const assert = require('assert') const { menus, screens, NETWORKS } = require('../elements') const clipboardy = require('clipboardy') const createdAccounts = [] const accountCreation = async (f, password) => { const newAccountName = 'new name' it('sets provider type to localhost', async () => { await f.setProvider(NETWORKS.LOCALHOST) await f.delay(2000) }) it('copy icon is displayed and clickable', async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.iconCopy) await assert.notEqual(field, false, 'copy icon doesn\'t present') }) it("Account's address is displayed and has length 20 symbols", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.address) createdAccounts.push((await field.getText()).toUpperCase()) console.log(createdAccounts[0]) assert.notEqual(createdAccounts[0].length, 20, "address isn't displayed") }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.length, 42, "address account wasn't copied to clipboard") }) it('open \'Account name\' change dialog', async () => { const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.edit) await const accountName = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.fieldAccountName) assert.notEqual(accountName, false, '\'Account name\' change dialog isn\'t opened') assert.equal(await accountName.getAttribute('value'), 'Account 1', 'incorrect account name') }) it('fill out new account\'s name', async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.fieldAccountName) await field.clear() await field.sendKeys(newAccountName) }) it('dialog \'Account name\' is disappeared if click button \'Save\'', async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp( assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Save', 'button has incorrect name') assert.notEqual(button, true, 'button \'Save\' does not present') await const accountName = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.fieldAccountName, 10) assert.equal(accountName, false, '\'Account name\' change dialog isn\'t opened') }) it('account has new name', async () => { const accountMenu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const account1 = await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.account1) assert.equal(await account1.getText(), newAccountName, 'account\'s name didn\'t changed') await }) it('adds a second account', async () => { const accountMenu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.account.createAccount) await }) it("Account's address is displayed and has length 20 symbols", async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.main.address) createdAccounts.push((await field.getText()).toUpperCase()) console.log(createdAccounts[1]) assert.notEqual(createdAccounts[1].length, 20, "address isn't displayed") }) it('logs out of the vault', async () => { const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await await f.delay(500) const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(menus.sandwich.logOut) assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Log Out', 'button has incorrect name') await }) it('accepts account password after lock', async () => { const box = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.lock.fieldPassword) await box.sendKeys(password) const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.lock.buttonLogin) assert.equal(await button.getText(), 'Log In', 'button has incorrect name') await }) it('shows QR code option', async () => { const menu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await }) it('checks QR code address is the same as account details address', async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.QRcode.address) const text = await field.getText() assert.equal(text.toUpperCase(), createdAccounts[1], 'QR address doesn\'t match') }) it('copy icon is displayed and clickable', async () => { const field = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.QRcode.iconCopy) await assert.notEqual(field, false, 'copy icon doesn\'t present') }) it('Check clipboard buffer', async () => { const text = clipboardy.readSync() assert.equal(text.length, 42, "address account wasn't copied to clipboard") }) it('close QR code screen by clicking button arrow', async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp(screens.QRcode.buttonArrow) await }) it('user is able to open \'Info\' screen', async () => { const accountMenu = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await const item = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await }) it('screen \'Info\' has correct title', async () => { const title = await f.waitUntilShowUp( assert.equal(await title.getText(),, 'title is incorrect') }) it('close \'Info\' screen by clicking button arrow', async () => { const button = await f.waitUntilShowUp( await }) } const getCreatedAccounts = () => { return createdAccounts } module.exports = { accountCreation, getCreatedAccounts, }