const inherits = require('util').inherits const PersistentForm = require('../../../lib/persistent-form') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const h = require('react-hyperscript') const actions = require('../../../../ui/app/actions') module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(RestoreVaultScreen) inherits(RestoreVaultScreen, PersistentForm) function RestoreVaultScreen () { } function mapStateToProps (state) { return { warning: state.appState.warning, forgottenPassword: state.appState.forgottenPassword, } } RestoreVaultScreen.prototype.render = function () { var state = this.props this.persistentFormParentId = 'restore-vault-form' return ( h('div', { style: { width: '100%', }, }, [ h('.section-title', { style: { height: '1px', width: '100%', }}), h('.initialize-screen.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow', { style: { paddingLeft: '30px', paddingRight: '30px', }, }, [ h('h3.flex-center', { style: { fontFamily: 'Nunito SemiBold', background: '#ffffff', color: '#333333', width: '100%', fontSize: '16px', padding: 30, }, }, [ h('.page-subtitle', 'Restore Vault'), ]), // wallet seed entry h('h3.flex-left', { style: { width: '100%', marginBottom: '20px', fontFamily: 'Nunito SemiBold', }, }, 'Wallet Seed'), h('textarea.twelve-word-phrase', { placeholder: 'Enter your secret twelve word phrase here to restore your vault.', }), // password h('input.large-input', { type: 'password', id: 'password-box', placeholder: 'New Password (min 8 chars)', dataset: { persistentFormId: 'password', }, style: { width: '100%', marginTop: 20, border: '1px solid #e2e2e2', }, }), // confirm password h('input.large-input', { type: 'password', id: 'password-box-confirm', placeholder: 'Confirm Password', onKeyPress: this.createOnEnter.bind(this), dataset: { persistentFormId: 'password-confirmation', }, style: { width: '100%', marginTop: 20, border: '1px solid #e2e2e2', }, }), (state.warning) && ( h('div', { style: { padding: '20px 0 0', width: '100%', }, }, [ h('', state.warning), ]) ), // submit h('.flex-row.flex-space-between.flex-right', { style: { marginTop: 20, width: '100%', }, }, [ // cancel h('button.btn-violet', { onClick: this.showInitializeMenu.bind(this), }, 'Cancel'), // submit h('button', { onClick: this.createNewVaultAndRestore.bind(this), }, 'Ok'), ]), ]), ]) ) } RestoreVaultScreen.prototype.showInitializeMenu = function () { if (this.props.forgottenPassword) { this.props.dispatch(actions.backToUnlockView()) } else { this.props.dispatch(actions.showInitializeMenu()) } } RestoreVaultScreen.prototype.createOnEnter = function (event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { this.createNewVaultAndRestore() } } RestoreVaultScreen.prototype.createNewVaultAndRestore = function () { // check password var passwordBox = document.getElementById('password-box') var password = passwordBox.value var passwordConfirmBox = document.getElementById('password-box-confirm') var passwordConfirm = passwordConfirmBox.value if (password.length < 8) { this.warning = 'Password not long enough' this.props.dispatch(actions.displayWarning(this.warning)) return } if (password !== passwordConfirm) { this.warning = 'Passwords don\'t match' this.props.dispatch(actions.displayWarning(this.warning)) return } // check seed var seedBox = document.querySelector('textarea.twelve-word-phrase') var seed = seedBox.value.trim() // true if the string has more than a space between words. if (seed.split(' ').length > 1) { this.warning = 'there can only be a space between words' this.props.dispatch(actions.displayWarning(this.warning)) return } // true if seed contains a character that is not between a-z or a space if (!seed.match(/^[a-z ]+$/)) { this.warning = 'seed words only have lowercase characters' this.props.dispatch(actions.displayWarning(this.warning)) return } if (seed.split(' ').length !== 12) { this.warning = 'seed phrases are 12 words long' this.props.dispatch(actions.displayWarning(this.warning)) return } // submit this.warning = null this.props.dispatch(actions.displayWarning(this.warning)) this.props.dispatch(actions.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, seed)) }