
await click(button)
it("Select method 'changeAbstractStorage'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow)
await field.click()
const items = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.item1)
assert.notEqual(items, false, 'no drop down menu')
const item = (await driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.item1))[1]
// await click(item)
await item.click()
it("Fill out parameter '_newAbstractStorageAddr'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParametr1)
await field.sendKeys(notContractAddress)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field address isn't displayed")
it("Click button 'Next'", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Next' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
describe('Choose Contract Executor', () => {
it('title is displayed and correct', async function () {
const title = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.title)
assert.notEqual(title, false, 'title isn\'t displayed')
assert.equal(await title.getText(), screens.chooseContractExecutor.titleText, 'incorrect text')
it('two accounts displayed', async function () {
const accs = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
assert.notEqual(accs, false, 'accounts aren\'t displayed')
const accounts = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
assert.equal(accounts.length, 3, "number of accounts isn't 2")
it("Button 'Next' is disabled by default", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.buttonNext)
assert.notEqual(button, false, 'button isn\'t displayed')
assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, 'button enabled by default')
it('User is able to select account', async function () {
await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
const accounts = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
const account = accounts[1]
await account.click()
const selected = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.selectedAccount)
assert.equal(selected.length, 1, "account isn't selected")
it('User is able to select only one account', async function () {
const account = (await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account))[2]
await account.click()
const selected = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.selectedAccount)
assert.equal(selected.length, 1, 'more than one accounts are selected')
it("Click button 'Next' open 'Confirm transaction' screen", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.buttonNext)
await button.click()
await delay(5000)
const reject = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.reject)
assert.notEqual(reject, false, "button reject isn't displayed")
await click(reject)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, 'main screen didn\'t opened')
it("Label 'CONTRACT' present", async function () {
const menu = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.menu)
await menu.click()
await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.labelImported)
const label = (await driver.findElements(menus.account.labelImported))[0]
assert.equal(await label.getText(), 'CONTRACT', 'label incorrect')
it('Delete imported account', async function () {
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.delete)
await item.click()
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.deleteImportedAccount.buttons.yes)
await button.click()
const buttonArrow = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.settings.buttons.arrow)
await buttonArrow.click()
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, 'main screen didn\'t opened')
describe('Execute Method', () => {
const outputData = '0xd70befce3cf1cc88119c8f4eb583ccd4c39d06e2'
const notContractAddress = '0x56B2e3C3cFf7f3921Dc2e0F8B8e20d1eEc29216b'
it("Click button 'Send', 'Execute Method' screen opens", async function () {
await driver.navigate().refresh()
await delay(2000)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.send)
await click(button)
it('title is displayed and correct', async function () {
const title = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.title)
assert.notEqual(title, false, 'title isn\'t displayed')
assert.equal(await title.getText(), screens.executeMethod.titleText, 'incorrect text')
it("Select method 'abstractStorageAddr'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow)
await field.click()
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.item0)
assert.notEqual(item, false, 'no drop down menu')
await click(item)
it("Button 'Call data' is displayed", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
it('method returns correct value', async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed")
const text = await waitUntilHasText(field)
assert.equal(text, outputData, 'incorrect value was returned')
it("2nd call doesn't throw the error", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonCall)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Call data' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldOutput)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field 'Output' isn't displayed")
const text = await waitUntilHasText(field)
assert.equal(text, outputData, 'incorrect value was returned')
it('Click arrow button leads to main screen', async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonArrow)
await click(button)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon, 40)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, "main screen isn't opened")
it("Click button 'Send', 'Execute Method' screen opens", async function () {
await driver.navigate().refresh()
await delay(2000)
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.buttons.send)
await click(button)
it("Select method 'changeAbstractStorage'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.selectArrow)
await field.click()
const items = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.item1)
assert.notEqual(items, false, 'no drop down menu')
const item = (await driver.findElements(screens.executeMethod.item1))[1]
// await click(item)
await item.click()
it("Fill out parameter '_newAbstractStorageAddr'", async function () {
const field = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.fieldParametr1)
await field.sendKeys(notContractAddress)
assert.notEqual(field, false, "field address isn't displayed")
it("Click button 'Next'", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.executeMethod.buttonNext)
assert.notEqual(button, false, "button 'Next' isn't displayed")
await button.click()
describe('Choose Contract Executor', () => {
it('title is displayed and correct', async function () {
const title = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.title)
assert.notEqual(title, false, 'title isn\'t displayed')
assert.equal(await title.getText(), screens.chooseContractExecutor.titleText, 'incorrect text')
it('two accounts displayed', async function () {
const accs = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
assert.notEqual(accs, false, 'accounts aren\'t displayed')
const accounts = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
assert.equal(accounts.length, 3, "number of accounts isn't 2")
it("Button 'Next' is disabled by default", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.buttonNext)
assert.notEqual(button, false, 'button isn\'t displayed')
assert.equal(await button.isEnabled(), false, 'button enabled by default')
it('User is able to select account', async function () {
await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
const accounts = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account)
const account = accounts[1]
await account.click()
const selected = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.selectedAccount)
assert.equal(selected.length, 1, "account isn't selected")
it('User is able to select only one account', async function () {
const account = (await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.account))[2]
await account.click()
const selected = await driver.findElements(screens.chooseContractExecutor.selectedAccount)
assert.equal(selected.length, 1, 'more than one accounts are selected')
it("Click button 'Next' open 'Confirm transaction' screen", async function () {
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.chooseContractExecutor.buttonNext)
await button.click()
await delay(5000)
const reject = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.confirmTransaction.button.reject)
assert.notEqual(reject, false, "button reject isn't displayed")
await click(reject)
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, 'main screen didn\'t opened')
it("Label 'CONTRACT' present", async function () {
const menu = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.menu)
await menu.click()
await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.labelImported)
const label = (await driver.findElements(menus.account.labelImported))[0]
assert.equal(await label.getText(), 'CONTRACT', 'label incorrect')
it('Delete imported account', async function () {
const item = await waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.delete)
await item.click()
const button = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.deleteImportedAccount.buttons.yes)
await button.click()
const buttonArrow = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.settings.buttons.arrow)
await buttonArrow.click()
const identicon = await waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.identicon)
assert.notEqual(identicon, false, 'main screen didn\'t opened')
describe('Sign Data', () => {